Supply Flashcards
What are the Readiness Divisions in supply
S1, S6, S8, S9(S8A)
What is S1 dvision
Where is S1 division located
Port side past frame 128
What is S6 division
Primary point of contact for all aviation material requirements
Where is S6 division loacted
Forward of AIMD tunnel
What is S8 division
Shipping and receiving/consumable division that deals with general stores
Where is S8 division located
Aft hangar bay 3
What is S8A or S9
Where is S9 hazmat located
Frame 156 hangar bay 2
How many sections in S6 division
2 SRS and CCS
How many units in SRS
What is RCU
Requisition Control Unit
What is TRU
Technical Research Unit
What is PMU
Program Management Unit
What is MDU
Material Delivery Unit(expeditors of high priority requisitions)
What is PEB
Pre-expended Bins(not onboard)
How many units in CCS
What is DCU
Document Control Unit
What is LRCA
Local Repair Cycle Assets
What is AWP
Awaiting Parts Unit
What is SSU
Supply Screening Unit
What is advice code 5G
Turn in required immediately(1 for 1 exchange)
What is advice code 5S
Remain in place until new item is received(24 hours to return part after receiving new part)
What is AVDLR
Aviation Depot Level Repairable
What are the two prices of AVDLR
Unit price, Net price
What is Unit price
Total cost of the part
What is Net price
Repair cost of the part usually 10-30% of the unit price
Material control acts as what between O level and I level
Liason between supply and aviation maintenance
What is RFI
Ready for issue
What color is the tag for NRFI
What is NRFI
Not ready for issue
What color is the tag for NRFI
What is RPPO
Repair parts petty officer
What is MOV
Material obligation validation
What is FEDLOG
Federal logistics
What is DD 1348-1A
When receiving material customer must circle, sign and date receipt
What is ICRL
Individual component repair list
What is CRIPL
Consolidated remain in place list
What is NMCS
Not mission capable supply
What is PMCS
Partial mission capable supply
What is NIIN
National item identification number
How many digits does the NIIN have
What is NSN
National stock number
How many digits does the NSN have
What is AVDLR
Aviation depot level repair
How many levels of maintenance are there
What are the levels of maintenance
O, I, D
What is IMA
Intermediate maintenance activity
What is BCM
Beyond capability of maintenance
What is OPTAR
Operating target
What is IMRL
Individual material readiness list
What is SE
Support equipment
How many categories of hazmat are there
What are the categories of hazmat
Flammable, aerosol, toxic, corrosive, oxidizing, compressed gasses
Why don’t we mix hazmat
Explosion, toxic gas, fire
What is MSDS
Material safety data sheet
5100.19E hazmat chapter
What are the hazmat PPE
Goggles, mask, gloves foot protection
How do you label hazmat
Double bag labled with material name, nsn, j-dial, work center and point of contact