**Important** Flashcards
the method and practice of teaching adult learners.
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 9
- Talent Development
the formulation of plans and actions for gaining competitive advantage.
Decisions as to how the organization plans to achieve it’s mutually agreed upon goals and objectives (and leverage its competitive advantage).
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 17
- Foundations of HCM
Strategic Plan
should describe the organization or departments direction, objectives, performance targets, and actions or tactics to achive documented objectives.
Stragic plans could be created for organizations, deparments, or teams.
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 17
- Foundations of HCM
Strategic Human Capital Management
- Aligns with the overall strategic direction of the organization
- Forward-thinking or proactive decisions focused on long-term goals
- Leverages your competitive advantage
- Practices are grounded in data
- Focus on customer wants, needs, and perceptions
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 28
The following are examples of: ____________ _____________ ____________ Management
- Development of a strategy and goals.
- Selection of metrics to monitor progress.
- Fomrulating an employee value proposition (EVP)
- Aligning the performance management system with organizational goals.
- Managing employee experience
Strategic Human Capital Management
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- Slide 28
Human Capital Management
- Day-to-day, reactive decisions focused on what needs to be done now
- Operations needed to support the organization’s general function
- Focus is on organization wants and needs (efficiency for efficiencies sake)
- Day 1 - Morning
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The following are examples of__________ ____________ Capital Management
- Benefits administration
- Managing internal employee conflicts
- Enforcing workplace policies
- Completing background checks or ensuring I-9s are complete
Transactional Human Capital Management
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 28
Action occurs AFTER an incident, error, or issue.
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 29
Action and planning occurs BEFORE an incident, error, or issue.
- Day 1 - Morning
- Slide 29
Knowledge: Theoretical understanding
Skills: Developed capacities
Abilities: Innate traits or attributes
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 7
Workers must be correctly designated as independent contractors, exempt, nonexempt
Fair Labor Standards Act
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 56
Pohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 63
Prohibits discrmination based on pregnancy
Areas of concern: marital status, number of children
Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)
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Pregnancy Discrimination Act
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Protects employees and job applicants who are at least 40 years old from age discrimination
Areas of Concern: Birth Date
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
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Age Discrimination in Employment Act
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- Slide 63
Areas of concern: Health, Physical defect
ADA Amendments Act / Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 63
ADA Amendment Act / Genetic Information Nondiscrimintion Act
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 63
a hiring process that quickly sorts through applicants using low-cost, low effort methods in the preliminary stages to help preserve resources for use in screening and hiring the most promising candidates for a position.
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 65
4/5ths Rule
1) Selection Rate (calculate the % selected for each group)
2) Identify Largest (which group has the highest selection rate)
3) Impact Ratio (selection rate of remaining groups) / (highest selection rate)
4) Adverse Impact? (are any impact ratios less than 4/5 (80%)? If yes - evidence of adverse impact)
- Day 1 - Afternoon
- Slide 71
Types of Cognitive Bias
1) Primacy Effect
2) Recency Effect
3) Halo Effect
4) Horn Effect
5) Centrality Bias
6) Leniency/Strictness Bias
7) Similar-to-me Bias
8) Confirmation Bias
- Day 2 - Morning
- Slide 21
Overall impression based on past behavior or outcomes.
Disregard recent information (First impressions error)
Primacy Effect
- Day 2 - Morning
- Slide 21
Overall impression based on most recent behavior or outcomes.
Disregard past information.
Recency Effect
- Day 2 - Morning
- Slide 21
Allowing a positive trait to overshadow all other qualities.
Halo Effect
- Day 2 - Morning
- Slide 21