SU 8: Responses to Assessed Risk Flashcards
1.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect This was the first year TWD operated at a profit since Year 2 because the municipalities received increased fed and state funding for environmental purposes.
a. Decrease RMM, continued losses indicate an increase in risk. However, a turnaround into a profitable organization will likely decrease the RMM in the f/s for the auditor
2.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect TWD BOD is controlled by Mead, the majority shareholder, who also acts as CEO
a. Increase RMM, one set of opportunity risk factors for misstatements arising from fraudulent reporting involves ineffective monitoring of management. One such risk factor is domination of management by a single person or small group (in a non-owner managed business) without compensation controls. A compensating control in that circumstance is effective oversight by the board or audit committee of the financial reporting process and internal control.
3.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect The internal auditor reports to controller, and the controller reports to Mead
a. Increase RMM, ideally, internal auditor should report to the audit committee of the BOD. If internal auditor reports to management, the RMM is increased.
4.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect The accounting department has experienced a high rate of turnover of key personnel
a. Increase RMM, when management turnover is high, particularly of senior accounting personnel, the RMM is increased
5.) TWB bank has a loan officer who meets regularly with TWD’s CEO and controller to monitor TWD financial performance
a. Decrease RMM, oversight by external parties, for example, a bank loan officer, provides some assurance to the auditor and decreases RMM
6.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect TWD employees are paid on biweekly basis
a. No effect, paying employees biweekly likely has little effect on RMM
7.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect CPA has audited TWD for 5 years
a. Decrease RMM, a continuing engagement in which the auditor has had experience with management is likely to be less risky than a first time audit
8.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect During Yr 6, TWD litigation filed against TWD was dropped by state. Loss contingency disclosures TWD included in f/s are being removed Yr 6.
a. Decrease RMM, the settlement of lawsuits filed against the client likely decreases the risk that the f/s are misstated.
9.) During December Yr 6, TWD signed contract to lease equipment from an entity owned by Mead’s parents. Related party transaction was not disclosed in Yr 6 f/s
a. Increase RMM, a set of opportunity risk factors for material misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting involves the nature of the industry or the entity’s operation. One such risk factor is the existence of significant related-party transactions no in the ordinary course of business or with entities not audited or audited by another firm.
10.) Increase/Decrease RMM or No Effect During December Yr 6, TWD increased casualty insurance coverage on several pieces of equipment from historical cost to replacement cost
a. No effect, the change in insurance coverage for specific assets is not likely to change RMM.
Significant Risks
risks that require special audit consideration
Auditor Response to Risk - F/S Level
- ) emphasis on professional skepticism
- ) Increased supervision
- ) Staff with greater experience
- ) Greater unpredictability greater procedures
Record count.
A record count is a batch total that compares the items inputted with those processed.
Hash total. .
A hash total is the sum of a numeric field that has no meaning by itself. It can be used to test that authorized transactions are processed
Error listing.
An error listing is documentation of those transactions that fail a test so that they can be corrected and reprocessed.
Reasonableness test.
A reasonableness test determines whether amount fields appear to be within an acceptable range.
Sequence check.
This test can be used to test for missing documents.
Test Data Approach
Dummy transactions specifically designed to test control activities management has claimed to have incorporated into processing programs
Advantage of Test Data
It directly tests controls
Disadvantage of Test Data
Processing only at a moment in time.
Parallel Simulation
A controlled program to reprocess sets of client transactions and compares audit-achieved results with those of the client
Advantage of Parallel Sim
Transactions from throughout the period can be reprocessed.
Disadvantage of Parallel Sim
Cost and timing Coordination
Integrated Test Facility Method (ITF)
The auditor creates a dummy record within the actual system.
Advantage of ITF
Method that it actually tests the program in operation
Disadvantage ITF
Requires considerable coordination, and dummy records must be purged prior to internal and external reporting
Embedded audit module
Application system that is designed to identify and report actual transactions and other information that meet criteria that have audit significance
Advantage of Embedded audit
Allows real-time online monitoring of user systems
Disadvantage of Embedded Audit
Audit hooks must be programmed into the op systems and application programs to permit uses of audit modules