Study Rules at LSMU (nb) Flashcards
Can a student change their group?
A student may apply via LSMUSIS for a group change according to the following principles:
not stating the reason, once during the whole study period;
stating objective, clear reasons, providing supporting documents or other evidence.
Process of Changing Groups
The dean of the faculty examines the application within 2 working weeks.
The decision to satisfy / reject the student’s application is made by the dean of the faculty.
The student is transferred only to the groups with the smallest number of students.
The Study Centre changes the student group in LSMUSIS only after the end of the study subject / module, taking into account the study schedules and until the beginning of the new semester.
The explanation of the application and decision is visible to the student on LSMUSIS.
The dean’s decision to grant / refuse a student’s application is not subject to appeal.
Explain the Rules About Attendance
The study program and the study plan (participation in contact work hour classes must be followed by the student.
The student who is absent from no more than 25 percent of contact hours of a subject (part of the module), shall be provided with opportunities to participate in the missed contact work hours on an individual schedule, following the conditions outlined in the strategy of evaluation.
The student who is absent from more than 25 percent of contact hours of a subject (part of the module), must repeat the subject (part of the module).
What are the Violations of Academic Honesty during Evaluations?
- Talking is forbidden, unless it was stated otherwise publicly
- Copying
- It is determined that another student takes your place during an examination
- Having and/or using mobile phones or other impermissible electronic devices
Can a student that has been expelled renew their studies at the university?
- Yes, the student may apply to the Rector no earlier than a year after the termination of their studies and only at the beginning of the semester
Can a student terminate their studies without being expelled?
- Yes, they may cancel their studies at their own initiative at any time
Explain the conditions for repetition of studies
Studies are repeated in the following cases:
the student has failed the exam of the subject/module for three times.
the failure is not completed during repeated studies.
The student who shall repeat the subject or module shall submit the request to repeat the subject or module in LSMUSIS addressed to the dean not later than 10 days before the first day of semester in which that subject or module is taught.
The student shall pay for repeated subject/module.
Elective courses
The list of elective subjects for the first-year students is available in LSMSUSIS from the beginning of the academic year until September 15 of the current year.
The list of elective subjects for the next academic year (higher course of studies) is available in the database of elective subjects from April 16 until May 10 of the current academic year.
The first-year students must get familiar with the descriptions of the elective subjects of the first course’s program and select the number of elective subjects indicated in the study program before September 15 of the ongoing year
Regulations regarding the Student’s Data
The student is responsible for the correctness and updating of their personal and contact data in LSMUSIS. The student must verify their personal and contact data regularly. The University shall not be held responsible in cases when the student does not get the information intended for them because of this reason.
in case of inaccuracies in contact data – correct or update them entering actual data;
in case of inaccuracies in personal data –submit an electronic request via LSMUSIS to correct their personal data.
in case of changes to personal data (changes of their name, surname, etc.) during the studies, submit an electronic request to update their personal data, and enclose copies of documents proving then need for the change.
How do you find the regulations?
- studies
- study process
- key documents
- reg of studies at lsmu
Regulations regarding Study Cycles
The University conducts studies of three cycles:
First cycle (the Bachelor’s degree)
Second cycle (the Master’s degree
Third cycle (the doctoral degree)
Integrated studies, constituting of the first and the second cycles (at the end of the integrated studies, the Master’s degree and/or professional qualification are awarded)
The volume of regular studies at the University is 60 credits per academic year and may not exceed it.
Regulations Regarding Study Subjects
Study subjects or modules are mandatory to all students of a study programme, are conducted at set times, and may be:
Mandatory subjects (modules) of the study field(s).
Elective subjects (modules) in the field of studies selected from an approved list.
The studies of each subject (module) end with examination or independent work (project) of the student.
The principles of cumulitive evaluation
The cumulative evaluation is applied following these principles:
a cumulative share has to make up at least 50 percent of the final grade of a credit test/examination;
a cumulative share is calculated in a 10-score grading system
Can any student who has taken a test retake it?
No, if the student took the exam, independent work(project) and received a passing grade, s/he are not allowed to retake the evaluation and improve the received score.
How would the grade 3.92 be rounded?
The mathematical rules of number rounding are applied during evaluation grade rounding to the hundredth, i.e., 6,49 = 6, and 6,50 = 7 (except for the rounding of grades below the passing grade, i.e., 4,75 = 4).
It would be rounded to 3.