Summary of Symptoms Flashcards
Degeneration joint disease/osteoarthritis
pain and stiffness in the morning
pain eases throughout the morning (4-5 hrs)
pain increases with repetitive bending activities
constant awareness of discomfort with episodes of exacerbations
describes pain as more soreness and nagging.
Facet joint dysfunction
stiff upon rising; pain eases within an hour
loss of motion accompanied by pain
sharp pain with certain movements
movement in pain free range usually resolves symptoms
stationary positions increase symptoms
Discal, with nerve root compromise
no pain in reclined or semi-reclined position
pain increases with increased weight bearing
describes pain and shooting, burning, or stabbing
pt may describe altered strength or ability to perform ADL’s
Spinal stenosis
pain is related to position
flexed position decreases pain & extension increases pain
describes symptoms as numbness, tightness, or cramping
walking any distance brings on symptoms
pain may last for hours after assuming a resting position
Vascular claudication
pain is consistent in all spinal positions
pain is brought on by physical exertion
pain is relieved promptly (1-5 min) with rest
pain is described as numbness
pt usually has decreased or absent pulses
Neoplastic disease
pain is described as gnawing, intense, or penetrating
pain is not resolved by changes in position, time of day, or activity level
pain will wake the pt