Supprative lung disease 11\11 Flashcards
Enumerate suppurative lung disease
- purulent pleurisy ( empyema
- lung abscess
- bronchiactsis
Define empyema
accumulation of pus in the pleural spaces
causes of empyema:4
- complication of bacterial pneumonias: pneumococci, staph, H.influenza
- contamination introduced from chest trauma or surgery
- mediastinitis
- rupture of lung abscess or sub diaphragmatic abscess
keyword of causes of empyema
bacterial pneumonias
chest trauma or sugery برا
mediastinits جوه
rupture abscess جوه
CP: what are the symptoms of empyema 4
- fever 2. dyspnea 3. chest pain: +++ exaggerated by what?? de breath, cough, straining
4.. the child often lies on the affected side
IN which side does the child with empyema will lie
CP: signs of empyema:3 inspection palpation, percussion , auscultation
- Diminished movement of affected side, inspection
shift of trachea and mediastinum to the opposite side, palpation - Dullness on percussion
- Diminished breath sounds
complications of empyema2
bronchopleural fistula
pleural fibrosis:chronicity
investigations of empyema2
1.chest X ray : uni or bi Massive homogenous opacity ,,
obliterated costophrenic angle
mediastinal shift of the opposite side
2. Thoracocentesis and culture of pus
what is the treatment of empyema3
- Immediate closed drainage of pus by an underwater seal or continuous suction
- systemic antibiotic : 3-4 weeks according to culture and sensitivity
- surgical decortication: of chronic cases
Define lung abscess
it is a suppurative process resulting in destruction of the pulmonary parenchyma with formation of a cavity containing purulent material.
may be acute less than 6 weeks or chronic more than 6 weeks
what is the duration to differentiate of acute and chronic lung abscess
6 weeks
what is the etiology or causes of lung abscess:AB:4
A: aspiration of infected material or foreign body
B: secondary: 1. pueumonia 2. TB and bronchiectasis
3. Amebic abscess: rare in child 4. metastatic abscess: uncommon as from septic emboli
or thrombophlebitis
CP:symptoms of lung abscess5
dyspnea and pain
1. insidious onset of fever 2. anorexia 3. weight loss
4. cough often with hemoptysis and copious amounts of foul smelling purulent sputum
5. followed by marked relief of symptoms
what are the signs of lung abscess:3 auscultation
- respiratory distress 2.diminshied air entry 3. localizing bronchial breathing
what are the complications of lung abscess3
the other topics of the lecture
- empyema or pneumothorax
- bronchiectasis
- spread of infection local or systemic
what are the investigations for lung abscess 3
- chest x ray or CT BETTER: a cavity with or without air fluid level surrounded by consolidation
- sputum culture and sensitivity
- bronchoscopy and BAl culture
what is the treatment of lung abscesse3
- prolonged antibiotic therapy : for 6 weeks: 3 IV and then 3 oral according to culture and
- bronchscopy : only to identify and remove a foreign body
3, resection of the affected lobe : in children with recurrent severe hemoptysis or chronic
Define Broncheicatasis
obstruction + chronic inflammation
it is a condition characterized by dilatation of the bronchi with destruction of the bronchial and peribronchial tissues and accumulation of exudative material inside bronchi
etiology of bronchiatsis AB
A: congenital
B; acquired : usually due to chronic pulmonary infection as:
1.foreigh body 2. enlarged broncho-pulmonary nodes due to TB
3. lung abscess or localized cysts 4, immotile cilia syndrome
5. cystic fibrosis 6. asthma 7. immunodeficiency
8. gastroesophageal reflux.
what are the affected lobs parts of bronchiectasis
bassal segments of the lower lobes……… right middle lobe……. lingular segment of left upper lob
what is the classification of bronchiectasis
Anatomical: localized or diffuse
Etiological: cystic fibrosis and Non- cystic
CP: symptoms of bronchiectasis3
- fever, anorexia, poor weight gain are common
- chronic cough : with expectoration of copious fetid mucopurulent sputum, usually changing with posture
- hemoptysis may occur
what are the signs of bronchiectasis3
- chest signs: musical rales may heard over the affected area as well signs of consolidation and fibrosis
- clubbing of fingers is usually seen
3, if extensive there is : persistent dyspnea and delayed physical growth
what are the complications of bronchiectasis2
- pulmonary hypertension may comp…. cor-pulmonale
- respiratory failure
what are the investigations of bronchietasis2
- chest x ray: may show honeycomb or soap bubble appearance
- CT scan of the chest confirms the diagnosis. GOLD STAND: DIAGNOSTIC
what is the treatment of bronchiectasis 4
- Effective postural drainage and chest physiotherapy
- antibiotic accordign to culture
- bronchodilators and symptomatic
- in localized cases : lobar resection
what is the primary infection with TB 3
- the lung is the portal for 98% of cases
- the local infection constitutes the primary complex: gohns foucs, lymphang, lymphadeni
- most lesions heal slowly by fibrosis and may calcify
what are the TB complications5: spread ……. pleura
- local spread 2. bronchial spread 3. hematogenous causing miliary TB
- pleural effusion : in older children as hypersensitivity reaction
- empyema , caseation and cavitation : more in malnourished children
pleural effusion common in which children……older
empyema as compl of tb common in which child ……. malnutri
tell about secondary infection of TB
mostly seem in adults as a reactivation or reinfection
CP; of pulmonary TB3
- general : loss of appetite , weight , night sweat , night fever
- chronic cough: MAIN SYMPTOM
A.sputum may be mucoid , purulent or blood B. may complain of localized wheezing
C. recurrent colds or pneumonia for months before diagnosis, with response to routine treatment - chest signs:
what is the main symptom of pulmonary TB
chronic cough
what are the chest signs of TB4 : according to the lesion
- IN pneumonic : may be signs of consolidation
- IN pleural effusion : physical signs of effusion may be detected
- IN fibrosis : deviation if the trachea and mediastinum to the same side
- IN compression of the trachea and bronchi by tb lymph nodes: wheezes may be noticed
Should be differentiated from asthma
what are the diagnostic investigations :8
- CBC: lymphocytois 3. Tuberclin test: Mantoux test MOST important diagnostic tool
- esr: very high above 100 4, culture: sputum or gastric aspirate, directZN, on LS media 4 weeks, bactic 10 days
5, quantiferon tb test: GOOD negative : IFN release from T cell
6, biopsy of nodes or pleura 7. radiology: x ray or CT - ELISA and PCR