suffering and pain Flashcards
What are the three primary experiances of suffering
- allienation from yourself, the changes to you body can be hard to acept and come to terms with
- allienation from others - unable to be the person whom you are perceved to be by other people
- making stranges for others you know well, struggle to find a method to communicate
What is suffering
suffering is a state of distress brough about by actual or percived threat to the integrity of the exsistance of you as a whole,
What is the difference between suffering and pain
Suffering is pain without purpouse which feels endless,
when pain has a pourpose, or you can find pourpose within suffering then it is no longer suffering
What are some of the impacts of suffering
involves a submission to a set of circumstances
suffering destorys the ability to communicate
how do you heal from suffering
naratives help
when we find a way to regain our voice this is the basis of overcoming suffering
narrative roles can appear here
- chaos is offten associated with suffering
- quest is often associated with moving forward
- resitiution helps with healing
What are the three stages of regaining voice
mute suffering - cannot exspress
exspressive suffereing
finding an authentic voice
difference between healing and curing
curing = to remove someone from their illness
healing = to create an envrionment in which an individual has come to terms with their new situation in which they are no longer suffering
How can religion play a part in an septic community
health care professonals can still relate to and help people who have strong relisgous belifs to help them through periods of pain
what are the core aspects of healing
Naratives, cultral symbols, healing rituals, build bridges from our current suffering to a future place of healing by giving reason to suffering which is persoanlly and cultrially relavant