Studying Physics and Chemistry Flashcards
A measurement of the amount of matter that makes something up.
Anything that has mass and takes up space.
The amount of space something occupies.
The ability to cause change or do work.
Phases of Matter
The different forms matter can take; commonly occur as solid, liquid, or gas. Also plasma.
Chemical Change
A chemical change transforms one kind of matter into another kind (or several) which may have different properties.
Definite volume, definite shape
Definite volume, but takes the shape of its container
Indefinite volume (expands to fill its container), takes the shape of its container
The amount of space between two points.
Astronomical Unit (AU)
The distance between Earth and the Sun (1 AU). Approximately 93 million miles.
Light Year
The distance light travels in one year (9.5 trillion km).
Natural Laws
The set of rules that are obeyed by every detail of everything that occurs in the universe, including living creatures and human technology.
A process of learning that starts with questions and proceeds by seeking the answers to the questions.
To figure something out from known facts using logical thinking. For example, “this is what happened…because…”.
An unproved or preliminary explanation that can be tested by comparison with scientific evidence. Early hypotheses are rarely correct and are often modified as new evidence becomes available.
A scientific explanation supported by much evidence collected over a long period of time. Our way of explaining a natural law or observations in science.
Scientific Method
A process of learning that begins with a hypothesis and proceeds to prove or change the hypothesis by comparing it with scientific evidence.
Describes evidence that documents only what actually happened as exactly as possible.
Describes evidence that can be seen independently by others if they repeat the same experiment or observation in the same way.