Study Notes III Flashcards
What will be the outcome of requiring all employees to be trained in business continuity and disaster recovery plans?
Increased confidence among organization stakeholders
Managing risk effectively entails taking steps to prevent the risk, lessen its impact, or transfer the burden of risk (e.g., through insurance). Hiring additional workers before absences occur may be an unnecessary expense. Simply staying abreast of the situation may mean action will be taken too late. Lining up temporary help is a good idea, but if a flu outbreak affects many employers, who will all compete for temporary workers, this tactic may not help. The best risk management action may be to try to avoid the risk by making it easy for employees to receive flu shots.An HR manager is concerned about work interruption during the upcoming flu season. How could the manager best deal with this risk?
Arranging for on-site flu shot clinics
Commonly referred to as the Wage and Hour Law, the FLSA governs employee status, overtime pay, and minimum wage. Employee benefits, sales commissions, and equal pay are not governed by the FLSA.
What is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
An essential job function is one that is performed regularly and requires highly specialized skills or expertise, and, in many cases, the reason the job exists is to perform the function. Nonessential functions typically can be performed by many different people, and, if not completed, there are often minimal consequences.
Requirements for highly specialized skills
A software development company changes the development platform it uses to create its products. The change is introduced at many levels in the organization and radiates out as other units in the company are affected. What approach to introducing change does this implementation process illustrate?
Organic implementation relies on independent centers and multiple origins of change within the organization. Points of origin can be at any level. Change radiates out unevenly but accelerates when supported by top management.
Which part of the SWOT analysis identifies the core competencies of a global enterprise?
Strengths and weaknesses
Which of the following terms describes an employer’s liability when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment by a supervisor?
This legal responsibility of the employer is called vicarious liability. Vicarious liability is a legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party. Because of this doctrine, employers are legally responsible for the discriminatory acts of their employees. In cases of sexual harassment, this particular standard of vicarious liability is based on two principles: 1) employers have the responsibility to promptly and irrevocably end harassment (sexual or otherwise) through appropriate intervention, including, if necessary, discipline, and 2) employees should be encouraged to take advantage of preventive and corrective opportunities. Vicarious liability
Prima facie
based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
A company has separate divisions for distinct types of products. Each division has its own marketing, sales, manufacturing, and finance functions. What type of organizational structure does this illustrate?
Companies with a product structure usually have separate divisions for different products, and each division has its own functional departments.
An organization using the single designated officer approach to ADR designates and empowers a specific individual within the organization to investigate and resolve disputes. An ombudsperson cannot settle disputes but may forward them for resolution. In a chosen officer system, the employee selects an arbitrator from a group of individuals. Peer review uses a panel of trained managers and employees to hear and resolve complaints.
Single designated officer
What should be the first step in creating an organization’s philanthropic strategy as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy?
Align philanthropic activities with the organization’s core business strategy and values.
A global mindset is characterized by intellectual curiosity, a desire to understand larger contexts and multiple perspectives. Employees with a global mindset tend to see change as an opportunity.
A curious mind and ease with change
What is the most effective way to control hazards and their negative consequences?
Eliminate the hazard from the workplace.
What characteristic is critical to a good training objective?
States what a trainee will be able to do as a result of training
A company announces that it intends to capture another 20% of market share by opening ten more stores within three years in key locations. What is being communicated?
A strategic objective outlines specific results that an organization seeks to achieve in pursuing its strategy.
What term does Trompenaars use to describe the process of charting a course through cultural differences?
Trompenaars refers to the process of resolving cultural differences as dilemma reconciliation, noting that solutions to dilemmas need not be either-or propositions.
Which category of risk applies to Nassim Taleb’s “black swan” theory?
Unknown unknowns
Which activity takes place first in the strategic planning process?
Strategic planning begins with the vision and mission statements. A vision is the ultimate picture of what leadership envisions for the organization. A mission statement articulates who the organization is, what the organization does, and where the company is headed. The mission sets the direction for all other activities. Without vision and mission statements, other activities such as needs assessments, inventories, and environmental scans have no direction.
What distinguishes the most-effective survey questions?
They lead to specific corrective actions. While employee satisfaction, attitudes, and ideas to improve work processes are important, taking specific corrective actions from survey results demonstrates a long-term commitment to providing a rewarding work experience.
Which is considered a good practice for handling grievances?
Ensuring the confidentiality of grievance discussions is in the best interest of all parties involved.
What is a characteristic of activity-based budgeting?
It considers the cost and strategic significance of key tasks.
What is the best definition of a contingency plan?
Plan that is activated when a risk event occurs
Which of the following is a primary advantage of the balanced scorecard?
It relates the performance of business functions to the organization’s mission.
The balanced scorecard links business strategies with day-to-day activities and aligns business function measurements with organizational strategies. As a result, an organization can track progress, reinforce accountability, and prioritize improvement opportunities. The scorecard includes four related perspectives (finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth) rather than just a financial perspective.
What approach to offsetting a downturn is often used by companies in the decline phase of their life cycle?
Reducing costs
A cosmetics company that denounces animal testing as a primary part of its branding was recently reported as buying findings from companies that routinely test on animals. Which aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) does this practice violate?
Good governance. By definition, governance is the system of rules and processes an organization puts in place to ensure its compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, and environmental and social codes of conduct. An organization with good governance is transparent and accountable at each level and function. By buying animal testing results, the organization is intentionally deceiving consumers and being opaque rather than transparent.
What is the most effective way for HR professionals to align organizational effectiveness and development (OED) interventions with their organization’s goals?
Create a line of sight between the strategy and the OED intervention. The most effective way to align HR activities with organizational goals is for HR professionals to participate in the strategic planning process. HR professionals should demonstrate the importance of an organization’s OED activities by providing education and training in strategic planning and linking the outcomes of OED activities to organizational goals.
In what form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is an employee encouraged to speak to management regarding suggestions, concerns, or complaints?
Best-practice organizations encourage open-door/person-to-person meetings. If the meeting involves complaints or grievances, the issues are carefully documented. For these meetings to be effective, there has to be top management commitment.
What is the best definition of due process in discipline for a dischargeable offense?
Due process is a principle that ensures that employees are informed of expectations and the consequences of failure to meet those expectations, are treated fairly and factually, and are allowed an opportunity to defend themselves and appeal the decision. Due process does not explicitly require peer review, nor is it limited to the setting of a unionized workplace. An attorney’s review may be advisable but is not required to have fulfilled the obligation of providing an employee due process.
What term has been coined for the process of charting a course through cultural differences?
Dilemma reconciliation refers to the process of creating a “third way” as an alternative to opposing cultural demands. The other terms relate to cultural perspectives.
What does Parochialism mean
a limited or narrow outlook, especially focused on a local area; narrow-mindedness.
In what culture is a verbal agreement or handshake likely to be better received than a detailed contract?
In a particularist culture, a strong handshake agreement may be sufficient, and requiring a written agreement may be perceived as an insult. This may be contrasted with a universalist culture, which focuses on rules and the existence of one right way.
What type of statement is this?
“In three months we will train 60 members of the programming staff in the designated programming language.”
A performance objective is a specific achievement required to meet a strategic goal. It is a path toward a strategic goal. This statement does not reflect what will be required to accomplish the target performance (resources) or how (an action plan).
In the balanced scorecard, which two types of measures most directly impact financial results?
Operations measures lead to customer or external measures, which, in turn, relate to financial results. The former measures are leading indicators; financial results are lagging indicators. Customer and operations
When are HR mission statements, goals, and objectives created?
During HR strategic planning
How is the balanced scorecard used in strategic planning?
To identify significant strategic objectives
During what stage of the strategic planning process does management often perform a SWOT analysis, identifying an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities?
The formulation stage of the strategic planning process answers the question “Where are we?” Formulation activities are designed to gather information and include environmental scanning tools, such as PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis. This information influences the setting of strategic goals.
An organization is in the process of updating its compensation system and has started the task of evaluating jobs and grouping those with similar duties together. What documents would be most useful for this purpose?
The job description is a written record of job duties and responsibilities and will be most valuable in grouping jobs with similar duties.
When designing a training program, what must a global HR professional first consider?
Local differentiation and stakeholder support have implications for all aspects of the training analysis, design, development, and evaluation process. It precedes the other issues mentioned.
What activity is a logical part of an environmental scan?
Analysis of unemployment rates
Environmental scans focus on external changes and attempt to identify and interpret strategic issues that affect the company.
The Center for Creative Leadership, after 30 years of research, designed a model of learning called the 70-20-10 rule. The rule proposes that to develop managers it is important to engage them in three clusters of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio. What type of experience does the “70” in the ratio stand for?
Assignments that are challenging and sequenced to provide learning advance the development of high-potential employees as well as adults in general. To develop managers, it is important to engage them in three clusters of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio: challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and training (10%).
What is a disadvantage of instructor-led training?
It is less effective for large groups.
What responsibility is charged to a safety committee?
Conducting area safety inspections and evaluating hazards.
The safety committee has an ongoing responsibility for conducting area safety inspections and evaluating hazards. They also review safety programs and recommend improvements. They may direct training but do not necessarily have the responsibility to facilitate it. They do not complete regulatory forms.
A manufacturing organization’s office employees are arriving late to work on a consistent basis. A focus group survey is conducted, and it appears that the employees’ morning commute has changed significantly due to highway construction and the opening of new businesses. Which is the best strategy the organization should use to correct the problem?
Introduce a flextime policy with bandwidth hours.
Since this is a manufacturing organization, employees need to be at the organization’s facility. Therefore, allowing employees to work on a flextime schedule is the best answer.
Training activities that require participants to debate employment practices may be difficult for employees from what type of culture?
In large power distance organizations, less-powerful employees accept autocratic and paternalistic structures and may be unwilling to debate or question decisions of leadership.
What employment action is legal under the common-law concept of employment-at-will?
Terminating an employee with satisfactory performance. Employment-at-will is a common-law principle applied primarily in the U.S. It states that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, and promote whomever they choose for any reason unless there is a law or contract to the contrary.
What is a trademark characteristic of a benchmark job?
It is accepted in the external market for setting wages. A benchmark job is a job in which a sizable portion of the workforce is employed. The external pay rate for a benchmark job is generally an acceptable basis for setting wages.
What is an appropriate action for HR to support an effective investigation regarding charges of discriminatory employment practices?
Initially supporting a timely investigation and then ensuring confidentiality as much as possible is the best course of action for HR .
The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act of 1988 requires employers who employ 100 or more employees a minimum of how many days’ advanced written notice of a plant closure or mass layoffs?
With very limited exceptions, WARN specifies a minimum of 60 calendar days.
Which solution would best resolve absenteeism?
Administration of the attendance policy will remind employees that absenteeism is not acceptable. Applying the policy consistently will be evidence that the organization holds each employee to the same standard.
What term is used to describe traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities being transferred to leaders at lower levels?
Task migration
What is secondary risk?
Risk created by a risk management tactic
Secondary risk refers to risks that are created by the risk management strategy itself. Before they are implemented, strategies must be analyzed to determine if they present secondary risks.
In alternative dispute resolution, what is a distinguishing characteristic of peer review programs?
Use of trained employee panels
Peer review panels are trained panels of employees (or employees and managers) that hear and resolve employee complaints. They cannot change policy.
What is an example of a demographic factor examined during an environmental scan?
When examining demographic factors during an environmental scan, organizations should examine age, gender, generational differences, geographic shifts in population, ethnicity, unskilled labor, and the nontraditional labor force. The other items should be considered while examining other factors during the scan.
Which organization’s standards serve as the foundation for many employment laws and management practices throughout the world?
The International Labor Organization’s standards serve as the foundation for the vast majority of employment laws and acceptable management practices throughout the world, and they should, therefore, play a key role in business decision making. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union address worker rights in addition to a wide range of other topics. The World Trade Organization does not address worker rights at all.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), what right can employees exercise?
Requesting an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection
The ADA applies to employers with 15 or more employees. It protects qualified individuals with disabilities from unlawful discrimination in the workplace, including access to training and career development.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all employers with at least how many employees?
A law office is in the process of converting from paper to electronic record storage. Which protocol should HR use as a standard to ensure organizational compliance?
To follow specified protocols, employers may use guidelines the Department of Labor has published called “Final Rules Relating to Use of Electronic Communication and Recordkeeping Technologies by Employee Pension and Welfare Benefit Plans,” shortened to “Final Rules.” The other options do not exist.
What federal law or regulation applies to most employers?
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over. Executive orders are issued by the president of the United States to provide direction to government departments on specific issues. The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies only to the federal government and federal contractors.
Which statement about Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) procedures regarding an alleged Title VII violation is true?
If the EEOC determines that there is no reasonable cause, the complainant is given notice of the right to sue, allowing the employee to file suit in court if he or she chooses.
Which court case established the criteria for disparate impact?
Griggs v. Duke Power recognized disparate impact and established that it is not necessarily enough to show a lack of discriminatory intent
What is a direct implication of HR’s evolving strategic role?
Required competence to develop talent through career development and succession planning
HR must partner with other functions to ensure that the organization’s human capital matches its needs. Through workforce planning and management, HR can play a vital role in helping other functions achieve their long- and short-term objectives.
To ensure that the organization’s human capital matches its needs
What are the components of employee engagement?
Personality characteristics, work environment, behaviors