Submandibular Triangle Flashcards
On the superior margin of the ramus of the mandible, there are two bony processes. What are they called and which one is more anterior?
Coronoid (more anterior) process and condylar process
What is the depression between the coronoid and condylar process on the mandible called?
mandibular notch
What bony feature of the mandible separates the submandibular fossa from the sublingual fossa?
the mylohyoid line (p1033 grays)
Origin and Insertion of anterior belly of digastric muscle?
origin: digastric fossa of mandible
insert hyoid bone via digastric tendon
Origin and insertion of posterior belly of digastric muscle?
origin: medial aspect of mastoid process
insertion: hyoid bone via digastric tendon
What innervates the anterior belly of digastric?
Mylohyoid nerve (CN V3) branch of inferior alveolar nerve off trigeminal
What are the actions of the anterior belly of digastric?
lowers mandible or raises hyoid
What are the actions of the posterior belly digastric?
elevates and retracts hyoid
What innervates the posterior belly of digastric?
CN VII (facial)
Origin and insertion of mylohyoid muscle?
origin: mylohyoid line of mandible
insert: hyoid bone and mylohyoid raphe
What innervates the mylohyoid?
Mylohyoid nerve (CN V3) branch of trigeminal
Origin and insertion of geniohyoid?
origin: inferior mental spine of mandible
insert: hyoid bone
What innervates the geniohyoid?
C1 branch travelling with CN XII (hypoglossal)
What are the actions of the mylohyoid muscle?
supports and elevates floor of mouth; raises hyoid
What are the actions of the geniohyoid muscle?
draws mandible and hyoid toward eachother
Origin and insertion of stylohyoid muscle?
orign: styloid process
insert: body of hyoid bone
What innervates stylohyoid muscle?
CN VII (facial)
What are the actions of stylohyoid muscle?
elevates and retracts the hyoid.
What are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Hyoglossus, genioglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus
Origin and insertion of hyoglossus?
origin: greater horn of the hyoid bone
insert: lateral tongue
What innervates the hyoglossus muscle?
CN XII (hypoglossal
What are the actions of the hyoglossus muscle?
depresses and retracts the tongue