What is the difference btw normal and typical motor development
normal expresses the development in accordance with normal human norms
typical repesents a group with a certain characteristics
what is the first behavioural movement
how does motor control develop
medial to lateral
whats the motion with frasping reflex
babies grab things first in the ulnar side that shows that development starts medially then ends laterally
whats the dominant tone in the new born baby
flexor tone
explain the physiological flxion position
the spine is flexed
the lumbosacral joint is slightly extended
and the upper cerical region is extended and slighlty rorated and the intervertebral space is almost absent
why does the head turn to one side in the prone position
assymetrical tonic neck reflex and to relieve breathing by cleanong the mouth and nose
what is a present sighn that shows that physiological flexion has begun to dissapear
head lag
how can the baby rise above forarem
pelvis stabilization
lifiting head with extension control against antigravity
movement of the upper extremities outside the neonatal position
what is the earliest anti gravity control
prone head control
stages of chin tuck
activation and strengthening of cervical floors
decreased antr
activation and strengthening of the serratus anterior muscle
with absence of supination motion what does the baby loses what
reaching grsapinga nd follow objcts visually
what is locomotion
defined as displacement
difference btw scooting and crawling
in crawling the abdomen doesnt touch the ground while on scooting the abdomen touches the ground and the lowe extremities are passive
what motion is used as a transition
what is a harbinger of atypical neuromotor
what is the differenve btw segmental and non segmental rotation
non segmental is seen from birh to six months and turning to the side position occurs reflexively with the neck rotation reaction
segmental/////develops with the body correction reaction after the receptive month
what is the sitting position
abduction and external rotatopn of hip
time of standing is what
2 months
start and end time of the grasping reflex
end……4 month