Sufism Flashcards
what is sufism?
- Sufism emphasises the importance of experiencing God and having a union with God.
- Sufis put less emphasis on reading the Qur’an and finding God intellectually.
- They seek a mystical experience of God i.e. To be unified with God and find spiritual truth.
How does Junayd define sufism?
“Sufism is being with God, without any attachments”
how does Ruwaym B Ahmad define sufism?
“Sufism consists of abandoning oneself to God in accordance with God’s will”
how does Samnum define sufism?
“Sufism is about not possessing anything, nor letting anything possess you.”
How does Al-Jarir define sufism?
“Sufism means attaining every exalted quality and leaving behind every despicable quality.”
How does Aslan explain sufism?
“Sufi is to Islam as the heart is to the human being”
What sufi hadith shows self sacrifice?
“As for Muhammad, he bound a stone to his belly when he was hungry”
- This asceticism they believe then leads to an experience of divine e.g. trances, visions etc.
Why is sufism popular with the poor?
it gives a glimpse of beautiful eternity
How are Sufis different to mystics?
- They don’t cut themselves off from society as islam is a community religion
- they are not celibate as this is not encouraged in the quran
- sufism is not attached to islam - Sufis do worship as Muslims but consider Islamic teachings, law theology, the five pillars and even the Qur’an to be inadequate for true knowledge of God.
How islamic is sufism?
- According to Aslan, the aim of Sufism is self annihilation and unity with the divine. The start of the journey is Islam but gradually, this shell must be discarded. The ultimate aim is love.
- Their disregard of reason as well as their disregard for the Shariah angered the religious authorities. Their non attachment to the Ummah (Muslim community) also meant that they were regarded with suspicion as it was thought that they were trying to form their own Ummah. Their disinterest in political power also made them different to other Muslims.
- They aimed for simplicity and poverty “If you can not change the kings, then change yourself”
what did haeri say about sufis?
“When you start by purifying your inner self, you end up being concerned with the outer and with society.”
What did a sufi master say on the sufi attachment to islam?
“Why spend time reading a love letter (the Qur’an) in the presence of the Beloved who wrote it.”
What is ihsan?
- Spiritual perfection
- Ihsan is the focus of sufis
Ihsan is when the Muslim shows his inner faith (iman) in action. Ihsan is to obtain perfection in worship. Muslims must worship God as though they see him even though they can’t. They must realise that He is constantly watching them.
- Ihsan is the focus of sufis
how is ihsan defined in the gabriel hadith?
Muhammad states “[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you”.
What does ihsan include? (7)
○ To feel Allah’s presence whilst in prayer.
○ In relations to parents, honor them, be thankful to them and do your duties towards them.
○ In relations to other relatives, recognize their rights, be good to them and help them if they need help.
○ In relations to people in society who are weak, needy and poor, be charitable and nice to them.
○ In human relations in general, be good to others. Even those with whom you disagree in matters of faith, present to them the message, but have no aggression towards them:
○ In relations to the whole world including vegetables, animals and even inanimate things, do not waste, do not misuse or abuse and be thankful to Allah.
Finally, Just do good, because Allah loves those who do good things
what is dhikr?
This is the repetition of the names of God. This can be carried out as a chant or in silence. This is meant to break down the separation between humans and God.
what does vocal dhikr involve?
repetition of the shahadah until it breaks down to repeat “hu” meanng he meaning god, breathing exercises and rapid movement of head and torso
what does silent dhikr involve?
more sombre, repeats gods names inwardly and reject music and dance
what do the whirling dervishes do
whirl on the spot repeating the names of god, the spinning represents the planets of the solar system, done to honour allah in a trance like state with right hand to sky and left to earth symbolising what comes from god should be shared with people
What is tazkiyat al-nafs/self purification?
Tazkiyat al nafs means to purify (tazkiyat) your soul of bad characteristics (nafs). It means to get rid of vices and beautify the soul with virtues.
What is the first stage of self purification?
Where most humans are, where nafs are the sole reality. Nafs are the bad characteristics of the soul including anger and desire. We refer to these as the self/ego/I. A person must overcome these desires/lusts/sensual pleasures pull the heart (qalb) down. Muslims see this part of the journey as overcoming satan. In particular, these stage of the journey is to do with overcoming nafs-al-ammārah: unruly animal self or soul that dictates evil. These particular nafs urge us to do evil.
What is the second stage of self purification?
Conscience is awakened and aware that the self is listening to nafs. At this stage the nafs are reproachful nafs. The Muslim will become conscious of wrong doing and will ask for forgiveness. The Muslim will become aware of the negative effects of their habitual self-centredness. At this stage, the Muslim is therefore conscious of wrong doing but not yet able to prevent it. This enters them into a cycle of realising they are doing wrong, being regretful, yet doing wrong again! According to Aslan, this stage is also to do with the ruh. In the Quran the ruh is the breath of God which he breathes into Adam, the spirit which runs through all of creation. At this stage, the ruh has to battle with the nafs for possession of the heart (the qalb) which is the soul. It is the ruh which makes the Muslim conscious of wrong doing but the nafs which keep the Muslim doing wrong.
What is the third stage of self purification?
- According to Aslan, in this stage the naf releases the grip on the qalb (heart) and allows the ruh (breath of God) to absorb the qalb. This is when fana is achieved which is self annihilation. At this point, the Muslim transcends the reproachful soul. The Muslim will then achieve cleansing of the heart. The aim is to get rid of everything that stands in the way of purifying Allah’s love. At this point, the Muslim has a firm faith in Allah and the soul becomes peaceful. The Sufi leaves behind all materialism and worldly problems and is satisfied with the will of God and reflects His divine attributes. His faith can not be shaken. He will not be tempted to stray from the right path. The Muslim has achieved Ihsan.
what dud Turner say on self purification?
to achieve the stages of spiritual enlightenment and get rid of nafs, humans needs a change of heart and mind. They need to practise Du’a which means calling upon God. They need to realise that everything they do, they do for God e.g. thanking God for the food they eat. Muslims will often say “bismillah” which means “In the name of God”. Nursi believes that this leads to peace as relying on God is far greater than relying on yourself.
How should sufis purify themselves?
○ Fear Allah
○ Submit to Allah - “Nay - whoever submits his whole self to Allah and is a doer of good — he will get his reward with his Lord: on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. [Al-Baqara 2:112]
○ Ask Allah to guide you - “And indeed We have created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein”
Performing good actions - outward submission can lead to inner submission
What is drunken sufism?
- Drunkenness is used to illustrate unity with God - demonstrates how Sufis become overcome by God’s presence - in this state they may proclaim Shatahats . Drunken Sufis see the Sharia as less important. They express themselves through poetry
What are shatahats?
○ Shatahats are divinely inspired statements, spoken in moments of ecstatic fervour when overwhelmed by the divine presence, statements which may seem nonsensical or blasphemous.
○ E.g. Al-Hallaj - executed for his cry of “I am the truth” - one of the names of God hence considered blasphemy
What is fana?
Self annihilation - when the Sufi has totally surrendered to God’s will and has no regard for his/her own well being. This is the third stage on the journey of purification.
○ Love is at the heart of fana
○ Sufis believe that God’s substance is love and that a Sufi’s love for God must be passionate, humiliating and self-denying. Sexual imagery is often used to show this unity with God and Sufis believe that this love is often unfulfilled.
what must be done to achieve fana?
Get rid of dualities.
Get rid of the ego.
Allow ruh to absorb qalb.
Fana is achieved and the Sufi enters the qualities and attributes of God. He/she becomes “drowned in God” and the creator and creation become one but does not become God.
What is sober sufism?
These Sufis emphasise God’s majesty and his distance. Sober Sufis study hard and are often learned. They put emphasis on the sharia and the sunna. They spend a long time studying texts and concern themselves over the law and theology in Islam. They are associated wth baqa, and the spiritual states and stations.
Why do most sufi teachers try to strike a balance between drunken and sober sufism?
Ihsan is achieved when both these states are put together. If drunkenness takes a hold, then reason can be lost, if drunkenness is lost, then love, compassion and ihsan will be lost.
What is baqa?
After Fana comes Baqa. This is when consciousness returns and the Sufi Muslim lives with constant awareness of God. For some Muslims, true baqa is to do with not cutting yourself off from the world but living amongst people and being constantly aware of God. After Fana, the Sufi should return to society with awareness of God-this is Baqa.
What is the role of a Shaykh/teacher?
Give love and comfort to the mureed
Teach mureed selflessness
Impart knowledge to the Mureed which ordinary people cannot access
Help reach fana
Give example to Mureed
Lead dikhr
Lead meditation
What is the role of a mureed/disciple?
Give complete devotion and obedience to the shaykh
Trust the shaykh
Willingly follow the masters instruction
Regularly visit Shaykh to receive blessing
Practise dikhr
Practise abstinence
What four stations did Balkhi outline to the path of God which a Sufi will go through during their practice?
- asceticism - fasting
- fear - the sufi must recollect death and god’s judgement
- longing for paradise - must meditate on blessings which God has kept for those in paradise. This will overwhelm the heart with longing and forget fear
- the love of god - when the sufi is purified of sin and loves what god loves
What are the dangers of the master disciple relationship?
- Swearing an oath to the shaykh elevates them above a normal human being
- The problem comes when the master does not act according to the disciple’s expectations and the disciple becomes disillusioned and stops the spiritual journey. The danger from the master’s point of view is that he or she could abuse the trust of the disciple and lead the disciple away from the truth and towards the master’s own self interests.
- It it unfortunately could lead Sufism away from its original intentions because the disciples blindly imitate the Shaykh. Sufism is meant to be about self awareness and finding your own path to spiritual enlightenment. Following a Shaykh without question is not going to attain this sort of spiritual enlightenment.
What is tariqa?
the long spiritual journey towards the divine reality, aka The Way
What does Aslan say on tariqa?
Tariqa should not be seen as a straight road but a journey up a mountain “whose peak conceals the presence of God”
What is the conference of the birds?
A parable told by Attar to describe Tariqa. In this, the birds of the world gather around a hoopoe ( a mythical bird) who is chosen to lead them on a journey to the King of the Birds. They must first declare complete faith in the hoopoe as the journey is perilous. The birds must cross 7 treacherous valleys to get to the King of the birds. The birds must destroy the mount of the self. Only 30 birds make it to see the King of the birds. When they reach him, they see themselves instead because it is themselves that they sought in the first place.
What are the 7 valleys in the parable?
The valley of the Quest. This stands for renouncing the world and repenting of their sins.
2. The valley of love. This stands for being purified where they are plunged into seas of fire.
3. The valley of mystery. This is the valley where the birds have to find their own path.
4. The valley of detachment. This stands for abandoning lust for meaning.
5. The valley of unity. This is to become one.
6. The valley of bewilderment. This stands for doubt and uncertainty.
7. The valley of nothingness. This stands for being stripped of the ego and consumed by the spirit of the universe.
What are al-Tusi’s 7 stations of tariqa?
- Repentance (tawbah)-this is when the heart realises sin and becomes regretful
- Abstinence (wara)-this is when the Sufi abstains from anything which might distract them from being aware of Allah
- Asceticism (zuhd)-the Sufi Muslim must do without what they don’t need and make do with very little
- Poverty (faqr)-this is to deny the nafs (basic desires of the soul) for pleasure and power.
- Patience (sabr)-to resist, bear and endure pain and difficulty.
- Trust in God (tawakkul)-To realise everything we have comes from Allah and acknowledge tawhid
- Complete submission to God’s will (rida)-to accept destiny without complaint. Whatever God wills and does is good. Pain is not felt
What does Awaliya Allah mean?
friends of god - They are believed to be protected by God and act as an intermediary between God and the people. This is very similar to the idea of sainthood in Catholicism.
what does Walaya mean?
What qualities does a sufi saint have?
- protected from sin
- not aware of their own status due to annihilated ego
- “the saint is the perfume of god on earth” - the sincere can scent the saint and it reaches their hearts, helping with their own devotion to god
how do sufis know about the saints?
there are many biographies about them - focusing on their teachings on ethics and spirituality, their miracles and the stories they told which had a point
why are the saints important?
- reciting their deeds/sayings was a way of calling the saint’s blessings upon the sufi
- contemplating saint’s behaviour helped establish ethical standards for society
- the miracles were attested by witnesses who passed them on, allowing the saint to become well known
What happened at Hallaj’s execution?
after he was executed every part of his dismembered body cried “i am the truth”. in the morning after his blood had inscribed ‘allah’ on the scaffold. his ashes were put in the river they began to swell, only when his robe was placed on the river water, it stopped rising.
how do sufi muslims show the importance of the saints?
- visiting the tombs, where they believe healing may take place
- celebrating the wedding day of the saints i.e. when they achieved fana
what are the dangers of revering the saints?
- risk of shirk
- Rida criticised sufi saint culture as he insisted a saint could not intercede with god for people in earthly matters and thus did not have the mystical power to grant good fortune
- al-Wahhab rejected saintly intercession and pilgrimage to tombs.
What is the meaning of the first part of RSOTR?
- the soul is separated from the divine source. This is an allusion to the original state to which the human has separated himself from.
- “Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back”
What is the meaning of the second part of RSOTR?
the path to god is secret.
- “this is not for the senses to perceive”
What is the meaning of the third part of RSOTR?
- the mystic has a driving passion to return to and serve god, as god is everything
- “the flute is played with fire, not with wind” - fire represents passion
What is the meaning of the fourth part of RSOTR?
- the mystic feels grief because of the barrier between them and God, grief which could send them mad
- ” it relates the passion of Majnun”
- allusion - Majnun fell in love with Layla and went mad with grief when they were separated
What is the meaning of the fifth part of RSOTR?
- the mystic must be free of sin and wanting, which is the cause of the barrier. they must shed this
- “Only one undressed by Love, is free of defect and desire.”
- “How long will silver and gold enslave you?”
What is the meaning of the sixth part of RSOTR?
- the mystic will return to god provided they continue to love and free themselves from sin.
“ If you find the mirror of the heart dull, the rust has not been cleared from its face.” - is saying that we should get rid of sin, repent and do good works. This will help us to turn to God and find the love he is describing within ourselves.