normal motor development Flashcards
normal or typical development begins with what
babies born between 38-42 are called
term or full term
what affects motor development with birth
external factors
what is maturational or hierachical theory
mental or motor development in children, infants etc occurs in a sequential manner
what is the most important factor in directiing the development
central nervous system
what is behavioural theory
a change in the environment can create a nega or positive behaviour
what is the dynamic system theory
development is not only caused by the cns but by the intrinsic and extrinsic factor
what are neural oscillators
they show special and rythmic oscillations in vertebra without need for peripheral input
the first motor behaviours in humans occurs as
what is the normal direction of movemement
in the neonatal period what is the position of the newborn
what are the importance of motor development
controlling the body against gravity
keeping the cog of the body within the support surface
to allow intersegmental and intrasegmental movement
what are the postitions of the following according to newborns
lumbosacral=slightly extended
cervical=slightly extended and sloightly rotated
wht does the head turn on one side in the prone position for newborns
to relieve breathing by cleaning the mouth and nose
asymmetrical tonic neck reflexes
what action indicates a sensormotor problem
ongoing persistent grasping
what action indicates a sign of serious central influence
the persistence of the thumb in the palm
what indicates the begining of the dissapreance of the physiological flexion
head log
what parameters must be gained to rise above the prone forearms
pelvis stabilization
movement of the upper extremeties outside the neonatal position
lifting the head with extensor control against antigravity in the cephalocaudal direction
what is the earliest developing antigravity control
prone head control
when does chin tuck begin to appear
As cervical floor control develops with the activation of the seratus anterior muscle
chin tuck takes place through what events
activation and strengthening of the pelvic floor
decreased atnr
activation and strenghtening of the serattus anterior muscle
difference btw scooting and crawling
scooting // there is abdominal contact with the ground and the lower extremities are passive
in crawling there is no abdominal contact with the ground
At what age does pivoting and rolling occur
5-6 months
at what age does crawling occur
6-7 months
what is used as transition method
plantigrade crawling