STUDY PREP - 21/11/23 Flashcards
What are Strenths of Asch’s Study?
1) High internal validity - High control in laboratory conditons over extraneous variables. Control done.
2) High replicability
3) Participants were debriefed
What are Limitations of Asch’s Study?
1) Lack ecological validity- can’t apply to real life as it’s in lab
2) Lack of generalisability - you can’t apply the same to cultures in China, as U.S is more individualist
3) Susan Friske - groups weren’t groupy
What are Strengths of NSI and/or ISI?
1) Lucas Et Al gave students maths questions that were easy or diffcult.
2) There was greater conformity to incorrect answers when they were difficult rather than easy.
3) People conform in situations if they don’t know answer
What are Limitations of NSI and/or ISI?
1) NSI doesn’t affect everyone the same way
2) People who are less concerned about being liked are less affected by NSI
3) Not everyone cares about being liked - NSI doesn’t explain everybody’s behaviour
What is a Strength of Zimbardo’s research?
1) Zimbardo had some control over variables.
2) Emotinally stable people were chosen and randomly assigned
3) Ruled out individual personality differences
What are the Limitation of Zimbardo’s Research?
1) Major ethical issue as Zimbardo was prison warden and researcher - so observer bias
2) He put ‘prisoners’ to psychological and physical harm
What are Strengths of Milgram’s Study?
1) Sheridan And King repeated experiment where real shocks were given to a puppy. 54% of males gave “fatal shocks” and 100% of females gave shocks too.
2) High replicability
What are Limitations of Milgram’s Study?
1) It lacks ecological validity, because Milgram tested obedience in a lab, which is different to real life.
2) No generalisability
Explain a Strength of Situation Variables into obedience.
1) Bickmann said uniform was a valid explanation into obedience
2) Three confeds - one jacket + tie, one milkman, one security guard
3) People obeyed most to security guard
Explain a Limitation of Situation Variables into obedience.
1) Can be criticized for providing an excuse or an alibi for evil behaviour
2) Mandel suggested it was offensive to survivors of Holocaust to say that Nazis were just following orders and were victims
3) It’s not sensitive
Explain a Strength of Authoritarian Personality into obedience.
1) Milgram and Elms conducted interviews with people involved in original experimengt
2) People who obeyed more were higher on F-scale
3) There’s a link
Explain a Limitation of Authoritarian Personality into obedience.
1) The link between authoritarain personality and harsh parenting is only correlational
2) You can’t cause cause’effect relationship in experiements due to ethical reasons
Explain a Strength for Legitimacy of Authority of Obedience
1) Blass and Schmitt showed a film of Milgram study to students and asked who was to blame
2) They bleamed experimenter as he had responsibility and top of hierarchy
Explain a Strength for Agentic Shift of Obedience
1) Blass and Schmitt
Explain a Limitation for Agentic Shift of Obedience
1) It suggests that behaviour isn’t controlled by individuals and free will can be given up
2) Determinstic as it suggests behaviour is controlled by something else and againt fact that we shoudl have responsibility
Explain a Strength of Social Support explaining obedience.
1) Asch found that social support doesn’t have to be valid to be effective
2) Even if another disseneter gave wrong answer, allows participant to dissent to
What is evidence to support the link between LoC and resisting obedince?
1) Charles Holland repeated Milgram’s baseline study
2) 37% of internals didn’t continue over shock level
3) 23% of externals didn’t continure
What may suggest role of LoC in resisting social influence may be exaggerated?
1) Rotter found that LoC may not be most important factor in determining whether someone reisists social influence
2) LoC only helpful for few situations
3) It won’t increases resistance