Research Methods Flashcards
What are the main differences between medical reserach and natural medicine research?
Medical research focuses on:
* Symptom/supression rathern than cause
* Isolating one thing without refrence to the complexity of the bigger picture
* Often about proof to sell something
Compare Louis Pasteur to Antoine Bechamp
Germ theory where disease comes form outside the body through microbes etc
Terrian theory where bacteria/virus are the after effects of disease not the cause
What are the weaknesses of biomedical research
- People are not standard but RCT’s assume so
- Cuts out complexity
- Abnormal clinical environment not reflecting real life
- Pacebo effect confounds
- Data can be manipulated/cherry picked.
- Often industry funded
Explain the hierachy of evidence in natural medicine
Inverted Pyramid
Practioner and patient observations and experiences
Laws, principles, and conclusions, patient reports, case studies
Patient q’nairres, outcome resaerch, possibly RCT’s and sytematic reviews
What is the type of research more suited to natural medicine?
- Qualitative research
- Case studies and research based on the experience of practitioners.
- Patient questionnaires such as CNM Health Concern
- Clinical audits conducted within practices to identify strengths and weaknesses.
- Clinical audits to draw out data on effectiveness of treatemnt. eg: MYMOP forms for all patients with IBS
- Outcome studies to test whether patient needs are being met
Give a simple explanation of suppression.
Steroids for Asthma
NSAIDS for pain
Metformin for diabetes
What kind of data do we get from clinical audits and outcomes research?
* the delivery of care in a particular context.
* the use of resources.
* the benefit to the users – patients.
Can be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of specific therapeutic interventions, but…
Is a multi-disciplinary investigation, capable of covering a variety of issues.
What is Ayurveda
A complete system of healthcare and lifestyle medicine including herbal and mineral medicine, diet, exercise and detoxification practices in India prior to BCE 200
Based on observation of the natural world.
What are the three basic Ayurveda types?
Vata: thin, dry, cold, mentally agile, can be anxious
Pitta: medium-bodies, physically active, warm, can be bad tempered
Kapha: Stong build, can go to excess weight, solid, dependable, can get depressed.
What is TCM?
- An aggregate of systems dating back to BCE400.
- Based on observation of the natural world.
- Includes acupuncture, chinese herbs, nutrition, massage, movement
Acupuncture explained
- 12 main channels, the meridiens which move energy through the body to create balance and health.
- The acupuncture point is the area on the skin where the meridien comes ot the surface.
- Needled or pressed.
Timeline of imporartant people
- Hippocartes (BCE 460-377): a system of priorities starting with lifestyle and then if needed medicines and as a last resort invasive interventions.
- Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843): Homeopathy and the Law of Similars. Observed that if a healthy person took something that gave them symptoms, give that something to someone who already had those symptoms and it will cure. eg: China and malaria
- Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911): Iridology correlating signs and markings in the eye to presenting complaints.
- Edward Bach (1886-1936): Bach remedies
- Bernard Jensen (1908-2001): Map of colon reflex points mapped to specific organs. Focused on teh digestive tract as a causative factor for many diseases.
Examples of the law of similars?
- Onion for watery eyes/ Snake venom for a snake bite
- Heat stroke needs warm applicatons
- Lukewarm water for fever as cold suppresses and leads top longer healing time
What were Edward Bachs theories?
- Observed links between partisular bowel bacteria and personality traits
- could percieve the energy in plants and matched these to the energy of patients.
- observed that patients recovered emotionally, then physically once the right Bach remedy was used.
List some of the new natural therapies
- Tooth reflex chart
- Lymphatic drainage
- Foot refelex zones
- Liseisology
- Thermography
What is the difference between a meta analysis and and systematic review?
Meta-Analysis - statistiocal procedure for combining data from multiple studies
Systemic Review - A review of all available literautre to analyse the evidence
What is outcomes research?
- Assesses the delivery of care in a particular context.
- Can be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of specific therapeutic interventions.
- Assesses the use of resources.
- Is a multi-disciplinary investigation, capable of covering a variety of issues.
- Assesses the benefit to the users – patients.
- Is well-suited to the delivery of care in general, as opposed to the effectiveness of individual medications.
Emic vy Etic
Used in Anthropology:
* Emic approach looks into the thoughts and beliefs of local people “from the inside”;
* Etic approach studies them ‘scientifically’ “from the outside”.
These approaches are frequently combines for best resultas