God is One Flashcards
What is tawhid
the oneness of God. there is no plural for allah in arabic, suggesting there is one
What are the three types of tawhid and what do they mean?
- Ruboobeeyah-Lordship
- Sifaat-attributes
- Ibadah-worship
why is the shahadah so important?
it is whispered into new born baby’s ears and dying people’s ears
Turner - Tawhid is…
“uncompromising monotheism”
Esposito - Tawhid is the …
“defining doctrine of Islam”
Sherif - “Man kind is…
…the noblest object of divine creation”
Surah 112 - “Say he…
…Allah, is the one and only, God the Eternal, Absolute….And none is like Him.”
Quran 42:11 “He is …
…Creator of the heavens and the earth….There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”
Quran 24:42 “To Allah…
belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah is the final goal of all”
Quran 21:22 “Had there been…
within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah , they both (heaven and earth) would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah , Lord of the Throne, above what they describe.”
Shirk “yet there are…
men who take for worship others besides Allah as equal….if only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty; that to allah belongs all pwer and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty”
Sura 52:17 “Behold…
two guardian angels appointed to learn his doings, one sitting on the right and one on the left.”
Sura 7:156 “With my…
punishment I visit who I will; but My mercy extends to all things”
Which scholars support the Kalam argument?
Al-Kindi, Al Ghazali, William Lane Craig
What are the two premises of the Kalam argument?
Everything that begins to exist has been caused to exist by something else.
The universe began to exist and so must also have a cause, which must be God.
Surah 3:190 “Behold! …
…In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, these are indeed signs for men of understanding”
Teleological argument - Surah 2:29 “it is He who…
…created for you all things that are on earth; moreover His design comprehended the heavens.”
Teleological argument - Quran “and certainly…
did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging.”
what do muslims believe about creation?
Muslims believe that Allah created out of nothing (ex nihilo). He created everything including the angels, jinns and demons.
What is shirk?
- The worst sin a Muslim can commit - to compare Allah to other Gods or to put anything above Allah in importance e.g. money, other humans, power
○ Major shirk - deliberate
○ Minor shirk - unintentional- Shirk is why there are no pictures in Mosques, to remove the danger of worshipping prophets etc
what do muslims believe about the end of the world?
God has the power to bring the world’s end, and the power to judge humans on whether they go to heaven or hell. There are two angels sat on each shoulder - Raqib and Atid - who write down the actions of the human during their life time. This becomes the book of deeds which is handed to the person on the Day of Judgement - if it is in the right hand they are going to heaven, if in the left they will go to hell.
What to Muslims believe about god’s immanence?
God is immanent; he is part of the universe so science and learning is a discovery of god
What quote shows god’s immanence?
“We are nearer to man than his jugular vein.” Sura 50:16
What does turner say on god’s immanence?
“The Koranic conception of Allah is as a Creator who is never absent from his creation…..he is one who manifests Himself constantly through His creation.”
What do muslims believe about God’s mercy and compassion?
This is known through revelation - Muslims believe from the Qur’an that Allah created Adam and put him in charge of the earth (a vice-regent). However, as he is merciful, he sent Prophets to show humans how to be a vice-regent. They also believe that God will be forgiving of Muslims who try their best but commit sins.
How does Craig support the Kalam argument?
The universe cannot be infinite as infinity makes no sense - If you add a book or borrow one from a library with an infinite number of books, it still has an infinite amount as you cannot add to or take away from infinity.
What is Hawkings’ weakness of the Kalam argument?
the universe came from nothing - it appeared out of the laws of gravity, so there is no need for a God
Teleological - what is oneness?
AHADIYYA - This can be seen when one looks at the human eye and can see the harmony and interconnections of between the different parts.
The fact that each human eye has the same purpose points to one God. If there were two equally omnipotent powers, then design would be chaotic because they would be fighting over design.
Teleological - what is unity?
WAHIDIYYA - unity in the cosmos (eg the water cycle) points towards a creator, as different parts of the universe work together towards one purpose.
What did Milani say supporting unity?
gives example of the watch. Everything is designed towards its purpose to keep you within time. Also gives painting example - though we have not met the artist, we can conclude that it has a designer.
How does the sperm show unity?
As the sperm is simple, it should produce a similar simple effect. Yet it does not - it produces all the different organs of the human body and so it is not simple. Naturalists would explain this by saying that the sperm has components within it that that relate to the organ they produce. RAZI points out that even if this was the case and the sperm contains the components to produce the different organs, it does not contain within it the ability to ensure that the organs are always in the same place. This requires wisdom which a sperm which is a part of nature simply does not have. It requires an intelligent creator.
How does Hume criticise the teleological argument? And what are the comebacks? (3)
- Design in the universe could be the work of several gods - but then created objects would not be the same so there would be disorder
- epicurean hypothesis - Milani and Saleem - we would not think this if we looked at a painting, we would say it has a designer
- designer could not be perfect due to flaws in the world - but evil allows humans to grow, and taqlif means god does not give humans more suffering than they can cope with
how does mill criticise the teleological argument? and what is the comeback?
There is too much evil in nature for the designer of this world to be loving - “nearly all the things which men are hanged or imprisoned for doing to one another are nature’s every-day performance” - but Saleem says that “evil” is a part of the order e.g. a poisonous animal does not make all food they touch poisonous. It works within its own order - “Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better” - quran
how does darwin criticise the teleological argument? and what is the comeback?
This world looks well designed due to natural selection and survival of the fittest. If a species does not adapt to its environment, then it will die out. Thus, everything will always look well designed - he Qur’an is the word of Allah and humans came from God making them out of clay not and then from God placing a sperm in the womb-not evolution.
Do Mutazalites or Hanbalites believe the Qur’an was created? and why?
Mutazalites; because otherwise it could suggest there are two gods for if the quran is eternal it would be its own god
What is the main teaching of the mutazilites?
Denied God’s attributes. God is transcendent and so cannot be like humans. They felt adjectives used to describe God took away from his oneness. Must use reason to work out metaphors, not read Qur’an literally as ‘hands’ etc anthropomorphise God
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the mutazilite view?
Strengths - will not lead to shirk or anthropomorphising god, also maintains his oneness and transcendence
Weaknesses - reason can be wrong, less personal god, undermines qur’an’s authority, lost sight of immanence
what is the main teaching of the hanbalites?
- God’s attributes revealed in the Qur’an. Should be believed, though their nature is secret as human reason is limited and cannot understand them. Debating them could compromise his transcendence.
- Ibn Badran said that “those curious about the nature of the divine attributes should reverently recognise that such matters are veiled from the workings of human reason. “ The bible should be read literally.
what is the main teaching of the asharites?
They teach the middle way between the Hanbalites and Mutazilites. They emphasised the use of reason to know God, and used negation to define God. God’s attributes are a part of his essence but not the same, so do serve a purpose and say something about god. Attributes of action and attributes of essence. Did not say attributes and essence are the same as it denies his attributes, but did not say they are different as it could suggest multiple gods.
what are the strengths and weaknesses of the hanbalite view?
strengths - understands mystery of god, doesn’t misunderstand him
weaknesses - anthropomorphises god, could lead to polytheism, appeals to much to mystery
what are the strengths and weaknesses of the asharite vies?
strengths - Attributes are not the same as essence, so do serve a purpose and say something of God
weaknesses - how can we understand god if his attributes are nothing like humans?