minor diseases in Canola Flashcards
Aster yellow life cycle
caused by phytoplasm
pathogen is transmitted by leaf hoppers
it can overwinter in infected weeds nut most infections caused by leafhoppers
Crops infected by aster yellows
canola, alfalfa, sunflower, caraway, carrots, peas
Symptoms of aster yellow
stunted growth and malformed flowers and pods
infected plants don’t produce seed
facts about aster yellow
-leaf hoppers injects the pathogen into the Sao of the canola plant and it develops aster yellow
-The pathogen will multiply in the insect and it will transmit
the disease from plant to plant
- leaf hopper has the pathogen glands it will transmit it for the rest of its life
control of aster yellow
control isn’t necessary. easy seeding may escape infection
Alternaria Black Spot
warm conditions increase infection by dispersing spores.
infection in a later stage causes pod shattering and loss during harvest
White rust in Canola
Obligate parasite causes little to no damage on Canola
white Rust in canola
host - cruciferae
very susceptible
white blisters develop on leaves and stem
blister rupture to release zoospores
Disease cycle white rust in canola
produces airborne spores
overwinters as thick walled oospores
stag heads break off through combine
spores get mixed in with see
Control for white Rust in Canola
Brassica napus is immuned clean seed avoid planing close to previous years crop control volunteers 3 year rotation
Fusarium wilt in canola
chlorosis of stem, vascular discolouration, poor seed set and premature desiccation
Severely infected plants die prematurely. stem and branches turn brown no visible lesions.
less severe plants are often stunted
yellow reddish streaks may ripen prematurely.
Fusarium wilt in canola pathogenicity
mainly in dry soils
soil borne fungus. only a few commercial cultivars are susceptible
resistance is very good in many cultivars