Subjunctive Flashcards
Vusi, please open the door
Vusi, mawuvule umnyango
children, please keep quiet
bantwana, manithule
Themba, please chase the dog
Themba, mawuxoshe inja
Vusi, please don’t open the door
Vusi, mawungavuli umnyango
children, please don’t eat sweets
bantwana, maningadli amaswidi
Themba, don’t chase the dog
Themba, mawungaxoshi inja
let her buy the bread (Thandi)
makathenge isinkwa
let us begin
let them leave (abafundi)
let them sleep (izingane)
let him speak to the people (inkosi)
mayikhulume abantu
she should not buy the bread (Thandi)
makangathengi isinkwa
we should not begin
they should not leave (abafundi)
they should not sleep (izingane)
he should not speak (inkosi)
may I sit here
may he leave now (Themba)
makahambe manje
father wants her to study
uBaba ufuna ukuba afunde
Thandi will study in order that she passes
uThandi uzofunda ukuze aphase
it is necessary that Themba leaves at 4 in order that he arrives home at 7
kufanele ukuba uThemba ahambe ngo 4 ukuze afike ekhaya ngo 7
it is better that the students write the test on Friday
Kungcono ukuthi abafundi babhale isivivinyo ngolwesihlanu
it is important that
kubalulekile ukuthi
you should
kufanele ukuba
you should not
it is not necessary
please help
ake usize
I will go to the shop and buy milk there
ngizokuya esitolo ngithenge ubisi khona
he will go to the beach and swim there
uzokuya olwandle abhukude khona
in the morning I get up, I wash and dress and go to work
ekuseni ngiyavuka ngigeze ngiqoke ngiye emsebenzini
go home and help mother there
yiya ekhaya usize umama khona
eat now unless you want to starve
yidla manje funa ulambe
you must hurry lest you miss the bus
kufanele ukuba usheshe hleze ushiywe yibhasi
mike will never go there
angeke uMike aye khona
we never saw the snake
asizange sibone inyoka
we might leave in the afternoon
singase sihambe ntambama
we won’t leave until they play
singahambi baze badlale
help him
fetch them
fetch them grannies
balandeni bogogo
students help them
bafundi zisizeni
should we help him?
simsize yini?
should we fetch the children?
sibalande yini abantwana?
before that
we learn Zulu in order that we are able to speak
sifunda isiZulu ukuze sikwazi ukukhuluma sona
I study a lot in order that the teacher not push me
ngifunda kakhulu ukuze uthisha angangijezisa
I run so that I don’t get fat
ngiygijima ukuse ngingakhuluphala
we are leaving now in order that we arrive on time
siyahamba manje ukuze sifike ngesikhathi
they bring drinks so that they don’t get thirsty
baletha iziphuzo ukuze bangomi
you all help the elderly in order that they don’t get troubled
nisiza abadala ukuze bangahlupheki
you all rush so that you don’t get left behind by the bus
niyashesha ukuze ningashiywa yibhasi
passive doesn’t change ending