Parasympathetic Pathways of Head Flashcards
Which cranial nerves have parasympathetics? Which of these innervate glands or smooth muscle in the head?
CN III, VII, IX, and X all have parasympathetics, but only III, VII, and IX hit targets in the head. X distributes to a few visceral structures in the neck, but primarily those in the thorax, foregut and midgut.
Name the parasympathetic terminal ganglia of the head. Which cell bodies reside in these?
Cilliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, and otic.
Postganglionic cell bodies.
What are the targets of parasympathetic nerves in the cilliary ganglion?
sphincter pupillae and cilliary muscle
What are the targets of parasympathetic nerves in the pterygopalatine ganglion?
lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity
What are the targets of the parasympathetic nerves in the submandibular ganglion?
submandibular and lingual glands
What are the targets of the parasympathetic nerves in the otic ganglion?
parotid gland
Where do the parasympathetic preganglionics of CN III synapse?
cilliary ganglion
How do the postganglionics of the occulomotor nerve reach their target? What is their target?
Their cell bodies reside in the cilliary ganglion, then they travel with the short cilliary nerves of CN V1 (opthalmic) to supply the constrictor pupillae and cilliary muscles of the eye (smooth muscle).
Where do CN VII parasympathetic postganglionic cell bodies reside? What will they target?
Those that synapse with preganglionics from the chorda tympani will reside in the submandibular ganglion to target submandibular and sublingual glands.
Those that synapse with preganglionics from the greater petrosal branch and nerve of the pteryoid canal will reside in the pterygopalatine ganglion to target nasal mucous glands and lacrimal gland.
How do parasympathetic postganglionics that target the nasal mucous and lacrimal glands reach their target?
From their cell bodies in the pterygopalatine ganglion, they will travel with the maxillary and opthalmic divisions of V (CN V1-2).
Specifically, for lacrimal gland, they will go from ganglion to zygomaticotemporal nerve (V2), then form a special autonomic branch, then join lacrimal nerve (V1) to hit gland.
What nerve do parasympathetics traveling in the chorda tympani travel with?
lingual nerve (branch of CN V3)
What do the parasymp preganglionics of CN IX travel?
They start in the motor nuclei in the brain and travel in the tympanic and lesser petrosal branches of CN IX to synapse in the otic ganglion, located in the roof of the infratemporal fossa.
How to CN IX postganglionics reach their target? What is the target?
They from the otic ganglion with the auriculotemporal branch of mandibular nerve (CN V3) to the parotid gland
Where do CN X parasymp postganglionics reside?
terminal ganglion near the target in the neck, thorax, and abdomen.
What CN is the lesser petrosal nerve carrying parasympathetic fibers from?
CN IX preganglionics to the otic ganglion. Synapse then travel with auriculotemporal to hit parotid gland.
What CN is the greater petrosal nerve carrying parasympathetic fibers from?
CN VII preganglionics to the pterygopalatine ganglion to synapse then travels with zygomatic, zygomatiicotemporal and lacrimal nerves to reach lacrimal gland and mucous glands of nose and palate.
What does short cilliary nerve innervate? What type of fibers does it have?
GSA innervation of eyeball from CN V1.
CN III parasympathetic postganglionics travel with it to target sphincter pupillae.
Where do the cell bodies of the sympathetic postganglionic neurons that run in the short cilliary nerve reside?
They pass through the cilliary ganglion, but do not synapse there. The preganglionics synapse in the superior cervical ganglion, so the postganglionic cell bodies are there, then they travel with the internal carotid (opthalmic artery) to the cilliary ganglion and on to innervate the dilator pupillae muscle
How does CN VII leave the cranial cavity? How does it leave the skull?
CN VII passes into the internal acoustic meatus then leaves the skull through the stylomastoid foramen.
What type of fibers does CN VII have as it enters the internal acoustic meatus?
What type of fibers does CN VII have as it leaves the stylomastoid foramen?
BE and very small amount of GSA
How does chorda tympani leave skull?
petrotympanic fissure
Where is the geniculate ganglion and what nerve is associated with it? What cell bodies are located in it?
Located in the Genu of the bony canal of internal auditory meatus. Houses GSA and SA cell bodies.
What two nerves come together to form nerve of the pterygoid canal and what do they carry?
Greater petrosal nerve carries GVE preganglionic parasymp.
Deep petrosal nerve carries sympanthetic postganglionics.
There is also SA returning from palate
How does chorda tympani reach the petrotympanic fissure?
it leaves the bony canal and crosses the tympanic cavity, directly behind the eardrum
Where are cell bodies of taste neurons in the chorda tympani located?
geniculate ganglion
What type of fibers does CN IX carry and what are the targets of each?
Glossopharyngeal carries BE to stylopharyngeus.
GVE parasymp to parotid gland.
GSA to posterior tongue, palatine tonsils, oropharynx, mucosa of the middle ear and auditory tube.
GVA to carotid body and sinus
SA to posterior 1/3 of tongue and soft palate
How does glossopharyngeal nerve exit the skull?
CN IX exits through Jugular foramen
Describe the pathway of CN IX parasympathetics.
Preganglionic cell bodies in the brainstem, CN IX exits skull through jugular foramen then small branch (tympanic nerve) re-enters the bone then travels past the middle ear. It then exits the lesser petrosal hiatus as lesser petrosal nerve and travels in the groove in the middle cranial fossa to the foramen ovale to reach the otic ganglion. Synapses in otic ganglion then postganglionics travel with auriculotemporal nerve to parotid gland.
Where are the majority of CN IX sensory cell bodies located?
Inferior ganglion
What type of fibers does tympanic nerve carry?
GSA from tympanic membrane/auditory tube and GVE parasympathetic preganglionics.
What happens in Frey’s syndrome?
Gustatory sweating caused by parasympathetics growing into severed sympathetics to sweat glands in skin above parotid gland.