Common Structures Flashcards
go home
yiya ekhaya
on the day he arrived
mhla efika
what will we do
how much/ how big?
you must
kufanele ukuba
only the boy can help you
umfana yedwa angakusiza
acts like subj.
where were you last year?
wawukuphi ngonyaka odlule?
where were you all yesterday?
benikuphi izolo?
whether he agrees or does not agree
noma evuma noma engavumi
please can we not go
sicela singayi
talk on cellphone
khuluma kwiselula
if you are not a student
uma ungeyena umfundi
during the week
phakathi kwesonto
if the weather is good
uma izulu lilihle
head straight north
qonda njalo eNyakatho
behind Mary
emuva kukaMary
take a left
thatha isandla sokubunxele
all those noisy cats
onke lawo makati anomsindo