Success Flashcards
Really give the exercises your very best shot. Get into it with vim and vigor. Truly enjoy the fun of the experience.
The good news is that this is a skill that can be mastered with practice. But, you must persist. Don’t give up too soon.
Keep a journal. Note the insights you discover. Note your emotional tenor on a day-to-day basis. See the trend. Each day you are not radiantly alive and brimming with cheer is a day wasted.
Fill your life with Effervescent Joy. Establish deep relations with the people around you.
If you have an open mind, you can create serendipitous opportunities.
When you are truly moved by deep inner conviction, you become a leader, one who cares for a greater cause than personal well-being. Then you will find joy creeping and then rushing into your life.
We can never truly live an ideal life unless we recognize that we are inseparable from others. We do not function in isolation. Individual attitudinal transformation is, to a large extent, under your control. Obstacles, big and small, are there to test your mettle and to bring out the best in you just as the abrasive whetstone serves to finely hone a knife. Plow on indomitably, sure of what you want to achieve and yet unconcerned about the results.
You are the springboard from which your children are launched. Watch with a full heart as they wend their ways.
Your ideal life does not exist. You will have to construct it in bits and pieces, somewhat like a jigsaw puzzle. Consider enlightened leadership, which is service, putting the well-being of all above the well-being of self alone. Leadership is a state of being, not a skill. Being centered and grounded give the leader stability, flexibility and endurance. Because the leader sees clearly the leader can shed light on others.
The way you command the soul of the people is by working on yourself. Be a beacon. “We are not here merely to earn a living and create value for shareholders. We are here to enrich the world and make it a finer place to live. We will impoverish ourselves if we fail to do so. “– – Woodrow Wilson
You will enjoy your work more when you are in harmony with the values of the organization you have joined.
Everyone has mental models which we call the truth, reality, or the facts. We have different models for different situations – – work, love, and our families.
Certain mental models build upon themselves towards a downward spiral. These constructs do not serve you well. Ask yourself: does this new model work better for me than the one I am using currently? Let your new visions become your mental screen saver, popping up after 30 seconds.
Immerse yourself in your excitement, and savor it. Let it grab hold of your imagination. Surrender to it. Bring it up deliberately at stray moments during the day – – during your morning routine, while waiting for the train, or for traffic lights to change. Let these new ideas become your mental screen saver, popping up often. Entertain these new ideas until you fully feel comfortable with them then, proceed further. Consider models for family, work, love and self.
The world we live in, the one in which we experience love, angst, and sorrow, is not real. We invented it – – it is merely a construct. Create a different reality. Your most important asset is your ability to be happy, to be fulfilled and joyous. Don’t let others hijack your vision. Don’t entrust it to others. Don’t give power over your happiness to someone else. Slip into a parallel universe that has always been available to you.
Play around with different scenarios and pick one alternate reality that is better than the one you are experiencing right now and one you can plausibly accept. Live as if the alternate reality is true. Behave in accordance with it. Dwell on every scrap of evidence that this alternate reality is true. Eventually you will become the role you were trying to play.
Write down every scrap of evidence that supports your alternative reality. What you pay attention to, what you focus on, is what shows up in your life in an increasing quantity.
Let that alternate reality become your reality. If that doesn’t work, construct another reality and try it until you find one that works. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t work out. Just construct a different bunch of realities and try again.
Your life is hemmed in by things you know to be true that aren’t. It’s time to start setting yourself free.
Your voice of judgment insinuates itself into your mental chatter in negative ways. Over time, the negative judgment starts to accumulate. Eventually it forms a huge barrier that is placed squarely in front of you on the path to your ideal life.
These are dangerous pop-ups. They are all the ideas, beliefs, habits, and attitudes that you have collected. They come from your parents, your relatives, your teachers, your friends. They come from society and from the media. You pick them up and observe them without examination, and accept them. But…you dont have to!
If there is a toxic person in your life – – a boss, a relative, a friend – – do not hand your emotional well-being to this person.
If this person has hierarchical authority over you, you may have to comply with behavioral dictums, but you never have to give up your equanimity.
A generally negative person has anger, self-doubt, anxiety and worry. A generally positive person is hopeful, loving, and confident.
Don’t let external stimuli hijack your mental state.
Use observation mode to keep things in perspective.
Don’t put yourself down and don’t judge others. If you become aware of your judgments and emotional distractions, you will gain much needed control over your life. Be aware of the amount of self flagellation you indulge in. Note your chatter dispassionately. Your mental chatter is less able to take you down distructive paths when you are consciously aware of it.