Mood disorders- Part 2 Flashcards
____ is persistent depressive disorder. What are the DSM criteria?
Patients with ongoing depressive symptoms for two years or longer
Do not have to be in full major depressive episode for all of the two-year span PLUS 2 more of the following:
Appetite changes (poor appetite or overeating)
Sleep changes (insomnia or hypersomnia)
Fatigue or loss of energy
Diminished ability - thinking, concentration or decision-making
Low self-esteem
Feelings of hopelessness
aka more times than not in a depressed mood
T/F: Dysthymia patients sometimes will have manic episodes.
FALSE! Cannot have manic symptoms or secondary cause
What is the treatment for Dysthymia?
1st: SSRIs with therapy
2nd: TCAs and MAOIs have shown success in studies
____ is a depressed mood in response to an identifiable psychosocial stressor
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
T/F: Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood is classified as a true depressive disorder. Why or why not?
FALSE! NOT classified as a true depressive disorder
Significant depressive symptoms, in response to a stressor, that do not meet criteria for a more specific depressive disorder
What is the DSM for Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood?
Low mood, tearfulness, or feelings of hopelessness in response to a stressor within 3 months of onset
Symptoms are significant, as evidenced by one or both of the following:
Significant distress exceeding what would be expected given the nature of the stressor
Impaired functioning (social or occupational)
Syndrome is not bereavement¹
Syndrome resolves within 6 months after stressor and its consequences have ended
Recurrent major depressive symptoms occurring consistently at particular times of year is _____. Is it considered a separate mood disorder?
Seasonal Affective Disorder
NO, In conjunction with MDD or Bipolar I/II
For seasonal affective disorder ____ onset is considered a “winter depression”. _____ is considered a “Summer depression”
Begins late fall-early winter; remits in summer
Begins in late spring; remits in winter
Seasonal affective disorder is believed to be linked to ??? What types of areas is it worse?
abnormal serotonergic activity
more prevalent in higher latitudes
**What are some s/s of fall onset seasonal affective disorder?
Increased sleep
Increased appetite
Carbohydrate craving
Increased weight
Interpersonal difficulties
Rejection sensitivity
Leaden paralysis (extreme heaviness in the arms and legs)
**What are some s/s of spring onset seasonal affective disorder?
Decreased sleep
Decreased appetite
Decreased weight
What is the treatment for SAD? When will you see a response?
light therapy for non-psychotic, non-suicidal patients
4-6 weeks to see a response
SSRIs, psychotherapy
What are some SE of phototherapy?
Photophobia, HA, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, hypomania
What is the basic bipolar requirments?
major depressive episode with manic episode
What is the criteria for a major depressive episode?
2+ weeks with five or more of the following symptoms nearly all the time/nearly every day:
Depressed mood
Significant change in weight or appetite
Sleep changes (insomnia or hypersomnia)
Activity changes (psychomotor agitation or retardation)
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt (excessive, inappropriate)
Diminished ability - thinking, concentration, or decision making
Recurrent thoughts about death or suicide
and must cause distress or functional impairment and must NOT be due to other cause (substances or medication)
What is the criteria for a manic episode? **What is the big key here that is underlined and starred in the PP?
1+ week (7+ days) of abnormally expansive, elevated, or irritable mood and abnormally increased activity or energy
Along with disturbed mood and energy/activity, 3+ of the following are present (4+ if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep
More talkative than usual / pressured speech
Racing thoughts or flight of ideas
Increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
Excessive involvement in activities with high potential for bad consequences / “risky” behavior
and must cause distress or functional impairment and must NOT be due to other causes
What is the criteria for a hypomanic epidose?
4+ days of abnormally expansive, elevated, or irritable mood and abnormally increased activity or energy
Along with disturbed mood and energy/activity, 3+ of the following are present (4+ if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity (less delusional than mania)
Decreased need for sleep
More talkative than usual / pressured speech
Racing thoughts or flight of ideas
Increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
Excessive involvement in activities with high potential for bad consequences
Spending sprees, sexual indiscretions, foolish business investments
Must be a change from baseline mood/behavior that is observable by others
Must not cause functional impairment or require hospitalization
Must not be due to other causes (substances, medication)
What is the difference between hypomania and mania?
Hypomania: is 4+ days and generally not as severe as mania
mania is 7+ days and more severe
Bipolar ____ is more extreme than bipolar ____
Bipolar I is MORE severe than Bipolar II
What is the criteria for bipolar I? Bipolar II?
Bipolar I:
1 or more manic episodes
Nearly always also have hypomanic and major depressive episodes
Bipolar II:
1 or more hypomanic episodes
1 or more major depressive episodes
No manic episodes
What is cyclothymia? What is the criteria?
s/s of both mania and depression but not enough criteria for a dx of either
Periods of hypomanic symptoms - fall short of criteria for a hypomanic episode with
Periods of depressive symptoms - fall short of criteria for a major depressive episode
Bipolar disorder has a higher incidence in those with ____ socioeconomic status
What some risk factors for bipolar?
-Expression and sensitivity to neurotransmitters
Response to psych drugs
(+) Family history of BPD in ⅔ of patients
Increased paternal age
What are some bipolar disorder subtypes?
How does the atypical subtype present?
reactivity to pleasurable stimuli, hyperphagia (always hungry, can never be satisfied)
Manic and hypomanic episodes develop over a ____
→ Manic - resolves over _____
→ Hypomanic - resolves over _____
few days
15-20 weeks
4-8 weeks
Depressive episodes develop ????
→ Major depressive episode - resolves over ____. When is the highest risk of recurrent depressive episodes?
more slowly, days to weeks
20 weeks
months following the resolution
What is the criteria for rapid-cycling BPD? The majority of these patients are ____. How would you describe their bipolar?
4+ mood episodes a year
women: 80-95%
Longer and more refractory course of illness
_____ : especially common in women with rapid-cycling BPD
MDQ screens for symptoms of _____ or ____
mania or hypomania
What does the PHQ-2 test for?
quick initial screening for a depressive episode
What does the PHQ-9 test for?
Further evaluates presence and severity of depression
Can be used for initial screening or follow-up evaluation
**What is the Zung self-rated scale used for?
Depression, more in-depth rating of current depressive episodes
Treatment of Bipolar I/II varies depending on if the patient is in an _____ or ______
acute mood episode
needing maintenance therapy
What are the goals of bipolar treatment?
Control acute mood symptoms
Induce remission of mood symptoms
Reduce or prevent recurrence of mood episodes