Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare and Firefighting Flashcards
4 types of chemical agents
Nerve, Blister, Blood, Choking
M9 Paper
Detects chemical agent by turning red
Atropine/2PAM Chloride
Injection therapy for nerve agents
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions
Organisms that produce them and the physiological affects on humans
Individual Protective Equipment for Chemical/Biological warfare
Protective mask, advanced chemical protective garment, chemical protective gloves, chemical protective boots, skin decontamination kit
High altitude air burst
over 100,000 feet, with ionosphere disruption and EMP
Air burst
Does not reach the surface, vacuum created collects debris causing radiation fallout
Surface burst
Worst fallout, fireball touching the surface creating massive radioactive fallout
Shallow underwater burst
Small fireball and blast wave, causing water contamination
Deep underwater burst
Similar to shallow underwater burst, but does greater contaminated water
Mission oriented protective posture
How many MOPP levels
MOPP level 0
Issue IPE
MOPP level 1
IPE readily accessible
MOPP level 2
Mask carried, decon supplies
MOPP level 3
GQ, install filters, don boots
MOPP level 4
Don mask, circle william, washdown
Fire triangle
Heat, fuel, oxygen
Fire tetrahedron
Heat, fuel, oxygen, chemical reaction
Alpha fire
Wood, cloth, paper products. Creates Ash
Agent for Alpha fire
Bravo fire
Flammable liquids
Agent for Bravo fire
AFFF, PKP, CO2 Halon
Charlie fire
Energized electrical
Agent for Charlie fire
CO2, H2O fog pattern, Halon, PKP (last resort)
Delta fire
Combustible Metals
Agent for Delta fire
Percent AFFF approved for naval use
3% and 6%
Firefighting agents
AFFF, H2O, Halon, CO2, PKP