ENT Flashcards
Eyelid/lashes turned outward 2T relaxation of orbicularis Oculi muscle: MC in elderly: BL:
irritation, ocular dryness and sagging of eyelid: Tx:
Ectropion (Inward Entropion)
Tx: Lubricating eye drops–> Sx
infection of lacrimal sac: MC S. Aureus: Redness to medial canthal side of lower lid: Tx?
Tx: ABx- Clindamycin (Vancomycin + Ceftriaxone)
inflammation of both eyelids: MC in trisomy 21 and Eczema: Anterior= infectious or seborrheic:
Posterior= Meibomian gland dysfunction: crusting, red-rimming, scaling of eyelid: eyelash flaking Tx:
Tx: Baby shampoo scrub (Abx erythromycin)
Local abcess of eyelild: External=Sebaceous Internal=Meibomian: painful, warm swollen red lump Tx:
Tx: Warm compress (>48hrs = I and D
elevated superficial fleshy triangular shape growing fibrovascular mass: MC inner corner (Nasal):
2T sun/dust/wind exposure: Tx
Pterygium (Nasal) and Pinguecula (Lateral-no growth)
Tx: observe (removal if affects vision)
Chalazion highlights
- painless granuloma
- internal Meibomian sebaceous gland
- Tx= eye lid hygiene and warm compress (No abx)
eye trauma –> diplopia especially with upward gaze, orbital emphysema post-blowing of nose.
Dx: TX:
Orbital floor Blow-out fracture
Dx: Ct “teardrop sign”
Tx: Decongestant/ No nose blowing
Sx if severe or persistent diploplia
outer membrane of eye is disrupted by trauma or penetration. Diplopia w ocular pain: Tear-drop pupil:
Prolapse of the iris through the cornea (+) Seidel’s test: Obscure red reflex: Tx:
Globe Rupture
Tx: Rigid Eye shield (Immediate Ophtho consult)
“ Emergency”
occurs > 50 yo: “MCC of permanent blindness and visual loss in elderly”:
BL blurred or central vision loss (detailed/color vision): blindspots/shadows or lines bent: Dx : Tx
Macular Degeneration
Dx: Fluorescein Angiography
Tx: Bevacizumab (Anti-neovascular
Amsler grid monitors progession/stability
Wet macular degeneration specific pathophysiology
- abnormal/new vessel leaks–> scarring
- Progresses more rapidly
Dry macular degeneration specific pathophysiology
-Drusen (acummulation of waste products from retinal pigment epithelium) small round yellow/white spots
Progressive UL vision loss: Floaters, shadow/curtain coming down” peripherally initially, loss of central vision
Causes: DM retinopathy, sickle cell, Trauma:
Rhegmatogenous MC type Tx:
Retinal Detachment
Tx: “Ophtho emergency” keep patient supine
No myotic drops
Corneal abrasion treatment?
- > 5mm patch (Not longer than 24 hours)
- 24 hour Ophtho follw up
- Rust ring removal at 24 hours
- Abx Erythromycin/Cipro
Preauricular LAD: copious watery eye discharge: scant mucoid DC swimming pool MC source: MC in children:
punctate staining on slit lamp exam: often BL: TX:?
Viral conjunctivitis
Tx: cool compress, artificial tears, antihistamines (Olapatadine)
Cobblestone mucosa: conjunctival swelling (Chemosis) erythema, itching, tearing redness, stringy discharge:
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Tx: Topical Antihistamines (Olapatadine), Ketorolac
MCC and 2nd MCC of Bacterial conjunctivitis
MCC= S. Aureus (2nd MCC Strep Pneumoniae)
Bacterial conjunctivitis manifestations
- Purulent DC (lid crusting)
- absence of ciliary injection
- Fluorescein to R/O abrasion or Keratitis
- mild pain
- Tx: Erythromycin (Pseudomonas- Cipro/Moxi)
Treatment for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea Bacterial conjunctivitis?
May admit for IV or topical Abx
Gonorrhea=IV Ceftriaxone chlamydia= Azithromycin
Chemical burns to the eyes Tx:
- irrigate 30 min. or 2L
- pH between 7.0-7.3
- Antibiotics (Moxifloxacin)
usually secondary to sinus infection Ethmoid 90%: Aureus or pneumoniae: Decreased vision, proptosis,
eyelid erythema and edema, decreased vision, ocular movement pain. Dx: Tx:
Orbital (Septal cellulitis)
Dx: Ct scan (fat/muscle infection)
Tx: IV Abx (Clindamycin/vancomycin/cefotaxime)
misalignment of the eyes: Eso/Exotropia: Diplopia or amblyopia (Dec. visiual acuity) symptoms. Dx: Tx:
Dx: Hirshcberg (Light reflex)
Tx: Patch (Normal eye) Sx
MCC pseudomonas/acanthamoeba: pain, photophobia, reduced vision, tearing, conjunctival erythema:
Slit lamp corneal defect, Ciliary injection (Limbic Flush- red ring around limbus). Dx: Tx:
Keratitis (Corneal Ulcer)
Dx: slit lamp Tx; Moxifloxacin/Gatifloxacin
“Trifluradine or Vidarabine”- HSV Dendritic
usually occurs after blunt trauma: CMV infections: UL pain, redness, photophobia: Limbic Flush:
Uveitis (Iritis)
Tx: Topical steroids
Cyclopentolate (Cycloplegic relieves m. spasm pain)
Risk factors of aging >60, smoking, Corticosteroid use:
Absent red reflex opaque lens
headache, NV, vision is well preserved, swollen optic disc with blurred margins? Tx:?
Tx: Diuretics and Acetazolamide (CT R/O mass)
MC seen in multiple sclerosis or Ethambutol Rx: loss of color vision/central vision over a few days:
Associated with ocular pain that is worse with eye movement. Marcus-Gunn Pupil; Blurred disc-cup: Tx:?
Optic Neuritis
Tx: IV methylprednisolone
Pupil constricts on accommodation but does not react to bright light. “ Prostitute- accommodates but not reacts”
Argyll-Robertson Pupil
MCC= Neurosyphilis
Swinging of light from unaffected eye to affected eye–> pupils appear to dilate?
Marcus Gun Pupil
MCC= Optic Neuritis
Sudden onset of UL ocular pain, NV, headache, halos around lights, peripheral vision loss:
Mid dilated fixed non-reactive pupil: precipitated from bright into dark, sympathomimetics or anticholinergics
Acute narrow Angle-closure Glaucoma
Acute narrow Angle-closure Glaucoma Dx: Tx:
Dx: Tonometry >21mmHg
Tx: 1. Acetazolamide, Timolol, Pilocarpine (Cholinergics), Alpha 2 agonists- Apraclonidine