Study Resources: Glossary Flashcards


The presence of differences within a given setting. In the workplace, that can mean differences in race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age and socioeconomic class, for example.



  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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The act of ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.



  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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Commitment to responsible decision-making and modeling high levels of professional conduct.


Ethical Leadership

  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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The belief that an individual’s intelligene or talents can be developed.


Growth Mindset

  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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The pratice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. This means that every employee feels comfortable and supported by the organization when it comes to being their authentic selves.



  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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Attitudes and actions that promote a culture of continuous learning.

These include a growth mindset, as well as a focus on belonging and purpose.


Learning Mindset

  • pHCLEGlosssary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • HCLE Guiding Principals
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A decision-making model and leadership structure where decisions are made by leaders across the organization, rather than by leaders/sites at the top.

In this organization power is delegated across leaders in varying divisions, functions, or sites.


Decentralized Authority
(or Decetralized Decision-Making)

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An organizational structure in which employees are assigned to a division that contains all organization functions (such as transportation, finance, curriculum and assessment, etc).


Divisional Structure

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An organizational structure in which each employee has a high level of autonomy to make decisions on behalf of the organization and all employees work together in a collaborative environment.


Flat Structure

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An organizational structure in which employees are assigned to a department or function such as transportation, finance, curriculum and assessment, etc. The individuals in a department all work on related tasks, projects, or outcomes.


Functional Structure

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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A desired outcome.



  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An organizational structure in which employees are assigned to both a functional area as well as a division or team.

In this situation employees could report to two individuals - one in their department and one in their function.


Matrix Structure

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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Statement that describes how an organization will fulfill its vision.

Typically, these statements include who the organization serves, who the organization is, and what the organization values.



  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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Actions and tactics that are organized to ensure an organization fulfills its vision, mission, values, & goals.


Organizaitonal Strategy

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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The reporting structure developed to ensure an organization can meet its goals.

Structures outline & communicate the flow of information & work to an organization’s staff.


Organizational Structure

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An analysis tool or protocol for analyzing Political,
Legal, and
Environmental factors.

Reviewing these external factors enables organizaitons to assess their influence on processes, projects, or initiatives.


PESTLE Analysis

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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HR/human capital functions that concern the overall strategic direction of the organization.

Decisions are focused on long-term goals & are aligned with organizational priorities.


Strategic HR

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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A process by which organizations identify their goals, their actions needed to achieve those goals, and how success will be measured.

As part of effective strategic planning,


Strategic Planning

As part of effective strategic planning, human capital leaders are included in both planning and implementation.

Additionally, organizations that have a mature human capital system also have a HR or human capital strategic plan that aligns with the organization’s plan.

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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A plan or method that enables an organization to achieve its long-term goals.



  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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An analysis tool or protocol for analyzing Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for a process, project, or inititiative.

It supports planning, developement, and decision-making efforts.

It is important to remember that Strengths & Weakness are meant to be about the organization internally

while Opportunities & Threats exam fators (e.g. peoples, practices, environment) external to the organization.


SWOT Analysis

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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Day-to-day functions or operations needed to support the organization’s general function.


Transactional HR

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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Behaviors, beliefs, actions, knowledge, skills, or abilities the organization values above all others.


(or code of ethics)

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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A statement regarding what the organization wishes to achieve or become.



  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Strategy
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A significanlty different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other employment decisions that negatively & disproportionately impacts members of a specific race, gender, or ethnic group.


**Adverse Impact **
(or disparate impact)

Adverse impact is unintentional discrimination, compared to disparate treatment, which is intentional.

  • pHCLE Glossary
  • Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management
  • Domain: Risk Management
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Also know as the 4/5ths or 80% rule, this analysis is used to assess disparate impact in employment practices (e.g. hiring, promotions).
Adverse Impact Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Find the number of units needed for zero loss or profit.
Break-Even Analysis (Formula: Break-even pint = fixed costs / (price per unit - variable cost per unit; Formal of result: # of units) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Repeated, aggressive behaviors that intentionally cause harm to another person.
Bullying ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The negotiation of contracts between a representatives of workers and employers.
Collective Bargaining ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
A labor contract between a unionized group of employees & their employer.
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
An organizaiton's potential exposure to material, financial, & other losses due to violationsof laws, policies, & organizational processes.
Compliance Risk ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Allows an orgainzationto decide if the benefitsa program or project brings outweighs the expenses or costs.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (Formula: Benefits - costs; Format of result: dollar value) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The process of setting & implementing internal standards around the use, flow, accessibility, & managementof data.
Data Governance ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
An employment decision, practice, or policy that intentionally disadvantages members of a protected class.
**Disparate Treatment** Compared to adverse impact, which is unintentional discrimination, disparate treatment is intentional ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Federal employment laws, case law, rules, guidelines, & enforcement agencies, as well as their implications for practice in human capital managment
Employment Law ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Wages &Hours Worked * Safety & Health Standards * Health Benefits, Retirement Standards, & Worker's Compensation * Other Workplace Standards * Work Authorization for non-US citizens
Department of Labor Laws ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Minimum Wage & Overtime Pay - Fair Labor Standards Act * Wage Garnishment - Consumer Credit Protection Act * Child Labor Protections (Nonagricultural Work) - Fair Labor Standards Act - Child Labor Provisions * Workers w/Disabilities for the Work Being Performed - Fair Laobr Standards Act - Section 14(c)
Wages and Hours Worked ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
Safety and Health Standards ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Employee Benefit Plans - Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) * Continuation of Health Coverage - Consolidated * Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) * Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - Provides unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks for medical issues. The US has no federally required paid time off. * Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Health Benefits, Retirement Standards, & Worker's Compensation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Lie Detector Tests - Employee Polygraphy Protection Act
Other Workplace Standards ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* General Information on Immigration, Including I-9 Forms - Immigration & Nationality Act
Work Authorization for non US citizens ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) * The Pregnancy Discrimination Act * The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) * The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) * Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) * Sections 102 & 103 of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 * Sections 501 & 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 * The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
Laws Enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) * Family Educational Rights & Privacy Law (FERPA)
Laws Impacting Education Organizations ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
* Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
Laws Impacting Data Privacy ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Body that oversees the federal laws that protect employees & job applicants against discrimination.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The following are four primary techniques for conducting _______ 1) Total cost calculation 2) Cost-benefit analysis 3) Return on investment 4) Break-even analysis
Feasibility Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Harmful, unwanted, or bullying behavior that is based on protected class status such as reace or gender.
Harassment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Negotiation strategy in which parties collaborate to develop mutually beneficial agreements. Also referred to as integrative bargaining and win-win bargaining.
Interest-Based Bargaining ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Quasi-judicial body established by the National Labor Relations Act.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The deliberative process of two or more parties entering into an agreement or seeking a solution or resolution to an issue or situation.
Negotiation (or bargaining) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Place incidents on a matrix based on level of impact (e.g., moderate, minor, none) & likelihood of occurrence (likely, possible, unlikely).
Overall Risk Allows the organization to assign an overall risk rating & (e.g., high, medium, low), & manage each risk in an appropriate way. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Negotiation strategy that involves holding to a fixed idea or position.
Positional Bargaining ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Risk analysis approaches that involve intangible assessments. Methods include consulting with subject-matter experts and using a risk matrix.
Qualitative Risk Assessment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Involves using math & data to understand risk.
Quantitative Risk Assessment Common types of quantititative risk assessment include feasbility analysis & analyses for ensuring legal compliance (e.g., adverse impact analysis). ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Identify potential risks/threats to the organization & prioritize them based on their impact & likelihood of occurrence.
Relative Risk ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Calculates the benefits/earnings from the investment as a percentage or ratio of the original amount invested.
Return on Investment (ROI) (Formula: ROE=(benfits or earnings received from investment - investment costs)/investment costs; Format of result: percent or ratio) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The process of identifying potential hazards and issues that could harm or stop a project, plan, process, person, or organization.
Risk Assessment (or Risk Analysis) Risk assessment can involve quantitative or qualitative methods. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
A tool for prioritzing risk in which risks are measured on a scale of their likelihood of occurrence & the severity.
Risk Matrix ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The process of implementing strategies to address risk.
Risk Mitigation Mitigation strategiesinclue: avoidance, acceptance, reduction, & transfer. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
The process of keeping a continuous pulse on risk & the results of selected risk management strategies.
Risk Monitoring ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
Assesses whether adequate resources are available to impletment a new program or scale up an existing program.
Total Cost Calculation (Formula: Total Costs - Total fixed costs + Total variable costs; Format of result: dollar value) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
_____ include strategic, financial, operational, compliance, & enviromental risks
Types of Risk ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Risk Management
An iterative questioning process that involves asking why repeatedly to uncover the root cause of an issue.
5-Whys Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Manage recruiting & hiring processes.
Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A systematic approach to implementing change successfully across an organization.
Change Management ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A measurement comparing the value of the total costs and the estimated benefits or opportunities associated with an initiative or decision.
Cost-Benefit Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A tool that displays real-time or near real-time inforation & is used to monitor & improves processes.
Dashboard ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A data-driven cycle for problem solving that includes five pases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
DMAIC ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A technology that allows employees to compelte HR & other administrative tasks on their own.
Employee Self Service (ESS) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A root cause analysis tool used to brainstorm & categorize potential causes of a problem.
Fishbone Diagram ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Software used to maintain a centralized repository of people-related data & conduct HC processes.
Human Resources Information System (HRIS) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
The amount of resources put into a process, or the preconditions necessary for the transformation process.
Imput Measures ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Quantifiable measures that show the extent to which an organization is meeting its high-priority goals.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
The process of systematically gathering, creating, managing, & sharing organizational knowledge to make it accessible & usable.
Knowledge Management ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Measures performance after a process outcome starts to follow trend.
Lagging Indicator ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Measures performance before a process outcome starts to follow a trend.
Leading Indicator ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A methodology of continuous improvement focused on minimizing waste & variation.
Lean Six Sigman ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Data on changes or benefits to the customer. Shows what the outputs of a process accomplish.
Outcome Measures ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Data on the number of products or services produced/delivered by a process.
Output Measures ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Clear, focused statement that serves as the starting point for a root cause analysis.
Problem Statement ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A defined sequence of repeatable actions intended to produce a desired outcome.
Process ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A representation of how a process functions at a specific time.
Process Map Process maps can be drawn to represent either the current state or a desired future state. Tools used for process mapping include SIPOC (or COPIS), flow charts, RACI diagrams, & swim lane diagrams. These can be used individually or in a combination to assess & improve processes. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Data on how services are provided, or products are created.
Process Meausures ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
The extent to which a data collection procedure yields consistent results on repeated trials. Also referred to as precision.
Reliability ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A measure of the performance or profitability of an investment, as measured by the formula: (benfits-costs), costs.
Return on Investment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Tools used to uncover main causes of an issue.
Root Cause Analysis Root cause analysis typically focuses on six "Ms": machine, man, material, measurement, method, & mother nature. Analysis tools include the fishbone diagram & 5 whys process. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A tool that is updated quarterly or annually & displays high-level metrics that are linked to strategic goals.
Scorecard ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
A tool that provides a high-level view of the key elements of a process.
SIPOC or COPIS COPIS stands for Customers, Outputs, Process, Inputs, & Suppliers. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Process map that distinguishes which employee or workgroup has responsibility for each step of the process.
Swim Lane Diagram Swim lanes can be organized horiontally or vertically. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
The extent to which a data collection procedure measures what it is supposed to measure. Also referred to as accuracy.
Validity ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Identifying & eliminating waste improves the output, reliability, & quality of processes.
Waste The 8 types of waste are: defects, overproduction, waiting, neglected talent, transportation, inventory, motion, & excess processing. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
Guidelinesthat provides a shared, international standard for web content accessibility.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) WCAG 2.0 is based on 4 guiding principles of accessibility - perceivable, operable, understandable, & robust (POUR) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Process Management
The ability to use or obtain a resource, service, or opportunity.
Access ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A prejudice or pefernece in favor of or against a person, group, or idea.
Bias Bias can be conscious or uncounscious & can impact any type of employment decision (e.g., hiring, evaluation, promotion). ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
How customers pereive their inerations with your organization or department.
Customer Experience (CX) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
An oreintation toward meeting your customers' needs.
Customer Focus ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Assistsace or advice provided to users of product or service.
Cutomer Service ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
The presence of differences within a given setting. In the workplace, thta can mean differences in race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age & socioeconomic class, for example.
Diversity ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Asking interview questions to understand another person's thoughts, feelings, & motivations.
Empathy Interview ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A tool used to develop a deeper understanding of customers' wants & needs.
Emapathy Map Empathy maps can help consider others' perspectives when designing a product or service. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
The overall perception employees have of your organization based on their ongoing interaticions over the durationof their relationship with you as an employer. All of the events experienced by employees - from their first contact as a potential applicant until they exit the organization - are part of this.
Employee Experience (EX) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Voluntary, employee-led groups that allow colleagues iwth common interests or shared backgrounds to join together.
Employee Reference Groups (ERGs) or Affinty Groups ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A state of uniformity, or equal distribution of resources.
Equality ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
The act of ensuring that processes & programs are impartial, fair & provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.
Equity ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Outside organizations & individuals who are not employed by the organization providing them the service, materials, or information.
External Customers ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Language that emphasizes some aspect of a person's identify first. This style is sometimes perferred by individuals belonging to certain gorups as a way of showing pride in those aspects of their identity (e.g., Deaf person). According to the American Psychological Association (2022), "Language should be slected with the understanding that the expressed preferene of people with disabilities
Identify-First Language (see also: person-first language) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A department, team, or individual who receives services, materials, or information from someone else in the same organization.
Internal Customers ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A test that measures "the strength of association between concepts & evaluations or stereotypes (Harvard University, n.d.)."
Implicit Association Test (IAT) The IAT can be a useful tool for awareness or self-reflection regarding implicit biases. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Attitudes or stereotpes that affect our understanding, actions, & decisions in an unconscious manner.
Implicit Bias or Unconcious Bias ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
The practice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. This means every employee feels comfortable & supported by the organization when it comes to being their authentic selves
Inclusion ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Brief, day-to-day "verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities" that are often directed toward minorities or marginalized groups.
Microaggressions ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A workforce comprising individuals from various generations, such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, & Generation Z.
Multi-generational Workforce ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Language that emphasizes the person rather than a disability or condition they may have (e.g. "students with disabilities). This is often - but not always - recommended for respectful communication about individuals or groups.
Person-First Language ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
Metrics that help determine if an organization is meeting the goals identified as part of its social media strategy.
Social Media Metrics Four primary tupes of social media metrics are: awareness, engagement, conversion, & customer metrics. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A plan for how an organization engages with its customers via social media.
Social Media Strategy An effective social media strategy generally includes 3 elements: goals, metrics, & a content calendar. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
A form of paid leavec in which employees take time off to volunteer with an approved charitable or community organization.
Volunteer Time Off (VTO) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Foundations of Human Capital Management * Domain: Experience Management
An evaluation of future needs of the organization including desired staffing levels; desired knowledge, skills, & abilities; & projected personnel expenses.
Demand Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
The process of comparing supply & demand to identify areas of misalignment.
Gap Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Systematic study of jobs to determine what activities (tasks) & responsibilities they include, personal qualifications necessary for performance, conditions under which work is performed, & reporting structure.
Job Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Wrtten summary of the qualifications required to perform a job, including duties, responsibilities, physical reqirements, & necessary qualifications.
Job Description A foundational part of many HR processes. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Detailed summary of qualifications needed to perform required job tasks.
Job Specification ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
An evaluation of current resources including staffing levels; staff knowledge, skills, & abilities; & projected funding.
Supply Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Process of examining data to uncover gaps between supply & demand. It is the first phase of workforce planning & serves as the foundation of a workforce plan.
Workforce Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Report that identifies targeted strategies to ensure that the organization's workforce is operating within budget & addresses the existing & anticipated needs of all learners.
Workforce Plan ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Process of aligning the workforce with the needs & priorities of the organization & the customers it serves. This process involves the following phases: strategic direction, supply analysis, demand analysis, gap analysis, solution implementation, & monitoring progress.
Workforce Planning ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Planning & Preparation
Individuals who are currently searching for a new job.
Active Candidates ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
People who have applied for a position in your organization. Help you determinedetermine how well an HR brand intervention worked.
Actual Candidates ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Programs that provide alternate routes to teaching. Participants with a four-year degree in an area outside of eduation typically serve as clasroom teachers while completing coursework for licensure.
Alternative Certification ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Theory states that applicants are attracted to organizations that have the same values as them. If there is a misfit between an applicant & the organization, the employee is likely to leave.
Attraction Selection Theory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
A "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature" that identifies an organization. Brands should tell a story & create a relationship with an organiation's customers.
Brand ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The means & methods through which organizations & people communicate.
Communications Channel ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
When a special interest community & an organization work collaboratively to address issues of impact for the community in which they both reside.
Community Partnerships Community partnerships can support recruitment by serving as a source of candidates for organizations. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Requiring degrees on a job advertisement thta are not actually needed for a position. For example, college degrees are often used as a baseline requirement, but may not be needed for all positions.
Degree Inflation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
A statement that communicates the essence of an organization - how it is unique, what it stands for, & why people would want to be part of it.
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
An organization's reputation as an employer.
Employer Brand ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Process of managing & influencing your reputation as an employer with current & prospective employees & stakeholders.
Employer Branding ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The communication of an organization's brand through the look & feel of physical spaces such as offices, lobbies, hallways, libaries, cafeterias, or outdoor spaces.
Enviornmental Branding ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Looking outside the organization to fill an open position.
External Recruitment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Partnerships - typically between school districts & educator preparation providers - in which selected candidates earn licensure & a degree to tech.
Grow Your Own (GYO) In some GYP programs, candidates earn their degree & license for free while being employed during their clinical/internship experience. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Looking at employees within the organization to fill an open position.
Internal Recruitment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Person(s) who would best meet yourneeds in a position. Hlep you hypotesize what the future-state HR brand should be.
Ideal Candidates ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Person(s) who are currently in a specfic position within the organization. Help you analyze your current HR brand.
Incumbents ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
A process to help organizations think about how to communicate their value proposition. This process helps understand the experiences of target audiences by mapping the touch pints wher those audiences interact with the organizational or employer brand.
Journey Mapping ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The selected strategic points of your communication that an organization wants their targeted audience to know and/or remember.
Key Messages ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Qualifications that an applicant must possess in order to be considred a candidate for the position.
Minimum Qualifications ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The precentage of new hire who are still working at the organization after a defined period, as mesured by the formula (# of employees still employed from the original group + # of employees at the start of the measurement period) x 100.
New Hire Retention ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Individuals who possess desired skills and/or qualifications, but who are not actively searching for a enw job.
Passive Candidates ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Profiles representing a segment of users - such as employees or candidates - with similar characteristics.
Personas (or target personas) Personas can be used for a number of purposes, such as tailoring communications to specific audiences. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Qualifications that are nice to have, but that are not required for consideration for an open position.
Preferred Qualificaitons ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Targeted strategies to identify qualified candidates & convince them to apply to your organization.
Recruiting ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Metric derived from comparing recruitment costs with the totalcompensation of new hires.
Recruitment Cost Ratio (RCR) The RCR formula is: ((external costs + internal costs) / total compensation of new hires) x 100 ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Measure of the quality of efficacy of specific recruitment efforts.
Recruitment Source Potency Metrics for measuring recruitment source potency varies. They may include, but are not limited to: # of new hires source through specific recruitment channels or the # of current high-performing employees sourced through specfic recruitment channels. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The process of proactively identifying candidates, or suppliers of candidates for current or future vacant positions.
Sourcing This may involve uncovering sources of high-potential cadidtes by reviewing information on current successful employees. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Describes how organizations & applicants interact.
Signaling Theory Organizations send signals, such as through their job advertisements, their vision & mission, or photos on their website. Applicants interpret these signals through their specific lens & make judgemeths about the organization. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The heart of effective communications that resonates and engages with an organization's intended audience.
Storytelling Stories that communicate key messages can build connections & elicit an emotional response. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Pool of potential candidates who are qualified & prepared to fill key roles in your organization when there are openings.
Talent Pipeline ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Actively building & maintaining a sustainable pool of talent for your organization. This typically involves a combination of short- & long-term strategies for sourcing & recruitment.
Talent Pipeline Management ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The intended audience for an organization's communications.
Target Audience May include internal and/or external customers. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The amount of time it takes to fill a vacant position, as measured by the formula: (day the position became vacant) - (day the position is filled).
Time to Fill ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
The time it takes to spot & hire an organization's best candidate for a vacant position, as measured by the formula: (day the candidate accepted the offer) - (day the candidate entered the pipeline).
Time to Hire ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Active process of identifying individuals who meet specfic criteria. Often used when hiring for high-level positions or positions that require a specialized skillset.
Targeted Recruitment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Recruitment
Interview questions that attempt to tap into candidates' past behavior to help make predictions about future behavior. They generally ask candidates to describe what they did in specific situations & share the outcomes of their efforts.
Behavior-Based Interview Questions ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Any employment qualification that appears to be discriminatory but tht is jsutifiable due to business necessity.
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Staffing processes are standardized & directly controlled by the central office management team.
Centralized Staffing Function ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A paper-and-pencil or computer-based instrument that measures mental abilities such as logic, reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning, & perceptual abilities.
Cognitive Ability Test ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
The knowledge, skills, abilities, & professional qualities needed to perform a job.
Competencies ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
The costs associated with hiring a new employee, which may include recruiting, screening, & training expenses. Calculated by dividing total costs by the number of people hired.
Cost Per Hire ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
An important or desirable attribute identified as important for successful job performance.
Criterion ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Staffing is managed locally, with strategies & processes that are tailored to locatl circumstances.
Decentralized Staffing Function ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
Defamation Employers who provide negative reference information about former employees can be subject to claims of defamation. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A type of work sample wherein a candidate plans & delivers a lesson plan to group of students or a group of staff members posing as students.
Demo Lesson ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
An employment decision, practice, policy, or tool that intentionally discriminates against a protected class based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Disparate Treatment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Refers to the fact that some of the most valid predictors of job performance are also associated with large group differences.
Diversity-Validity Dilemma ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Employment practices that ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, physical or mental ability, medical condition, age, or genetic information.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A hiring process that quickly sorts through applicants using low-cost, low-effort methods in the preliminatry stages to help preserve resources for use in screening & hiring the most promising candidates for a position.
Funneling ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
An individual work sample that assesses a candidate's ability to prioritize & complete tasks effectively by providing a list of example tasks.
In-Basket Test ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
The extent to which 2 or more individuals (coders, raters, observers, etc.) agree (i.e., give consistent estimates of the same phenomenon).
Inter-Rater Reliability ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Hiring Criteria that are directly related to the requirements & resposibilites of a specific job.
Job-Relevant Criteria ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Interview questions geared toward assessing specific areas of knowledge or skill.
Knowledge/Competency-Based Questions ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A type of work sample that requires participants to discuss a job-related topic wherin no one is appointed a leader.
Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A multiple-choice or true/false test that measures personality traits (e.g., extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, & openness to experience).
Personality Inventory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
The process by which staff are assigned to buildings and/or groups of students.
Placement ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A measure or test used to assess attributes identified as important for successful job performance.
Predictor ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Specific groups of individuals who are protected from employment discrimination by law.
Protected Class An individual may be in a protected class due to their race, color, gender, religious beliefs, natikonal origin, mental or physcial disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or veteran status. An individual can be a member of one or more protected classes, & state laws can define addtional protected classes such as marital status, sexual orientation, & even smokers. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
An approach that provides candidates with accurate & complete information about a job & the work environment, including both posititve & negative aspects of the position.
Realistic Job Preview ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Originally implemented by the National Football League (NFL), this rule has expanded across industries & requires hiring managers to interview at least one ethnic or gender-minority candidate for various senior-level positions.
Rooney Rule ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Process to identify the most suitable candidate for an open positionbased on the competenies required to perform the job.
Selection ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Interview questions that require candidates to problem-solve in the moment by asking them to respond to scenarios.
Situational/Scenario-Based Questions ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A series of short scenarios (either in written or video format) that requrie a job candidate to indicate their most likely response.
Situational Judgment Test (SJT) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Interviews that follow outlines, are grounded in strictly job-realted questions (that are uniform across a candidate pool) & often use predetermined rating scales to evaluate candidate responses.
Structured Interviews ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Interviews tht tend to be largely conversational, do not follow predetermined outlines & may include job-irrelevant questions.
Unstructured Interviews Employers who administer unstructured interviews often vary the questions they ask from one applicant to the next. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A sttistical measure ranging from 0 to 1 of the relationship between predictor(s) & criterion.
Validity Coefficient ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A method of evaluating applications that involves assigning weights to application itemes that are deemed most important to the organization.
Weighted Application Blanks By assigning weights to each item, a total score can be derived for each applicant, & then a cutoff score can be established to eliminate any unsucccessful applicants. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
A selection tool involving the performance or submission of work that is similar to work that will be required on the job.
Work Sample ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Aquisition * Domain: Hiring
Relationship between two individuals that tends to be short-term & focused on improving performance.
Coaching ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
Document used to communicate important workplace policies & expectations to employees.
Employee Handbook ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
Relationship between two individuals focused on long-term development toward career goals & objectives.
Mentoring ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
Process of helping new employees adjustto hte performance & cultural aspects of their new roles over an extended period of time (often 6 months or more).
Onboarding ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
Process that focuses on paperwork & other compliance activities for new hires. Typically, this is a one-time event held before an employee begins their new job.
Orientation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
A type of onboarding that occurs when an employee returns from extended time off or experiences an internal transfer or promotion.
Reboarding ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Orientation & Onboarding
Comprehension orientation & onboarding programs introduce new employees to their role & work team & help them learn about the organizaiton & the community it supports. Organization: e.g, distrit overview, vision, mission, goals, facilities, organizational policies & rules, benefits, employee support services. Job-Specific: e.g., job duties & expectations, department or team goals, introduction to manager & colleagues
Types of Information ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Oreintation & Onboarding
A method of evaluating performance in which employees are judged off predtermined behaviors that are derived from how a successful employee would at in their position.
Behaviorally Anchored rating Scales (BARS) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
Requirement to respect the legal rights afforded to individuals.
Due Process ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
Comprehensive written guide that describes actions in the workplace regarding policies, working conditions, procedures, & behavioral expectations.
Employee Handbook An employee hadobook can be contractual or non-contractual. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
The ongoing process of assessing individual or group performance relative to clearly defined standards & provide opportunities for reflection, feedback, & support.
Evaluation (or Performance Appraisal or Performance Assessement) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A method of evaluating performance in which employees are ranked from the highest performing to the lowest performing.
Forced Distribution ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A method of evaluating performance in which employees are placed within a bell curve of ratings.
Forced Ranking ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A method for capturingevaluation ratings in which employees are assigned a numberical sore that typically aligns to categories such as "meets expetations" or "exceeds expectations".
Numerical Scale ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
Process of maintaining or improving job performance through ongoing communication between a supervisor & an employee in support of accomplishing the strategic goals of the organization.
Performance Management ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
The ratings assigned to an employee as part of the evaluation process & that are typically documented in human resource management systems.
Perforance Ratings ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A method of addressing an employee's conduct or performance issues through a series of gradual steps for corrective action.
Progressive Discipline ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A type of goal that can be used as part of performance appraisals.
SIMple Goal The acronym "SIM" stands for: Specific, Important, & Measurable. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A type of goal that can be used as part of performance appraisals.
SMART Goal The acronym "SMART" stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Performance Management
A framework for instructional design that focused on creating learner-centered experiences.
ADDIE Model The acronym "ADDIE" stands for: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
* Self-directed: Learning provides choice & opportunities to prioritze activities. * Problem-focused: Learning is centered on problems rather than content * Relevance: Learning has immediate applicaiton to learners' lives. * Involvment: Learning is hands on, engaging, or gives opportuities for active reflection or processing.
Adult Learning Principles ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
The method & practices of teaching adult learners.
Andragogy ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
Self-paced instruction
Asynchronous Learning ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
Contains aspects of synchronous & asynchronous learning.
Blended Learning ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
A framework for capturing various levels of congnition. It is often used for designing learning experiences, such as classroom instruction or training for employees.
Bloom's Taxonomy The revised taxonomy comprises six levels: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, & Create. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
The process for analyzing, developing, designing, implementing, & evaluating instructional materials & activities.
Instructional Design ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
Software application used to deliver educational content.
Learning Management System (LMS) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
The intended goals or outcomes of a training or other learning experience.
Objectives (or learning targets) Objectives should be communicated with learners from the start & should be franed as what the learner will be able to do b the end of the experience. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
Learning activities that expand skills, knowledge, & abilities to support personal growth & career advancement.
Professional Developent (or Professional Learning) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
A learning activity focused on the aquisition of knowledge & skills requried for a particular job or task.
Training ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
A framework for making learning inclusive & transformative for everyone.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) UDL encourages the provision of multiple means of engagement, representation, action, & expression to allow each learner to acquire & demonstrate knowledge in the way that works for them. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Talent Development * Domain: Training & Development
A fixed amount of cash compensation an employee recieves in exchange for work performed.
Base Pay (or Fixed Pay) Base pay is guaranteed, & it tends to reflect the value of the work rather than indivdiual contributions. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Direct or indirect compensation that is offered in addition to an individual's base pay, usually awarded upon achieving a goal or milestone.
Bonus ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A job evaluation method in which jobs are classified into an existing grade/category structure or hierarchy. Each level in the grade/category structure has a description & associated job titles.
Classification ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Criteria or traits employers use to determine the value of jobs & salaries for those jobs.
Compensable Factors ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Pay received in the form of services & benefits (i.e., pensions, helath insurance, vacations).
Compensation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A set of principles that provide the overall direction for how organizations make decisions about compensation.
Compensation Philosophy The development of a compensation philosophy is typically driven by HR but should involve senior leadership to ensure alignment with the organization's mission, vision, & goals. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Desribes how an organization plans to determine pay & benefits for employees, as informed by the organization's compensation philosophy.
Compensation Strategy ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Process of analyzing current pay structures & practices to ensure external market equity & that internal job worth mirrors the organization's market & strategy. The process involves the following: 1) udpate job descriptions using job analysis, 2) conduct job evaluation, and 3) complete a market study analysis.
Compensation Study ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A fixed amount an individual pays for a covered health care service.
Co-Pay ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
An across-the-board base pay inflaciton designed to align with increases in the cost of living.
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Amount an individual pays for covered health care expenses before an insurance company begins to pay on a health insurance claim.
Deductible ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A monetary incentive or reward.
Direct Compensation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Employees who are not subject to the FLSA provisions for minimum wage & overtime.
Exempt Employees ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Rewards that are intangible. Employees experience them when they engage in work programs or activities.
Experiential Rewards ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Pay that does not vary based on performance or results achieved. The basic cash compensation that an employer pays for work duties. Also referred to as base pay.
Fixed Pay ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Rewards that are tangilbe & can be measured or assigned a value or cost.
Financial Rewards ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Typically have lower monthly premiums & out-of-pocket expenses. Specialist visits require a referral from your primary care physician. Coverage isn't provided for out-of-network healthcare providers.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Pay received in the form of services & benefits. (i.e., pensions, health insurance, vacations).
Indirect Compensation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A process for determinning the relative compensatory value of a job in an organizaton.
Job Evaluation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Punishes individuals for undesirable choices or behaviors.
Negative Incentive ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Employees who are entitled to overtime pay & must be paid at least the federal minimum wage.
Noneempt Employees ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
The benchmarking of wages paid to employees with wages paid to individuals in similar positions in the marketplace.
Market Study (or Market Analysis) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Parity in compensation amoung similarly situated employees, after accounting for legitimate factors influencing pay decisions.
Pay Equity ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A systematic study of an organization's pay practices to uncover outliers & potential disparities in compensation for members of a protedted class.
Pay Equity Analysis ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A job evaluation method in which jobs are ranked using a system based on factors, degrees, & points.
Point Factor ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Rewards individuals for desirable choices or behavior.
Posititive Incentive ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Typically have higher monthly premiums & out-of-pocket expenses. Able to see specialsts without a referral. Visits to out-of-network providers has a higher fee & separate deductible.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
The amount that an individual and/or their employer pays for a health insurance plan.
Premium ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A job evaluation method in which jobs are compared to each other based on the overall worth of the job to the organization.
Ranking ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Formal or informal acknowledgement of effort or desired behavior.
Recognition ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Awards performance or accomplishment.
Reward ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
The alignment of compensation with desired organizaitonal goals such that organizational strategy informs compensation strategy
Strategic Compensation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
All the financial & experiential incentives, rewards, & benefits provided to employees by their employer.
Total Rewards ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
The principles that guide the design, delivery, forms, & determination of total rewards programs.
Total Rewards Philosophy ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
Pay that changes with the level of performance or results achieved.
Variable Pay Unlike base pay, variable pay is not guaranteed. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Compensation & Benefits
A work-related syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonaization, & lack of personal accomplishment.
Burnout ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
An aspect of a job thta an employee cognitvely appraises as a welcome challenge & is often associated with a strong sense of accomplishment when overcome.
Challenge Demand ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Beliefs, values, & norms that are shared across an organization & inform employee behavior.
Culture ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
"The quality of individuals interactions with their work & strength of their commitment to their worklplace, as characterized by vigor, dedication, & absorption"
Employee Engagement ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Extent to which employees are happy or content with their jobs or work environement.
Employee Satisfaction ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
A state characterized by vigor, dedication, & being engrossed in one's work.
Engagement ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Theory suggesting that employees compare themselves to others, particularly in ters of input/outcome ratios.
Equity Theory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Individuals' motivation is result of 3 factors * Valence: how much the individual values the reward * Expectancy: estent to which the individual beleives their increased efforts will lead to improved perforamnce/success at a task * Instrumentality: belief that if they perform well, they'll receive the reward
Expectancy Theory (or VIE Theory) ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Theory stating that there are 2 types of goal orientations - mastery & performance.
Goal-Setting Theory (or Goal Theory) Goals are a source of motiation & most effective when they are specific, challenging, & accepted. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
An aspect of a job that interferes with an employee's attainment of goals & development.
Hindrance Demand ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Theory that centers on 5 coure job dimensions (i.e., skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, & feedback) which are associated with employee motivation & job satisfcation.
Job Characteristics Theory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
The process of employees shaping their jobs. This may involve changing job demands & resources or redefining the job to leverge employees' strenghts, motivations, & passions.
Job Crafting ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Aspects of a job that require sustained physical, emotional, or cognitive effort.
Job Demands ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
A framework for understanding the relationship between job demands & resources with burnout & engagement.
Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
A survey administered to formally evaluate the design of a job & determine if (& how) the job might be redesigned to improve motivation & jb satisfaction.
Job Diagnostic Survey ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
A type of job redesign wherein more tasks or greater task variety is added but responsibility is not increased.
Job Enlargement ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
A type of job redesign wherein a job is expanded to make it more fulfilling by satisfying higher order needs.
Job Enrichment ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Physicl, psychologial, social, or organizational aspects of the job that help to wither achieve work goals, reduce job demands & the associated physiological & psychological costs; or stimulate growth, learning, & development.
Job Resources Job resources buffer the impact of job demands on burnout. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Suggest people have varying levels of needs, each of which must be met before progressing to the others.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Internal & external factorsthat drives the desire & energy of someone to be committed to their work or pursue a goal.
Motivation ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Certain factors cause job satisfcation when they are present (motivation factors) while others cause dissatisfaction when they are absent (hygiene factors).
Motivation-Hygiene Theory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Wrokplace interventions that focus on reducing sources of stress (e.g., job design). These are the most proactve types of interventions.
Primary Interventions ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Workplace interventions that focus on changing the effect of stressors proactively (e.g., muscle relaxation techniques, mediation).
Secondary Intervention Secondary interventions are common & generally inexpensive; however, they put theonus on employees. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
People have 3 fundamental needs: autonomy, competence, & relatedness that when met, foster intrinsic motivation & overall wellbeing.
Self-Determination Theory ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Workplace interventions that focus on how to deal with strain (e.g., employee assistance programs, time off from work).
Tertiary Interventions Of the 3 types of interventions, tertiary interventions tend to be the most costly. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Individuals' beliefs about intelligence & ability known as implicit theories or mindsets tend to fall into one of two categories. Entity theory/fixed mindset is characterized by the belief that intellience & ability are malleable & can be improved.
Theories of Intelligence ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
The state of being happy, healthy, & prosperous. It involves emotion, physical, psychological, social, career, & financial health.
Well-Being ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
The state of being in good physical & mental health.
Wellness ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Work-Life Integration
Professional pathways through which individuals can more broadly impact & expand their role in the organziation.
Career Ladders Also referred to as career pathways, career lattices, & career tracks. ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
This simple organizational tool helps identify future candidates for identified roles in an organization, as part of the succession planning process.
Candidate Slate ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
A conversation held with an employee to learn about their motivations for leaving the organization.
Exit Interview ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
Occurs when the decision to end employment is made by the organization. Common reasons include layoffs or reductions in fource & performance issues.
Involuntary Turnover ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
This succession planning tool uses 2 parameters to assess employees' rediness to assume new positions in the organization. It involves a 3-step process: * 1) Use evaluations & other data to plot employees based on (a) their performance & (b) extent to which their actions/behaviors align with organizational values * 2) Have managers review & sugget adjustments; and * 3) Finalize charts & use for futehr development & decision-making
Nine-Cell Chart ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
A regular, informal conversation between a supervisor & an employee about the employee's level of job satisfaction & specific ways the supervisor cn maintain or improve it.
Stay Interview ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
Process for identifying & developing high-performing internal staff to assume critical positons within an organization.
Succession Planning ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management
Occurs when the decision to end employment is made by the employee such as a resignation or retirement.
Voluntary Turnover ## Footnote * pHCLE Glossary * Course: Total Rewards * Domain: Career Management