Suffix/ Condition or Disease Flashcards
-algia / arthralgia
condition of pain / pain in a joint
-dynia / tenodynia
pain/ pain in a tendon
-artresia / hysteratresia
closure or absence of a normal body opening/ closure or absence of the uterine cavity.
-asthenia / myasthenia
weakness / weakness of muscle
-cele / meningocele
hernia,swelling or protrusion / hernia of the meninges of the brain or spinal column that protrudes
-ia / anorexia
condition of / condition in which there is no appetite
-osis / adenosis
condition of / condition of a gland
-ism / albinism
condition or disease / condition of white, or lack of skin pigment
-itis / gastritis
inflammation/ inflammation of the stomach
-pathy / neuropathy
disease/ disease f the nerve
-penia / leukopenia
deficiency or abnormal reduction in number /a deficiency of white blood cells
-phobia / hydrophobia
fear / fear of water
-plasia / neoplasia
formation, growth / new formation or growth- referring to a tumor
-rrhea / rhinorrhea
discharge / nasal discharge (or runny nose
-rrhagia / rhinorrhagia
abnormal discharge/ nasal discharge (or runny nose
-rrhexis / amniorrhexis
rupture / a rupture of the membrane known as the amnion, which encloses a fetus
-sclerosis / arteriosclerosis
condition of hardening/ artery walls are hardening & losing elasticity
-spasm / bronchospasm
sudden, involuntary muscle contraction /SIMC of the muscular lining of the bronchi