Subject Requires Review Flashcards
Abrupt RUQ/epigastric pain. Resolves slowly lasting 30-hours. Nausea precipitated by fatty foods or large meals
Dx? TX?
Dx- US Tx- Elective cholecystectomy
Gallstones in the common bile duct assoc. w duct dilation.
Dx: Tx?
Dx- ERCP TX-ERCP stone extraction
Obstruction of the Biliary tract –> to biliary tract infection. MC 2T E. Coli or Klebsiella. Charcot’s/Reynold
Labs: Increased ALP, GGT, and Bilirubin
Dx- Tx-?
Acute Cholangitis
Inflammation/infection 2T gall bladder obstruction @ cystic duct. E.coli/Klebsiella MC.
(+) Murphy’s sign RUQ pain, precipitated by fatty/large meals. DX- Initial and GS Tx-
Dx- Initial=US “GS=HIDA scan” Tx- NPO, IV, ABX,Sx
SLE specific Diagnosis labs?
- (+) Anti double stranded DNA
- (+) Anti-smith
Scleroderma specific Lab Dx?
(+) Anti-centromere AB
+) Anti-SCL 70 (Diffuse disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis specific and initial lab Dx?
Anti-Cyclic citrullinated peptide ABs (specific)
RF (Initial test)
Polymyositis / Dermatomyositis specific lab dx?
(+) Anti-Jo 1 Ab
(+)Anti-SRP Ab (PM)
(+) Anti-Mi2 Ab (DM)
Sjogren’s Syndrome specific lab Dx?
ANA- Anti SS-A (RO)
Anti SS-B (La)
Schirmmer test
< 16 yo: Daily Arthritis, diurnal high fever, salmon color migratory rash?
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (Still’s Disease)
< or > 5 joint involvement joint pain with iridocyclitis (Uveitis)
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Pauci-Articular (< 5)
Poly-Articular (>5)
Asymmetric Arthritis: dactylitis (Sausage digits), sacroiliitis, uveitis, pitting of nails (Pencil in cup), +
Psoriatric Arthritis
Sacroiliac joint inflammation with progressive stiffness: 15-30 yo: chronic LBP: Increased ESR/HLAB27
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Bamboo Spine)
Autoimmune response inflammation caused by “chlamydia”, gonorrhea, salmonella, campy, shigella
Arthritis, conjunctivitis, and urethritis.
Reactive Arthritis ( Reiter’s Syndrome)
spinal cord controls Voluntary motor activity: Terminates at anterior horn cell: ascends/descends same side
Corticospinal Tract
senses vibration, position and light touch:
Ascends same side, decussates @ medulla
Dorsal Columns tract
Senses pain and temperature and ascends at opposite sides crosses immediately
Spinothalamic Tract
Motor efferent pathway (Away) of spinal cord
Anterior (Ventral Root) (Feeling, fast, front)
Sensory Afferent pathway (Towards) pf spinal cord
Posterior (Dorsal Root)
Progressive motor degeneration 2T UMN/LMN necrosis: dysphagia, eventually respiratory: fatal 3-5 years
sensation, urinary sphincter, voluntary eye movement spared Tx:
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Tx: Riluzole
Autosomal dominant nuero-degenerative disease: Chromosome 4 mutation/Abnormal CAG transcription:
behavioral (irritability), chorea, and dementia (<50): Tx? Caudate nucleus (Putamen) Atrophy: Fatal 15-20 years
Huntington Disease
Tx: Chorea (Tetrabenzine Antidopaminorgics)
- Resting Tremor (MC lessened with voluntary m.)
- Bradykinesia (slow voluntary movement)
- Rigidity
- Flat Facis (Myerson’s nose tap=blink)
- Instability w posture
Parkinson’s disease clinical manifestations X5
Parkinson’s Disease Tx?
- Levodopa/Carbidopa- converted to dopamine (M.E Tx)
- Bromocriptine (D. Agonists)
- Benztropine (Anticholinergic)
Demyelinating polyradiculopathy of the peripheral nerves. Ascending symmetric weakness/paresthesia
Assoc. w Campylobacter. Tx:
Guillian Barre Syndrome
Autoimmune Inflammatory demyelinating degeneration of white matter. sensory pain/fatigue, cramping,
suspect w young and trigeminal neuralgia, optic neuritis episodic exacerbations; :Tx
Multiple Sclerosis
Tx: IVCS, plasmapheresis, Amantadine (Fatigue) Glatiramer acetate (Reduces relapse severity)
Autoimmune peripheral nerve disorder against Ach Receptors. Thymic hyperplasia/thymoma
General muscle weakness (Ocular, Resp., Bulbar): relieved w rest Tx:
Myasthenia Gravis
Tx: Pyridostigmine or Neostigmine 1st line
Plasmapheresis or IV Ig
Restless leg syndrome treatment?
- Pramipexole
- Ropinirole (Both domapine Agonists)
CSF: High protein (>400) with a normal WBC (Albumin cytological dissociation)
Electrophysiologic decreased motor nerve conduction: Diagnosis studies for?
Guillain Barre Syndrome
MRI with Gadollinium (TOC) confirms disorder showing white matter plaque hyper densities (Periventricular).
Multiple Sclerosis