SU 01: Engagement Responsibilities Flashcards
What is the following conceptual difference between attestation standards and GAAS
The attestation standards provide a framework for attest function beyond historical f/s
What is not an attestation standard
A sufficient understanding of internal control shall be obtained to plan engagement.
No attestation standards internal controls. However the second standard of field work applicable to GAAS states “the auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity and its environment including internal control
In an attest engagement a cpa typically
Expresses a conclusion about a written assertion.
An attest engagement is one in which a practitioner is engaged to issue or does is an examination, review or agreed-upon procedures repot on subject matter or assertion that is the responsibility of another party
Who establishes GAAS
Auditing Standards Board and Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
AICPA Conduct rule 202, requires adherence to standards promulgated by by AICPA council
Which of the following best describes what is meant by GAAS
A Rules acknowledged by accounting profession due to universal application
B Pronouncements by ASB
C measure of quality of audit
C an audit should be planned, performed, and reported on in accordance with GAAS. Auditing standards are concerned with audit quality and objectives to attained.
A wrong - standards are not elective but required
B wrong PCAOB issues GAAS
Third general standard states due professional care in planning and performance of audit and report. It requires
A thorough review of safeguard of assets
B limited review of indication of employee fraud
C objective review of adequacy training of firm personnel
D supervision of assistants by auditors with final responsibility for audit
D, AU 230 due professional care imposes a responsibility on upon each individual within an independent firm to observe standards of field work. The first standard AU 150 requires proper supervision of assistants
Which of the following statements is true regarding auditors responsibility for f/s
A making suggestions that are adopted about form and content of entity’s f/s impairs independence
B an auditor may draft f/s with management acct sys
C fair presentation of audited f/s in conformity with GAAP
B, the independent auditors may make suggestions about form and content of f/s or draft them based on mgmt sys. However their responsibility is confined to the expression of opinion on them. Management is responsible for the fair presentation in accordance with GAAP
Observing the mailing of statements to customers is performed to support which assertion
A existence
B classification
C both
A, the existence assertion relates to whether the related balance exists at BS date. Observing mailing and error correction is evidence that client customers are genuine
North co nonissue asked tax accountant to prepare interim FS on accountants computer which provisions should acct comply with
A statements on standards for accounting and review services
B statements on standards for attestation engagement
A, SSARS apply to comps and reviews performed by practitioners Accounting and Review Services Committee is the senior tech committee authorized to pronounce upon unaudited FS
Assurance services are best described as
A services designed for the improvement of operations resulting in better outcomes
B independent professional services that improve quality of information
B, the AICPA defines assurance services as “independent professionals services that improve the quality of information or context for decision makers. Assurance services encompass audit and other attestation services. Assurance does not encompass consulting services
The AICPA assurance service called CPA review attempts to provide users with
A a profile of the business risks and the appropriate system I place to manage those risks
B an opinion on whether f/s are fairly stated
C an evaluation of whether an entity has reliable measures of performance beyond traditional f/s
C, CPA performance review evaluates whether an entity performance measurement systems contains relevant reliable measures for assessing the degree to which the entity’s goals and objectives are achieved. Try’s to provide balance scorecard beyond traditional f/s
An entity engaged a CPA to determine whether the clients website complies with defined web trust principles and criteria the CPA should apply the provisions of
A statements on assurance standards
B statements on standards for attestation engagements
B, an attest engagement involves reporting on subject matter, or an assurance about a subject matter, that is the responsibility of another party. When providing web trust assurance the accountant must address written assertions by management
1.) Considering business reputation of management
a. Acceptance and Continuance of client relationships and specific engagements – Policies should be established for deciding whether to accept a client. The purpose is to minimize the likelihood of association with client who lack integrity
2.) Emphasis of independence in training programs and supervision
a. Relevant ethical requirements – Firm sponsored training programs and supervision help assure that personnel understand the expectation that they maintain independence both in mental attitude and in appearance
3.) Reviewing Engagement workpapers
a. Engagement Performance – The firm should employ policies and procedures for the conduct and supervision of work at all organizational levels to provide reasonable assurance that work performed meets professional standards, regulatory requirements, and the firm’s standards on quality
4.) Training and designation of individuals within firm as specialist and authoritative sources
a. Engagement Performance – Policies and procedures should be established to provide reasonable assurance that personnel assigned to engagements will seek assistance, to the extent required, from persons having appropriate levels of knowledge, competence, judgement and authority
5.) Establishing and guidelines for entry-level employees
a. Human Resources – The firm should ensure that employees possess the appropriate qualifications and characteristics to enable them to perform competently
6.) Promoting “tone at top” recognizing the importance of quality.
a. Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm – The firm should promote an internal culture based on the recognition of quality is essential in performing engagements and should establish policies and procedures to support that culture
7.) Inspection
a. Monitoring – Inspection procedures to evaluate the adequacy of quality control policies and procedures, employee understanding of them, and the extent of compliance. These procedures relate to monitoring because findings are evaluated and changes considered
8.) Ensuring employees have skills for responsibilities they are called upon to assume
a. Human Resources – Policies and procedures should be established to provide reasonable assurance that those selected for advancement will have the qualification necessary for the fulfillment of the responsibilities they will assume
9.) Requiring honest and candid employees
a. Relevant Ethical Requirements – Policies and procedures should be established to provide reasonable assurance that personnel perform all professional responsibilities with integrity. Thus, they should be candid except as constrained by the Code of Professional Conduct
Define Type of Assurance Compilation
Disclaimer of assurance
Define Type of Assurance Review
Limited Assurance
Define Type of Assurance Examination/Audit
Positive assurance or opinion expressed
Define Type of Assurance Agreed-Upon Procedures
Results of procedure but no assurance
Attestation General Standards (5)
- ) Training and proficiency in attestation
- ) Knowledge of subject matter
- ) Suitable and available criteria
- ) Independence in mental attitude
- ) Due Professional Care
Standards of Field Work - Attestation (2)
- ) Planning and supervision
2. ) Sufficient Evidence
Standards of Reporting - Attestation (4)
- ) Character of Engagement
- ) Conclusion on Subject Matter
- ) Significant Reservations
- ) Any restrictions on use
General Standards - Auditing (3)
- ) Training and proficiency in auditing
- ) Independence in mental attitude
- ) Due Professional Care
Standards of Field Work - Auditing (3)
- ) Planning and supervision
- ) Sufficient understanding on Internal Control
- ) Sufficient and appropriate audit evidence
Standards of Reporting - Auditing (4)
- ) Conformity with GAAP
- ) Principles of Consistency observed
- ) Informative disclosures reasonably adequate
- ) Expression of Opinion
Assertions about transactions and events (5) PL and Stmt of C-Flows
- ) Occurrence - events actually occurred
- ) Completeness - T&E that should have been recorded were recorded
- ) Accuracy - Amounts were recorded appropriately
- ) Cutoff - T&E were recorded in the proper period
- ) Classification - T&E were recorded in proper accounts
Assertions about Account Balance (BS) (4)
- ) Existence - A, L and OE exist
- ) Rights and Obligations - the entity controls the rights to A,L and OE
- ) Completeness - all A, L, OE that should have been recorded have been
- ) Valuation and Allocation - A, L and OE are included at appropriate amounts
Assertions about Presentation and Disclosure (4)
- ) Occurrence and Right and Obligations - disclosed T&E have occurred and pertain to the entity
- ) Completeness - All disclosures have been included
- ) Classification and Understandability - Financial Info is appropriately presented and described
- ) Accuracy and Valuation - Information is disclosed fairly and at appropriate amounts
GAAS is best described as
Measures of audit Quality. An audit should be planned, performed, and reported on in accordance with GAAS. Auditing standards are concerned with audit quality and the objectives to be attained. (AU 150)
Third General Standard - Due Professional Care requires
Supervision of assistants. According to AU 230 PDC imposes responsibility upon each professional within an independent AUD organization to observe stds of field work and reporting. The first standard of field work requires proper supervision of assistants (AU 150). Thus, AU 230 states that the auditor with final responsibility is responsible for the assignment of task and supervision of assistants
Prospective Financial Statements (PFS) (AT 301)
Consist of financial forecasts and projections including summaries of significant assumptions and accounting policies
Financial forecast
present to the best of the responsible party’s knowledge and belief, an entity’s financial position
Financial projection
Based on assumptions of responsible party related to hypothetical assumptions. “What would happen if” May be expressed as a point estimate or range
Pro Forma Financail Information PFFI (AT 401)
Significant effects on historical financial information would have been if a transaction had occurred at an earlier date. Example business combination or disposal of a segment
An audit firm has a responsibility to adopt a system of quality control and establish policies and procedures to provide reasonable assurance that personnel comply with ______________.
A firm of independent auditors has a responsibility to adopt a system of quality control in conducting an audit practice. Thus, a firm should establish quality control procedures to provide it with reasonable assurance that its personnel comply with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) in its audit engagements.
An audit firm has a responsibility to _______________ in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
A firm of independent auditors has a responsibility to adopt a system of quality control in conducting an audit practice. Thus, a firm should establish quality control procedures to provide it with reasonable assurance that its personnel comply with generally accepted auditing standards in its audit engagements. AU-C 250 states that “the auditor should remain alert to the possibility that other audit procedures applied may bring instances of noncompliance or suspected noncompliance with laws and regulations to the auditor’s attention.” Also, AU-C 220 states that, “within the context of the firm’s system of quality control, engagement teams have a responsibility to implement quality control procedures that are applicable to the audit engagement.”
Quality control for a CPA firm applies to all ____________ services.
Quality control for a CPA firm does not explicitly apply to consulting and tax services, but quality control does apply to all review and compilation services.
Quality control policies and procedures applicable to a CPA firm should encompass the element(s) of ________________.
The quality control policies and procedures applicable to a firm’s accounting and auditing practice encompass the following elements:
Independence, integrity, and objectivity
Personnel management
Acceptance and continuance of clients and engagements
Engagement performance
A CPA firm must appropriately document _______ to properly administer a quality control system.
QC 10 states that the firm should establish policies and procedures requiring (a) appropriate documentation to provide evidence of the operation of each element of its system of quality control, (b) retention of documentation for a period of time sufficient to permit those performing monitoring procedures and peer review of the firm to evaluate the firm’s compliance with its system of quality control or for a longer period if required by law or regulation, and (c) documentation of complaints and allegations and responses to them.
The form and content of documentation evidencing the operation of each of the elements of the system of quality control depend on factors such as __________________.
QC 10 states, “The form and content of documentation evidencing the operation of each of the elements of the system of quality control is a matter of judgment and depends on a number of factors, including the following:
The size of the firm and the number of offices
The nature and complexity of the firm’s practices and organization.”