Canola Verticillium stripe disease Flashcards
Major diseases of Canola
blackleg, sclerotinia club root
Verticillium stripes discovered
in MB 2014
Infected stems after harvest
Blackening, microsclerotia can be seen on the inside of stem. After ripening microsclerotia germinated and produces conidia spores. Striping outside of the stem
Verticillium Stripe Symptoms
streaking or striping on the stem
inside of stem is blackening and eventually microsclerotia
Verticillium Wilt
caused by Verticillium longisporum. in 2014 MB. overwinters in the soils Capable of serving 10-15 years
verticillium wilt
fungus infects the plant via roots, most often seedling stage. the fungus grows through the tissues
Symptoms of verticillium wilt
a vertical yellow band extending up one side of the stem may be visible
Scouting for the disease verticillium wilt in canola
best times at swathing, but it is possible to identify after harvest as microsclerotinia will continue to develop in the stubble.
the plants will turn black grey after harvest
Management for the disease verticillium wilt in canola
no seed treatment or fungicides registered to end for this disease. there Is no host resistance in canola varities # yr crop rotation
Verticillium stripe infection
fungus enters through roots through a wound
hyphae and conidia are produced and move through the vascular system
multicellular microsclerotinia are formed in the dying tissue
causes tissue to turn grey then black
it is a monocyclic disease
conditions for verticillium stripe
most effective in hot dry conditions
plants with damaged roots more susceptible
Disease management for verticillium stripe
no foliar seed treatments currently register in CND
weed management
green manures
increase rotation 3 yrs