QRH Flashcards
Engine Failure Pattern
- PM calls “ENGINE FAILURE/FIRE” without indicating which engine,
- PM assist in correct tracking by alerting PF to any needed correction,
- At 400FT AGL PF verifies or asks for HDG SEL and calls “STATE MALFUNCTION”,
- For memory items PF calls by checklist title “ENGINE FIRE SEVERE DAMAGE OR SEPERATION MEMORY ITEMS”,
- At MFRA bug up and retract flaps on scheudle,
- Call ATC immediately after the “BUG UP” call and declare PAN or MAYDAY,
- After the PM calls “FLAPS UP NO LIGHTS” PF calls “LEVEL CHANGE, MCT” and engages A/P,
- PM will select LVL CHG and confirm MCT (must be within 5 minutes after T/O),
- Fly at Up speed until above MSA,
- Complete After T/O Checklist,
UK Airfields Fire Frequency
RTO Pattern
- “STOP”: Thrust levers, A/T, Speed Brake, Reversers,
- CPT: Set Parking Brake, F/O: Flaps 40,
- CPT: “CABIN CREW STANDBY”*, F/O: Informs ATC including airplane position,
- CPT: “STATE MALFUNCTION”, F/O: States malfunction, CPT: Evaluates and calls for action (checklist/memory items),
- CPT: Monitors memory items or checklist and answers CSS call if able**, F/O: Completes memory items or checklist
- F/O: States action completed and outcome, CPT: If needed calls “PASSENGER EVACUATION CHECKLIST”,
- *: Used when evacuation may be needed,
- **: After RTO CSS makes PA and chimes flight deck. When answered “CABIN TO FLIGHT DECK NO1/2 STANDING BY”
- If evacution is not needed “NO1 TO FLIGHT DECK” and brief the planned course of action
Acceleration Altitude for EO Missed Approach
1000FT AAL
EO Approach Landing Configuration
Gear Down, Flaps 15 at:
- One dot below G/S on ILS or,
- 1NM before Descent Point
Circling Pattern
- MDA Configuration: Gear Down, F15 (Gear Up F10 for EO),
- When reaching MDA: Speedbrake ARMED, Verify ALT HLD, Set MA Altitude,
- Offset 45 degrees for 20s after wings level (1/2 Tailwind component correction),
- Abeam Threshold: Timing for 3s per 100AGL (1/2 Tailwind component correction),
- Turning Base Leg: RWY HDG, Landing Flaps (Gear Down, F15 for EO), Landing checklist,
- Intercept visual GP and disengage A/P and A/T, Recycle F/Ds
Visual Traffic Pattern
- At 1500FT AGL and 1.5NM lateral distance from RWY
- 10NM to Touchdown: Flaps 1,
- Entering Downwind: Flaps 5,
- Before turning base: Gear Down, Flaps 15, LDG Checklist down to flaps,
- Turning Base: Flaps 25
- Turning Base OEI: Gear Down, F15, OEI LDG Checklist, at 1000FT AGL set MA Altitude,
- Base: LDG Flaps, Complete LDG Checklist, Set MA Altitude at 1000AGL,
- 500FT: Stabilized on profile and Recycle F/Ds
Rapid Depressurization
- Mask ON, Establish Crew Communication,
- CPT assumes PF role,
- If cabin altitude is uncontrollable: Initiate Emergency Descent,
- Announce Emergency Descent or or confirm PRAM announcement on PA,
- Select lower altitude and LVL CHG,
- Remain on existing track (unless unsafe e.g. terrain),
- Close the thrust levers,
- Speedbrake FLIGHT DETENT,
- Increase speed to Vmo/Mmo (or limit as necessary),
- Tidy up MCP: Select 10000FT or MSA and set QNH,
- PM “TWO TO GO” reduce ROD,
- PM “ONE TO GO” retract Speed Brake
- When level: Remove O2 (when at 10000FT), “NUMBER ONE TO FLIGHT DECK” for NITS
Aircraft Approach Category
- C during normal operation,
- D during OEI operation
Unreliable Airspeed Climb Values
- For 280KT/.76 and 70T,
- Sea Level + 10000FT,
- Pitch: 10 / 8 / 6 / 4
Unreliable Airspeed Cruise Values
We can rougly say 3 degrees / 90N1
Unreliable Speed Descent Values
- For 280KT/.76M and 65T,
- We can rougly say 0 degrees,
- Above 20000FT more than 2000FPM,
- Below 20000FT less than 2000FPM,
- Below 10000FT about 1600FPM
Unreliable Airspeed Holding Values
- For Vref40 + 70 and 70T,
- 10000FT: 5 degrees / 66N1,
- 5000FT: 5 degrees 62N1,
- Subtract 2N1 for 65T
Unreliable Airspeed Terminal Area (SEA LEVEL) Values
- Clean (Vref 40 + 70): 6 / 62,
- Flaps 1 (Vref 40 + 50): 6 / 64,
- Flaps 5 (Vref 40 + 30): 6.5 / 65,
- Flaps 10 (Vref 40 + 30): 5.5 / 66,
- Gear Down Flaps 15 (Vref 40 +20): 6 / 72,
- Subtract 2 N1 for 65T
Unreliable Airspeed Final Approach Values (SEA LEVEL)
- Gear Down Flaps 15 (Vref 15 + 10): 2.5 / 50,
- Gear Down Flaps 30 (Vref 15 + 10): 1.5 / 58
- Gear Down Flaps 40 (Vref 15 + 10): 0.5 / 64
Unreliable Airspeed Go-Around Values (SEA LEVEL)
17 degrees 3300FPM
Go Around N1
- Rougly for 15 degrees Sea Level: 97 N1,
- Increases when OAT and Airport Pressure Altitude increase
Normal Configuration AUTOBRAKE 3 Landing Distances
- For 65T, Flaps 30,
- DRY/GOOD: Roughly 2150m
- GOOD to MEDIUM: 2250m
- MEDIUM: 2350m
- MEDIUM to POOR: 2600m
- For Flaps 40: reduce 150m
- Tailwind effects the most in all conditions (300-500m),
- Idle Reverse starts to effect GOOD to MEDIUM and below (200-700)
- 15% adjustment used
Normal Configuration AUTO BRAKE MAX Landing Distances
- For 65T, Flaps 30,
- DRY: 1550m / 1250m (MAX MANUAL)
- GOOD: 1750m / 1650m (MAX MANUAL)
- GOOD to MEDIUM: 2000m / 1900m (MAX MANUAL)
- MEDIUM: 2250m,
- MEDIUM to POOR: 2500m,
- For Flaps 40: reduce rougly 100m
- Tailwind effects the most in all conditions (150-500m),
- Idle Reverse starts to effect GOOD and below (150-800)
- 15% adjustment used
Important Non-Normal Landing Distances
- All Flaps Up AUTO BRAKE MAX: 2000, 2150, 2500, 2800, 3200m,
- ANTISKID INOP Flaps 40: 1700, 1900, 2150, 2400, 2800m,
- Manual Reversion: 1700, 2400, 2800, 3100, 3500m,
- OEI: with %15 adjustment, rougly 100-200m more than normal AUTO BRAKE MAX,
- No factorization used
QRH Landing Distance Flare Distance
455m from threshold to touchdown
Brake Cooling Caution and Fuse Plug Melt Zones
- Delay T/O for 1 hour,
- If overheat occurs after T/O extend the gear soon for 7 minutes or more,
Fuse Plug:
- Clear RWY immediately,
- Don’t set parking brake,
- Don’t approach gear or attempt to taxi for 1 hour,
- If overheat occurs after T/O extend the gear soon for 12 minutes or more
Worst Case Driftdown Level Off Altitude and Speed
- For 75T,
- Speed rougly 250KT,
- FL190 (ISA + 20)
Gear Down Cruise Altitude
- For 65T: FL210 - 260 (ISA + 20 / ISA + 10),
- For OEI and 65T: 3400FT - 7500FT (ISA + 20 / ISA + 10)
APU Fuel Burn During Flight
- At 5000FT: 95KG,
- At FL390: 45KG
Approach to Stall or Stall Recovery
- Hold the control column firmly,
- Disengage A/P and A/T,
- Smoothly apply nose down elevator, nose down stabilizer trim may be needed,
- Roll in the shortest direction to wings level,
- Advance thrust levers as needed,
- Retract the Speedbrakes,
- Do not change gear or flaps configuration except during liftoff (when Flaps Up call for Flaps 1)
GPWS Warning
- Disengage A/P and A/T,
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust,
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate to an initial pitch attitude of 20 degrees,
- Retract Speedbrakes,
- If terrain remains a threat, continue rotation up to PLI,
- Do not change gear or flap configuration
- Must be used regardless of inflight conditions except in cases covered by Bulletins and Airfield Briefs
Traffic Avoidance
- If stick shaker or initial buffet occurs, immediately accomplish Approach to Stall Recovery,
- If high speed buffet occurs, relax the pitch force as needed but continue maneuver
- If maneuvering needed, disengage the A/P and A/T,
- Adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy the RA command,
- Follow the planned lateral flight path unless visual contact requires other action,
- For a Climb RA in Landing Configuration: Additionally, advance thrust levers forward and call for Flaps 15
Upset Conditions
- Pitch Attitude: > 25 degrees Nose Up
- Pitch Attitude: > 10 degrees Nose Down,
- Bank Angle: > 45 degrees,
- Less than above but flying at an airspeed inappropriate for the conditions,
- In case of Stall, first apply nose down elevator to recover from stall
Nose High and Low Recovery
Nose High:
- Disengage A/P and A/T,
- Apply Nose Down Elevator,
- Apply appropriate Nose Down Stabilizer Trim,
- Reduce Thrust,
- Roll to obtain a nose down pitch rate,
- When approaching the horizon, roll to wing level,
- Check speed and adjust thrust
Nose Low:
- Disengage A/P and A/T,
- Recover from Stall if needed,
- Roll in the shortest direction to wings level (unload and roll if bank > 90),
- Apply Nose Up Elevator,
- Apply Nose Up trim if needed,
- Adjust thrust and drag if needed
Windshear After V1
- At Vr rotate to 15 degrees as normal,
- Once airborne perform the Maneuver,
- Initiate normal rotation at least 600m before the DER
Unacceptable Flight Path Deviation For Windshear
Below 1000FT in excess of:
- 15KT IAS,
- 500FPM,
- 5 degrees Pitch Attitude,
- 1 dot displacement from G/S,
- Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time
Windshear Escape Maneuver
Manual Flight:
- Disengage A/P,
- Push either TOGA switch,
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust,
- Disengage A/T,
- Simultaneously roll wing level and rotate toward 15 degrees initial pitch attitude,
- Retract Speedbrakes,
- Follow F/D TOGA guidance
Automatic Flight:
- Push either TOGA switch,
- Verify TOGA mode and GA thrust,
- Retract Speedbrakes
Manual or Automatic Flight:
- Do not change flap or gear configuration,
- Maintain wings level to maximize climb gradient unless a turn is required for obstacle clearance,
- Do not attempt to regain lost airspeed until out of windshear