Superfoods Flashcards
What are examples of superfoods?
Chlorophyll which is in other foods - parsley, spinach, cress
Seaweed - red, brown, green
Algae - spirulina ,
Bee pollen
What is the ORAC score and what are the limitations
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity
It’s a laboratory test that aims to quantify the total antioxidant capacity of a food.
Does it take into account quality, source, how it’s grown?
Found in?
Vitamins and Minerals:
Benefits and clinical applications
Energetics - Coooling
Found in - Green leafy veg.
Parsley v high, spinach, wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll
Vitamins and Minerals:
A,C, E, K
Magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium
Benefits and clinical applications
- Detoxification
- can literally bind with some carcinogenic chemicals such as those found in cooked meat and food borne toxins and remove them from the body
- down-regulates phase 1 liver detoxification enzymes that transform toxins to a more water soluble form and in the process create more toxins and oxidative damage. Sometimes this is overdone
- induce phase 2 liver detoxification - Antioxidant
Decrease oxidative damage
Decreases oxidative damage - Reduced inflammation
- because it reduces oxidarive stress
- inhibits TNF-alpha which is a pro inflammatory gene that activates inflammatory compounds - endotoxins- released from bacteria. If there is a bacterial buildup, it can create a toxic load.
- applies to people with intestinal bacterial infections and intestinal permeability. - Supports energy production
Rich in magnesium which is essential for the cellular respiration cycle - Promotes wound healing and helps with skin complaints.
- Deodorant properties
Reduces odour - used for I continence
Found in?
Vitamins and Minerals:
Benefits and clinical applications
- cooling
- moistens dryness
Found in?
red, brown and green algae
Vitamins and Minerals:
- A wide range but shout out to Iodine, Iron and calcium.
- Nori is a good plant source of B12
- Omega 3 fats
- a range of amino acids
Benefits and clinical applications
For one Tbsp a day
- Antioxidant - Fucoxanthin is a Carotanoid found an edible brown seaweed that has powerful antioxidant effects
- Anti inflammatory- reduces the production of inflammatory proteins.
- Low thyroid function - seaweeds are rich in bioavailable iodine needed for T3 and T4 productions Some seaweeds have more than others. They also have other minerals and amino acids including tyrosine also needed to support healthy thyroid function.
- Healthy weight management
- fibre increases satiety and reduces speed of glucose entering the blood
- an easy way to boost vitamins and minerals while being low in calories
- Brown algae’s increase metabolism and decreases fat accumulation - Blood Sugar Control
- promotes glycaemic control
- useful for insulin resistance - Elevated blood lipids.
- Positive influence in lowering triglycerides and LDL, improving LDL:HDL ratio. This is thought to be due to the high viscosity fibre feature of seaweed which binds to cholesterol and improves clearance. - Digestion and GIT Health
- high in fibre
- it has growth of beneficial bacteria which support intestinal repair, growth and integrity
- Inflamed digestive tract; ulcers, constipation, colitis
What are the three different types of microalgae?
Blue green algae
What is the energetics, composition, and benefits/application of the microalgae spirulina?
Energetics: for yin deficiency excess heat
Composition: it has an excellent nutrition profile
- particularly high in bioavailable protein. It has all the essential amino acids.
- Rich in B1, 2,3, A, K
- Rich in minerals especially iron
- Contains psychocyanin in which is a pigment binding protein that exerts anti-Cancer activity
- High in chlorophyll
1. Detoxification
- Can combine with heavy metals in order to detoxify
- detoxification of radioactive particles after radiation treatment
2. Increases natural killer cell activity and has anti-viral properties hence an immune enhancer
3. Anti-inflammatory.
4. Anti-cancer because it is anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants, immune boosting, psychocyanin
5. Good for exercise performance because it increases endurance and the high amino acid content supports muscle hypertrophy.
6. Anti allergic effects.
7. Cardiovascular health because it reduces elevated blood pressure and has high antioxidant protection
8. Positive effect on blood lipids and particularly triglycerides.
Compare and contrast spirulina and Chlorella
- Spirulina lacks cell walls which makes digestion and absorption much easier. Chlorella has tough cellulose walls that require pulverising to increase the availability of its micro nutrients.
This is why if you purchase Chlorella as a supplement, it will usually come with the cells already broken down
- energetically they are the same and used for inefficiency and excess heat
- Also, rich in chlorophyll and vitamins and minerals
- B12 is bio available in chlorella, unlike in spirulina
What are the benefits and clinical applications of CHLORELLA?
- Heavy metal chelator
- Detoxification of radioactive particles after radiation treatment
- Improves glycaemic control and can be used in cases of insulin resistance
- Treating iron and B12 deficiency for anaemia.
- Cancer treatment – due to its ability to absorb radiation, protects immune cells from chemo damage and decreases risk of infection
- Useful in cases of oestrogen dominance to improve metabolism - detoxes
- Immune support for recurrent infections.
How is coriander used for a heavy metal detox?
We can use spirulina or chlorella to remove metals from the body, but they must first be released from where they are stored in the tissue and to some extent fat, in order for it to bind to these algae.
Coriander can be used to mobilise mercury and other toxic heavy metals and move them out of the nervous system with its phytochemicals likely to bind onto the metals .
What is the energetics, composition, and benefits/application of the wheatgrass?
Energetics: cooling
- 70% chlorophyll
- High in A, C, E and B vitamins
- Calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium
- Amino acids
- antioxidants and phytnutrients
- high fibre content
Benefits and applications:
1. Antioxidant - producing oxidative stress and supporting detoxification.
2. Immune support and anti-cancer including reducing chemotherapy side effects
3. Alkalising - Due to the high chlorophyll content.
4. Regulates blood leopards by repairing blood vessel wall through its antioxidant properties
5. Weight loss: suppresses appetite through fibre content and increases hormonal driven signals of satiety, balances blood sugars
6. Supposed to liver detoxification pathways with its abundance of nutrients and antioxidants.
7. Digestion: nourishes the spleen Qi. Drains dampness
What is the energetics, composition, and benefits/application of the Barley Grass
It has similar nutrients and benefits as wheat grass.
Like wheat grass it has High fibre content, chlorophyll, rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants
Shares the same energetic qualities as wheatgrass
In addition, it includes GABA and Selenium.
Name one superfood that is a good source of vitamin B12
This is important because there aren’t many good sources of plant based vitamin B12
Nori seaweed
Why is it beneficial to include alkali foods in the diet and water plant compound discussed is particularly useful for this?
It’s really important is because when we have too much of an acid forming diet it actually changes the acidity. It can be quite a subtle change, and that’s all it needs to be within the cell and surrounding the body cells, and what that does is it actually alter cellular function? So it increases the risk of various chronic disease? Diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease.
Using chlorophyll rich foods but also fresh fruit and vegetables in general because as well as containing chlorophyll they also contain a lot of alkalising minerals.
Outline one mechanism by which chloroplast supports detoxification of carcinogens and toxins
Two key Mechanisms
Combines with certain carcinogens - for example heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It combines with those to help in their removal from the body.
The second mechanism was by down regulating phase one detoxification and upregulating phase 2 so that you effectively transform compounds such that they can be eliminated via the bowels or via the kidneys.
Seaweeds provides which nutrients that support thyroid function
Iodine is the key one.
Also amino acids and amongst them tyrosine which is really important for thyroid hormone production.
Other nutrients that support the thyroid generally such as age and Zn
Give two ways that Barley grass supports GIT function
High fibre content
- it improves bowel function - gets them working more effectively
- some of the fibre produces short chain fatty acid which has that the effect of nourishing the micro flora and also contains compounds that reduce inflammation in the gut.
Describe two specific benefits of broccoli sprouts
Sprouts in general are so nutritious and then broccoli sprouts had that additional benefit of being very rich in sulforiphane and indole 3 carbinol.
Support detoxification, modulating phase one and inducing phase 2 detoxification and Indol 3 Carbinol is particularly good for deactivating oestrogen so really valuable for clients with oestrogen driven conditions like endometriosis, fibroids or breast cancer
broccoli sprouts are generallg antioxidant and anti inflammatory
What is the difference between whole and refined grains?
Whole grains contains the whole grain- the bran on the outside, the germ in the middle and the endosperm.
There are nutrient’s throughout the grain BUT they are really concentrated in the germ and in the bran.
Where is the refined grains are purely the endosperm
This mean that so much of the nutritional content has been removed.
Name two heavy metal chelators discussed
Key ones are spirulina and chlorella.
But seaweeds and anything rich in chlorophyll is going to be beneficial
- Which superfood supports AIDS recovery.
- What is a second clinical application of this superfood.
- What other superfood is used for this serving clinical application?
- Bee pollen because it is highly nutritive.
- Be pulling and also has Anti-allergic effects because it inhibits histamine release from mast cells
(A like-for-like treatment example - treating hayfever with pollen which is linked with triggering hayfever) - Spirulina is the other superfood that has anti-allergic effects due to the inhibition of histamine for mast cells.
- Which superfood is used clinically for nausea?
- What else is this superfood used for?
- Ginger is an anti nausea agent
- Common to many super foods - anti-inflammatory,
- lower LDL, for cardiovascular and antihypertension support
digestion and gut health through its warming properties and prokinetic properties.