Sunflower diseases Flashcards
major sunflower diseases
sclerotinia wilt, head rot, mid stem, verticillium wilt, rust, downy mildew, stem lesions, leaf spots
Sclerotinia Wilt in Sunflower
most common
very destructive
sclerotinia in soil
complete wilt by flowering
germination of apothecia
release if ascospores infect head and stem
Mycelia infect roots and stems at soil
Sclerotinia head rot sunflower
in soil wet soil complete collapse of head ascospores infect head late infection mycelia cover head seed infected by fungus
Sclerotini Mid stem Sunflower
in soil apothecia, sacos-ores, infect stem stem shredding stem breakage inside the stem total yield loss
control of sclerotinia in sunflower
crop rotation 3-4 years avoid dense canopy control weeds seed treatment for wilt foliar fungicides for head biological control
Sunflower Rust
Fungal disease, only sunflower
very destructive
yellow brown pustules
black teliospores
overwinter locally on stubble
Orange coloured and dark brown
Management of rust sunflowers
resistant hybirds
3 year crop rotation
remove infected stubble
clean seed
Downy Mildew Sunflowers
Caused by oomycete fungal- soil/seed borne oospores survive in soil zoospores move in wet soil seedling infection total loss of infected plants there are resistant races
Control of downy mildew sunflowers
reistant hybrids
crop rotation 4-5 years
clean healthy seed
sed treatment
Verticillium Wilt leaf mottle sunflowers
fungal disease- same as potatoes soil borne infect roots systemic disease lower leaves wilt microsclerotinia like for greater the 10 years overwinters in soil
verticillium wilt leaf mottling sunflowers CONTROL
resistant hybrids
5 year crop rotation
disease free seed
Stem lesions sunflowers
fungal diseaase infect lower leaves and stem black lesions on leaf axil grey brown stem colour hollow stem overwinters in plant debris
stem lesion control
resistant hybrids
crop rotation
remove plant reside
Powdery mildew
fungal disease
infect faces stem ends
explosive new races
whitish mycelial mass