Substantive Procedures (4) Flashcards
Allowance for trade receivables (Discuss director reasonableness)
Discuss with the finance director the rationale for not providing against any receivables and consider the reasonableness of the allowance.
Allowance for trade receivables (Breakdown opening recovered written)
Obtain a breakdown of the opening allowance of $125,000 and consider if the receivables allowed for in the prior year have been fully recovered, through the additional credit control procedures, or now fully written off.
Allowance for trade receivables (Aged slow moving controllers collected)
Inspect the aged trade receivables listing to identify any slow moving or old receivable balances and discuss the status of these balances with the credit controllers to assess whether they are likely to be collected.
Allowance for trade receivables (cash receipts slow moving)
Review whether there are any after-date cash receipts for identified slow moving/old receivable balances.
Allowance for trade receivables (customer correspondence balances allowance)
Review customer correspondence to identify any balances which are in dispute or unlikely to be paid and confirm if these were considered in determining the allowance
Allowance for trade receivables (minutes significant concerns assess allowance)
Inspect board minutes to identify any significant concerns in rela tion to payments by customers and assess if these have been considered when determining the allowance.
Allowance for trade receivables (recalculate receivables not recoverable compare)
Recalculate the potential level of trade receivables which are not recoverable and compare to allowance and discuss differences with management
Going concern (cashflow forecast)
Obtain the cash flow forecast and review the cash in and outflows. Assess the assumptions for reasonableness and discuss the findings with management to understand if the company will have sufficient cash.
Going concern (sensitivity)
Perform a sensitivity analysis on the cash flows to understand the margin of safety the company has in terms of its net cash in/outflow
Going concern (management future actions)
Evaluate management’s plans for future actions, including contingency plans for financing and plans for generating revenue, and consider the feasibility of these plans.
Going concern (agreements covenants)
Review any agreements with the bank to determine whether any covenants have been breached
Going concern (correspondence renewing overdraft)
Review any bank correspondence to assess the likelihood of the bank renewing the overdraft facility
Going concern (post-year-end legal action)
Review post-year-end correspondence with suppliers to identify if any have threatened legal action or any others have refused to supply goods
Going concern (lawyers litigation)
Enquire of the lawyers of Marlin Co regarding the existence of any litigation
Going concern (board difficulties)
Review the post-year-end board minutes to identify any other issues which might indicate further financial difficulties for the company
Going concern (basis appropriate FSs)
Conclude whether the going concern basis is appropriate for the preparation of the financial statements
Going concern (written representation)
Obtain management’s written representation that Marlin Co is a going concern.
Receivables accuracy, valuation and allocation (cash receipts pre receivables)
Review the after date cash receipts and trace to pre-year-end receivable balances.
Receivables accuracy, valuation and allocation (aged receivables report)
Inspect the aged receivables report to identify any slow-moving balances, discuss these with the credit control manager to assess whether an allowance or write down is necessary.
Receivables accuracy, valuation and allocation (customer correspondence dispute)
For any slow moving/aged balances review customer correspondence to assess whether there are any invoices in dispute.
Receivables accuracy, valuation and allocation (board minutes)
Review board minutes of Dashing Co to assess whether there are any material disputed receivables.
Receivables completeness (GDN sales invoices)
Select a sample of goods despatched notes from before the year end, agree to sales invoices and to inclusion in the detailed sales listing and trade receivables account before the year end.
Receivables completeness (customer balances agree)
Agree the total of the list of individual customer balances to the aged receivables listing and to the trial balance
Receivables completeness (prior year aged receivables)
Obtain the prior year aged receivables listing and for significant balances compare to the current year receivables listing for inclusion and amount due
Receivables completeness (customer credit balances)
Review the list of individual customer balances for any credit balances and discuss with management whether these should be reclassified as payables.
Receivables rights and obligations (bank confirmations evidence security owed)
Review bank confirmations and loan agreements for any evidence that trade receivables have been assigned as security for amounts owed by Dashing Co
Receivables rights and obligations (board minutes evidence third)
Review board minutes for evidence that legal title to receivables has been sold onto a third party (e.g. a factor)
Receivables rights and obligations (individual customers balance sales orders)
For a sample of individual customers, agree the make-up of the balance per the listing to sales orders or a contract in the original name of the customer.
Redundancy provision (directors present obligation)
Discuss with the directors of Dashing Co whether they have formally announced their intention to close the production site and make their employees redundant, to confirm that a present obligation exists at the year end.
Redundancy provision (announced year supporting documentation decision)
If announced before the year end, review supporting documentation to verify that the decision has been formally announced.
Redundancy provision (board minutes probable)
Review the board minutes to ascertain whether it is probable that the redundancy payments will be paid.
Redundancy provision (breakdown employee completeness TB)
Obtain a breakdown of the redundancy calculations by employee and cast it to confirm completeness and agree to trial balance.
Redundancy provision (recalculate provision completeness)
Recalculate the redundancy provision to confirm completeness and agree components of the calculation to supporting documentation such as employee contracts
Redundancy provision (post-year-end redundancy)
Review the post-year-end cash book to identify whether any redundancy has been paid; compare actual payments to the amounts provided to assess whether the provision is reasonable
Redundancy provision (representation)
Obtain a written representation from management to confirm the completeness of the provision
Redundancy provision (review disclosure)
Review the disclosure of the redundancy provision to confirm compliance with IAS 37® Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
Completeness trade payables and accruals (payables prior)
Compare the total trade payables and list of accruals against prior year and investigate any significant differences.
Completeness trade payables and accruals (post-year-end book listing)
Select a sample of post-year-end payments from the cash book; if they relate to the current year, trace to the detailed purchase listing or accruals listing to confirm they are recorded in the correct period.
Completeness trade payables and accruals (supplier statements balances)
Obtain supplier statements and reconcile these to the list of individual suppler balances, and investigate any reconciling items
Completeness trade payables and accruals (circularisation)
If supplier statements are not received by Airsoft Co, select a sample of suppliers and request. Follow up any non-replies and any reconciling items between the balance confirmed and the balance per the list of individual suppliers.
Completeness trade payables and accruals (invoices credit notes)
Review after date invoices and credit notes to confirm no further items need to be accrued.
Year-end bank balances (bank confirmation all)
Obtain a bank confirmation letter from Airsoft Co’s bankers for all of its bank accounts.
Year-end bank balances (bank confirmation reconciliations TB)
Agree all accounts listed on the bank confirmation letter to Airsoft Co’s bank reconciliations and the trial balance to confirm completeness of bank balances
Year-end bank balances (balance confirmation bank statement)
Agree the balance per the bank reconciliation to an original year-end bank statement and to the bank confirmation letter
Year-end bank balances (lodgements)
Trace all the outstanding lodgements to the pre-year-end cash book, post-year-end bank statement and also to the paying-in-book before the year end
Year-end bank balances (Trace unpresented cheques)
Trace all unpresented cheques to a pre-year-end cash book and post-year-end statement. For any unusual amounts or significant delays, obtain explanations from management.
Year-end bank balances (Examine unpresented cheques)
Examine any old unpresented cheques to assess if they need to be written back to the individual suppliers’ balances as they are no longer valid to be presented.
Year-end bank balances (unusual items)
Review the cash book and bank statements for any unusual items or large transfers around the year end, as this could be evidence of window dressing.
Year-end bank balances (review FSs)
Review the financial statements to confirm that the disclosure of bank balances is complete and accurate
Director’s renumeration (schedule split)
Obtain a schedule of the directors’ remuneration, split by salary and bonus paid in April and cast the schedule to confirm accuracy
Director’s renumeration (individual salary)
Agree a sample of the individual monthly salary payments and the bonus payment in April to the payroll records
Director’s renumeration (bonus paid statements)
Confirm the amount of each bonus paid by agreeing to the cash book and bank statements.
Director’s renumeration (board minutes)
Review the board minutes to identify whether any additional payments relating to this year have been agreed for any directors
Director’s renumeration (amounts paid genuine)
Agree the amounts paid per director to board minutes to confirm the sums included are genuine.
Director’s renumeration (written representation)
Obtain a written representation from management confirming the completeness of directors’ remuneration including the bonus
Director’s renumeration (disclousres legislation)
Review the disclosures regarding the directors’ remuneration and assess whether they comply with local legislation
Inventory valuation (breakdown WIP percentage)
Obtain the breakdown of WIP and agree a sample of WIP assessed during the inventory count to the WIP schedule, agreeing the percentage completion to that recorded at the inventory count.
Inventory valuation (cost sheets PI, labour costs)
For a sample of inventory items (finished goods and WIP), obtain the relevant cost sheets and agree raw material costs to recent purchase invoices, labour costs to time sheets or payroll records and confirm overheads allocated are of a production related nature.
Inventory valuation (credit notes)
Examine post-year-end credit notes to determine whether there have been returns which could signify that a write down is required.
Inventory valuation (finished goods sales invoices NRV)
Select a sample of year-end finished goods and compare cost with post-year-end sales invoices to ascertain if net realisable value (NRV) is above cost or if an adjustment is required.
Inventory valuation (basis valuation)
Discuss the basis of WIP valuation with management and assess its reasonableness.
Inventory valuation (aged inventory)
Review aged inventory reports to identify any slow-moving goods and discuss with management why these items have not been written down or if an allowance is required.
Inventory valuation (defective board minutes)
For the defective batch of product Crocus, review board minutes and discuss with management their plans for selling these goods
Inventory valuation (post-year-end NRV)
If any Crocus products have been sold post-year end, review the sales invoice to assess NRV
Research and development (schedule intangible)
Obtain and cast a schedule of intangible assets, agree the closing balances to the general ledger, trial balance and draft financial statements
Research and development (finance dierctor rationale)
Discuss with the finance director the rationale for the four-year useful life and consider its reasonableness.
Research and development (recalculate amortisation expense)
Recalculate the amortisation expense for a sample of intangible assets which have commenced production and confirm that it is in line with the amortisation policy of straight line over four years
Research and development (new projects discuss details)
For the three new computing software projects, discuss with management the details of each project along with the stage of development and whether it has been capitalised or expensed
Research and development (expensed research)
For those expensed as research, agree the costs incurred to invoices and supporting documentation and to inclusion in profit or loss
Research and development (capitalised invoices)
For those capitalised as development, agree costs incurred to invoices