Supplementary Procedures Flashcards
CSFF Dispatch Criteria
- Temperature +4C or more,
- Fuel Temperature -16C or more,
- No precipitation or visibilty 1SM or more
- Frost only present within CSFF area
Altitude Intervention Cruise Descent
- More than 50NM from T/D: CRZ descent,
- More than 50NM from T/D and selected altitude below any contraint: Early descent,
- Less than 50NM from T/D: Early descent.
Vertical RNP 125FT Reason
- Alerts occurs at about 75FT difference,
- That provides ANP will be 50FT at all times.
CDS/STBY Altimeter Difference
- CDS/CDS: 50FT / 60FT (5000FT threshold),
- CDS/STBY: 60FT, 80FT/5000FT, 120FT/10000FT,
- High Level CDS/STBY: 400FT/29000FT, above 500FT
PWS Test
- Deselect TEST,
- Select TEST.
Fueling Pressure
- 50psi,
- 1136lt/min
GPWS Long Test
Push and hold TEST until aurals heard
Contamination Limitation
- Slush, Wet Snow, Standing Water: 13mm,
- Dry Snow: 101mm
Freezing Condition (Company)
- OAT 3C or below and,
- Visible moisture (1600m or precipitation) or,
- Ice, snow, slush or standing water present on the ground,
- Standing water: Depth 4mm or more
Cold Weather Engine Idling
- When ambient temperature below -35C,
- Idle for 2 minutes
- Might be oil overpressure,
- When oil temperature recovers oil pressure must recover too,
- Otherwise shut down the engine.
- Increase thrust to maximum 30% N1.
Wing Anti-Ice Limitation On the Ground
Don’t use when TYPE II or IV fluids used
Cold Weather IDG Stabilization
Up to 5 minutes required
Engine Run-Up
Required when OAT 3C or below and EAI used:
- Minimum 70% N1 for 30s and 30min intervals at longest,
- Freezing rain, drizzle, fog or heavy snow: 70%, 1sec, 10min,
- Before takeoff: 70% N1, 30s
Fan Ice Removal
- ENGINE START swtiches FLT,
- A/T Disengage,
- Thrust minimum 80% N1 for 1sec (one engine at a time),
- Wait 15s to vibration stabilize
- 15min intervals,
- If vibration > 4, do the related checklist.
Wing Anti-ice Usage
- Primarily de-icer,
- Anti-icer only during extended operations (holding)
Wing Anti-ice Altitude Limit
Above FL350 may cause BLEED trip off
Cold Altitude Correction Exemption
- While under radar vectors,
- While maintaining ATC assigned Flight Level,
- Above 0C
Cold Weather After Landing Flaps
Keep at 15 when ice, snow, slush, standing water present
Operation in Moderate to Heavy Rain, Hail, Sleet
- ENGINE START switches: CONT,
- A/T: Disengage,
- Thrust levers: Adjust slowly,
- IAS/MACH: Use slower speed.
Sandy Environment Engine Start
- Use filtered ground cart instead of APU,
- Motor the engine for 2min before IDLE detent to remove contaminants
Sandy Environment Taxi
- For cooling use APU instead of ENGINE BLEEDs,
- Maximum 40% N1 and 10KT,
- Maintain greater seperation from other aircrafts,
- Turn away from wind for 180 turns,
- Avoid complete stop and excessive braking.
Sand Environment Takeoff
- Use maximum derate/assumed temperature,
- Make No Engine Bleed T/O (Unpressurized T/O if temp permits),
- Allow sand to settle before T/O,
- Don’t T/O into the sand/dust clouds,
- Use rolling T/O,
- Consider delaying flaps retraction until above dust cloud.
Sand Environment Landing
- Make No Engine Bleed Landing (Unpressurized if temp permits),
- Minimize reverse thrust usage,
Severe Turbulence
- Speed: 280/.76, 250 below 15000FT during descent or TURB N1,
- Yaw Damper engaged,
- CWS without ALT HLD,
- Autothrottle disengage,
- Wing level, set trim for speed then don’t change trim,
- Don’t chase ALTITUDE,
- ENGINE START switches: FLT,
T/O Procedure For Forecasted Windshear
- FULL thrust,
- FLAPS 5, 10, 15,
- May increase to Vr + 20,
- Know all-engine initial climb pitch attitude (15)
Landing Procedure For Forecasted Windshear
- Use FLAP 30,
- Avoid large thrust reductions or trim changes
Ice Crystal Icing Recognition
- Rain on windshield while temperature too cold,
- Light to moderate turbulence,
- In IMC and heavy precipitation below airplane (amber/red),
- High cloudtops (above tropopause),
- Smell of ozone or sulfur,
- Static discharge around the windshield
- Fan Ice Removal won’t help
Ice Crytal Encounter
- Avoid climb or descent to exit,
- Exit via laterally,
- Do the checklist