SU 10: Evidence -- Objectives and Nature Flashcards
1.) Test count of Inventory
a. Test of details of a balance – is the term most associated with test count of inventory
2.) Ownership rights
a. Assertion – is the term most associated with ownership rights
3.) Payroll Register
a. Accounting record – is the term most associated with payroll register
4.) Control Manual
a. Other information – is the term most associated with control manual
5.) Completeness
a. Assertion – is the term most associated with completeness
6.) Measure of Importance
a. Materiality – is the term most associated with measure of importance
7.) Tracing Purchase into Ledger
a. Test of the details of a transaction – is the term most associated with tracing a purchase into a ledger
8.) Confirmation of A/R
a. Test of details of a balance – is the term most associated with confirmation of A/R
9.) Occurrence
a. Assertion – is the term most associated with occurrence
10.) Minutes of Meetings
a. Other information – is the term most associated with meeting minutes
1.) The working paper was not initialed and dated by the audit assistant
a. Correct – the box in the upper right-hand corner of the working paper would typically contain the initials of the assistant and date working paper was completed.
2.) Negative confirmations not returned can be considered to be accounts “confirmed without exception”
a. Incorrect – the unreturned negative confirmations did not necessarily confirm the accounts because there can be other reasons that the confirmations were not returned
3.) All confirmations are accounted for
a. Incorrect – There were 200 confirmations selected for testing. The working paper reports: 164 confirmed without exception, 18 total no adjustment, 10 total with adjustment, and 6 that the client asked not to be confirmed. This totals 198, leaving 2 unaccounted for.
4.) There is no documentation of alternative procedures, possible scope limitation, or other working paper reference for the six accounts selected for confirmation that the client asked the auditor not to confirm
a. Correct – The auditor should perform alternative procedures to determine the existence of those 6 accounts. The conclusions from those procedures should be documented in the working papers
5.) The dollar amount and percent of the six accounts selected for confirmation that he client asked the auditor not to confirm are properly omitted from the “Dollars” columns for the “Total selected for testing”
a. Incorrect – the 6 accounts should be included and, based on alternative procedures, should be used to project findings to the population
6.) The “Dollars-Percent” for “Confirmation Requests-Negatives” is correctly calculated at 10%
a. Incorrect – This should be $20,000/2,000,000, or 1%
7.) There is no indication of follow-up or cross-referencing of the account confirmed-related party transaction
a. Correct – Although the difference in amount is noted as resolved, related-party transaction typically require disclosure in the f/s. This should be resolved in the working paper.
8.) The tickmark ± is used but not explained in the tickmark legend
a. Correct – there is no reference in the legend
10.) The overall conclusion reached is appropriate
a. Incorrect – The working paper, as presented, does not appear to support the conclusion that the account is fairly stated. The sample was not projected to the population, thus, the fairness cannot be determined
11.) There is no notation that a projection from the sample to the population was made.
a. Correct – The ample should be projected to the population
12.) There is no reference to second request
a. Correct – It is unlikely that all positive confirmation were returned on the first request. In any case, the auditor should address the issue that either all confirmations were returned based on first request or second requests were used.