module 4 Flashcards
What is the definition of epidemiology and how does this relate to descriptive and analytical view points
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinats of health related states or events in a population
Descriptive relates to distribution
- people, place or time
- who, when, what, were
Analytic relates to the determiates
- outcomes and exsposure (observational or analytic)
- corrolated
What is a cross sectional study
A Descriptive epidemiological study
a study which measures exsposure and/or outcomes for a population at a point in time
- Date, time period, event
What can be measured from a cross-sectional study
Prevlance - duration + incidence
used -
- describe prevlance
- compaire prevlance - age or time
- Generate a hypothesis
- plan resourse allocation
What are the limitations and strengths of a cross sectional study
- Dont know temporal sequence
- No measure of incidence
- Bad for rare outcomes
- Not good for outcomes which vary over time
- Cheap
- Time efficent
- Look at multiple exsposures
- Dependant on reserch question
Do we want a hypothesis? Are we looking at a stable population? Do we want a measure of prevelance?
What is a GATE for frame
graphic apprasal tool for epidemiology
triangle = sample from population
circle = top = exposed, bottom = control
square = left has condition or right doesnt have condition still top bottom specific
What is the prevlance ratio
The relative risk
exposed + outcome / contol + outcome
What is an ecological study and when are they used
A descriptive epidemilogical study
compair exsposure and outcome of a group
- No data about the individual
used for:
- comparison between populations
- assessment of a populations risk factors
- consider a hypothesis (check if it matches)
What are the strengths + limitations of an ecological study
- Ecological falocy = cannot make a prediction about an individual based around a population
- Cant control confounding
- cannot show causation
- data offten collected regulaly = easy to do + cheap
- dependant on reserch question, is it a population level exsposure? do we want to consider a hypothesis?
What is index dating
Used in case control study
taking your control at the same time as you add a case to the study