Prefix / Number of Quantity Flashcards
ambi /
bi / bifocal
two, second / 2 focal points
di / diplegia
double / double plegia, paralysis of double limbs
dipl / diplopia
double / double vision
hemi / hemiplegia
half / paralysis of half the body or one side
mono / monoplegia
one / paralysis of one limb or muscle group
multi / multipolar neuron
many, more than one, numerous / nerve cell that includes many branches called dendrites, at one end of the cell.
nulli / nullipara
none, never / condition of never having given birth or no births
pan / pandemic
all / disease occurring over a wide geographic area.
poly / polyphagia
excessive, over, many / excessive eating
primi / primipara
first / gave birth for the first time
quadri / quadriplegia
four / paralysis of 4 limbs
semi / semiconscious
half or partial / partially conscious