Superficial perineal pouch Flashcards
Arterial Supply of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulbospongiosus muscles
Internal pudendal (internal iliac).
Venous drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulbospongiosus muscles
Internal pudendal.
Nerve innervation of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulbospongiosus muscles
Arterial Supply of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Ischiocavernosus muscles
Internal pudendal (internal iliac).
Venous drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Ischiocavernosus muscles
Internal pudendal.
Nerve innervation of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Ischiocavernosus muscles
Arterial Supply of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulb of penis/vestibular bulbs
Internal pudendal (internal iliac).
Venous drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulb of penis/vestibular bulbs
Internal pudendal.
Lymphatic drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Bulb of penis/vestibular bulbs
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (lateral aortic/lumbar lymph nodes).
Arterial Supply of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Glans Penis/Clitoris
Dorsal artery of penis (internal pudendal).
Venous drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Glans Penis/Clitoris
Deep dorsal.
Nerve innervation of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Glans Penis/Clitoris
Dorsal nerve of penis (pudendal).
Lymphatic drainage of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Glans Penis/Clitoris
External iliac and external iliac lymph nodes.
Arterial Supply of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands (female)
External pudendal (internal iliac).
Nerve innervation of the Superficial perineal pouch’s Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands (female)