Substance abuse-Exam 2 Flashcards
____ alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs or improperly used medication
_____ sporadic consumption with no major adverse consequences
substance use
______ consumption that risks major adverse consequences
at risk substance use
______ condition characterized by an individual who is significantly affected by another person’s substance use or addiction
Define substance abuse
maladaptive use causing impairment or distress over a 12-month period where 1+ has occurred:
Failure to fulfill major role obligations
Use of drugs in hazardous situations
Recurrent legal problems due to substance use
Continued drug use despite persistent social or interpersonal
problems because of use
_____ state of adaptation manifested by a substance class-specific withdrawal syndrome
What can dependence be produced by?
Rapid dose reduction or cessation of a substance
Administration of an antagonist
Tolerance to the substance
____ and ____ are both types of dependence that a patient can manifest
Psychological dependence
Physiologic dependence
______ primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations
What are the characteristic behaviors of addiction?
Impaired control over substance use
Compulsive substance use
Continued substance use despite harm
Craving for substance
What is the difference between substance use and dependence/addiction?
Substance use - pts retain control of their use
Dependence and Addiction - No longer have full control
Dependence/addiction you can ????? often predate the initial substance use, thought to be genetically predisposed. What is this thought to be due to?
Measurable brain abnormalities
changes that affect dopamine level in mesolimbic system
What are some examples of psychological dependence?
irritable, agitation etc etc
What are some examples of physiological dependence?
heart palpitations, HA, N/V
Substance use disorder is defined as maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by ___ of the following within a ____:
12-month period
**Patients 12 yrs and up with any illicit drug use in the past 1 month: is _____
almost 1 in 5 (17%)
**______ that they have a substance abuse problem
Almost 95% are unaware
** ______ age at first use = _____ risk of later addiction
younger age
increased risk
aka the younger you are when you first use, the greater the chance of addiction later
What ethnicity has the highest rates of substance abuse?
alaskan native and native american
**Lifetime prevalence of ETOH - Almost ______ of pts 12+
4 out of 5 (78%)
**ETOH within past 12 months - almost ______
2 out of 3 (63%)
**ETOH within past 12 months, ages 12-20 - about _____
3 in 20 (15%)
**Cigarettes or vaping: ______ - Lifetime, pts 12 and up (2022)
Over 1 out of 2 pts (57%)
**Cigarettes or vaping ______ - Past 1 yr, pts 12 and up (2022). Is this statistic getting better or worse?
Over 1 out of 5 pts (28%)
no improvement and trending up
Young adults are more likely to use ______.
vaporized cigarettes (vapes)
**What are the top 3 most abused substances? Know which ones are illicit
1: Alcohol
#2: Marijuana
#3: Pain relievers
**_____ is the leading cause of preventable death in the US
Tobacco use
What are some substance abuse risk factors
Early onset tobacco use
Early experimentation with substances
Type of substance tried
_____ neurotransmitter involved in regulation of pain, appetite, memory, mood
Why do people abuse substances?
Chemical structure of many drugs is similar to neurotransmitters
Drugs of abuse affect the motivation and pleasure
pathways in our brain!
Drugs of abuse ____ dopamine levels, and affect ___ and _____ levels
increase dopamine
serotonin and glutamate levels
What are some common cognitive defects with addiction?
Short-term memory loss
Impaired abstract thinking
Impaired problem-solving strategies
Loss of impulse control
What are the three C of addiction?
Chronicity: multiple relapses precede stable recovery
There is a strong link between mental illness and substance use, which of the two should be treated first?
Should treat both at the same time
What is the opponent-process theory?
Every process that is either pleasant or unpleasant has a secondary “opponent” (opposite) process that sets in after
With repetition, the primary process becomes weaker while the opponent process is strengthened
aka: less of high/rush with more of the withdrawal
aka: over time its less about getting high and more about avoiding the withdrawal
What are most of the substance abuse medication aimed at treating?
medications aimed at preventing the rush and helping with the withdrawal to not be so terrible
**About _____ US adults use alcohol in a risky manner and are at risk for substance use issues!
1 in 4
_____ repetitive use of alcohol, often to alleviate emotional problems
at-risk drinking
What is considered moderate drinking for men? binge drinking?
moderate drinking: 1-2 drinks/day
binge: greater than 4 drinks on a single occasion
more than 14/drinks/week on average
What is considered moderate drinking for women? binge drinking?
moderate drinking: 1 drink/day
binge drinking: more than 3 drinks on a single occasion
more than 7 drinks a week on average
**What equals 1 drink?
How long does it take the liver to process 0.5oz of alcohol?
1 hour
What are some telescoping factors in women that speed up the timeline from first drunk to alcohol dependence?
Lower EtOH dehydrogenase
Lower total body water
Smaller volume of distribution
Drink like partner
What enzyme breaks down alcohol?
EtOH dehydrogenase
What psych disorder is common in alcohol abuse? What gender is more likely to abuse alcohol?
What is the 3rd leading cause of preventable death in the US?
excessive alcohol use
_____ recurrent use of alcohol despite disruption in social roles, alcohol-related legal problems, or taking safety risks
alcohol addiction
What are some risks factors for alcohol dependence?
Male gender
White or Native American
Younger age (18-29)
Being single
Lower income
Past exposure to adverse events (think military combat)
Genetic predisposition
Significant disability
Other psych disorders (SUD, depressions, BPD, personality disorders)
What is the CAGE questionnaire?
CUT DOWN on your drinking?
felt ANNOYED by someone criticizing your drinking?
felt GUILTY about your drinking?
ever needed an EYE-OPENER?
2+ yes: need an more in depth assessment
1 yes: is a red flag, possible substance abuse problem
_____ is the more in depth CAGE survey
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
What is the MOA of alcohol?
Crosses the blood-brain barrier
Acts as a sedative-hypnotic substance
Affects CNS receptors - GABA, NMDA (glutamate), 5HT-3 (serotonin)
Facilitates dopamine release
suppression of the inhibitory control system
What is delirium tremens?
extreme alcohol withdraw due to prolonged alcohol consumption, results in fewer GABA receptors
confusion, tremor, seizures, sensory hyperacuity, hallucinations, hyperreflexia
anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, paranoia
Diaphoresis, dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities
What am I?
What are the 2 major ones?
delirium tremens
**tremor and seizures
**What is the triad of Wernicke Encephalopathy? What is the treatment? Is it reversible?
Confusion, ataxia, ophthalmoplegia
Thiamine, other B vitamins
Often completely reversible with treatment
What are the signs of Korsakoff Psychosis? What is the treatment? Is it reversible?
Amnesia: anterograde and retrograde
apraxia (unable to perform movements when asked)
agnosia (unable to process sensory information)
Thiamine, other B vitamins
Only about 20% are reversible with treatment
What is a classic chronic alcohol abuse abdominal s/s?
Portal hypertension, varices, caput medusae