Subject 1 - What is Hypnosis? Flashcards
To describe the difference between stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy and to describe the benefits of hypnotherapy on every day issues as well as mental illness
What is the definition of hypnosis?
A state of consciousness involving focused attention and a decrease in peripheral awareness; it involves an enhanced capacity for suggestion
What is hypnotic induction?
A procedure used to induce hypnosis (such as using the keyword “sleep”)
Why is hypnosis gaining popularity?
It is gaining popularity due to an increased interest in mindfulness techniques
What is hypnotizability?
An individual’s ability to experience suggestion (this varies from person to person)
- measured on a 12 point scale from 0 (not at all suggestible) to 12 (completely suggestible)
What is hypnotherapy?
The use of hypnosis in treating medical or psychological problems
How is hypnosis social-psychological?
It is social due to the interaction between the hypnotherapist and the individual; psychological due to individual differences
Describe what a ritualistic procedure is? Why would hypnosis be induced by a ritualistic procedure?
A ritualistic procedure is an unchanging procedure; this allows little or no thought or effort on the part of the individual
In what ways does hypnosis change our perception?
It affects changes in our thinking, memory (such as false memories) and behaviour (acting against what we would have normally done).
Above all else, what is hypnosis in its simplest form?
A response to suggestion
- this does not mean that every time you act on a suggestion that you are, in fact, hypnotized; this simply means that suggestion is a necessary component of hypnosis (and not vice versa)
What is dissociation?
It is the splitting of normal mental, emotional, or behavioural function
- it is an altered self-awareness in some capacity (ex. identity, memory, perception of reality)
What is suggestion?
Verbal or non-verbal communication aiming at influencing attention
- an example of suggestion in hypnosis would be to direct someone’s attention to their right foot, which, up until this point, they were not paying too much attention to
How are hypnosis and dissociation linked?
They are linked historically
- dissociation was used as a description of the processes at play during hypnosis (Pierre Janet, 1889)
Where can we trace the origin of hypnosis to?
We can find the origin of hypnosis in the Anton Mesmer’s animal magnetism movement (1780’s)
What is the response of conscious suggestion similar to?
The response is similar to accepting advice EXCEPT if it is deemed involuntary (which means that you don’t will for it to happen - it just does)
What is an example of an involuntary response?
- what is the first thing you think of? Thinking immediately of a pink elephant happens without conscious effort (or intention)
What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotizability?
- hypnosis is a context (like being in therapy)
- hypnotizability is an ability that varies from person to person
How is hypnosis a top-down process?
It starts in the brain and then affects behaviour and that, in turn, affects the environment
What is a non-conscious suggestion?
A subliminal suggestion (like creating a false memory)
What does the word subliminal mean?
Stimuli that are placed (often by an advertiser) below the threshold of conscious attention (but are still processed unconsciously)
What is post-hypnotic suggestion?
The suggestion is made while the person is still hypnotized, but the response is carried out after the individual is released from hypnosis
What does the word “involuntariness” highlight?
The bypassing of our sense of agency - it is not them “doing” something, but rather something “happening” to them
- involuntariness is the hallmark of hypnosis and the most important aspect of the hypnotic response **
What is reflective consciousness?
self-awareness and introspection
What is primary consciousness?
inner speech, feelings and memories
What is peripheral awareness?
conscious of only when attended to
- vaguely aware of stimuli