Competencies Flashcards
Scatter diagrams are used to show relationships between two variables: in this case, education level and performance rating.
Scatter diagrams are used to show relationships between two variables: in this case, education level and performance rating.
A valid test accurately reflects the content of the job. The skills and aptitudes required for successful exam performance are aligned with the skills and aptitudes required for successful job performance.
A valid test accurately reflects the content of the job. The skills and aptitudes required for successful exam performance are aligned with the skills and aptitudes required for successful job performance.
High-context cultures derive value from nonverbal cues.
High-context cultures derive value from nonverbal cues.
Porter’s “Five Forces” framework helps strategists understand the competitive forces at work in their industries so that they can assess the strengths and weaknesses of their own competitive position.
Porter’s “Five Forces” framework helps strategists understand the competitive forces at work in their industries so that they can assess the strengths and weaknesses of their own competitive position.
It is imperative that HR management carefully evaluate the organization’s selection process to make certain that it is reliable, valid, equitable, and cost-effective. For an instrument to provide reliability, it must have a high degree of consistency. Validity measures the degree to which inferences made from an interview or a test are correct and accurate. In other words, did the interview measure only job-related issues that predict performance on the job? Does a test measure what it was intended to measure?
It is imperative that HR management carefully evaluate the organization’s selection process to make certain that it is reliable, valid, equitable, and cost-effective. For an instrument to provide reliability, it must have a high degree of consistency. Validity measures the degree to which inferences made from an interview or a test are correct and accurate. In other words, did the interview measure only job-related issues that predict performance on the job? Does a test measure what it was intended to measure?
Since new or evolving strategies may require new types or levels of performance, targets for measurement should be reviewed regularly and revised as needed. Only strategically significant aspects of performance should be measured to avoid being overwhelmed with data. Measures should be mindful of both past and future performance, and data should be shared to stimulate performance improvement.
Since new or evolving strategies may require new types or levels of performance, targets for measurement should be reviewed regularly and revised as needed. Only strategically significant aspects of performance should be measured to avoid being overwhelmed with data. Measures should be mindful of both past and future performance, and data should be shared to stimulate performance improvement.
Implicit culture deals with attitudes and beliefs, not tangible things like language, dress, rituals, life styles, and food. The view toward power is an example of implicit culture.
Implicit culture deals with attitudes and beliefs, not tangible things like language, dress, rituals, life styles, and food. The view toward power is an example of implicit culture.
Change is difficult, so if organizational effectiveness and development initiatives are presented as a way to increase the competitiveness of the company or advance strategic goals, HR may gain better workforce support of the initiative.
Change is difficult, so if organizational effectiveness and development initiatives are presented as a way to increase the competitiveness of the company or advance strategic goals, HR may gain better workforce support of the initiative.
Validity indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job performance, that the test is measuring what it is intended to measure. A selection tool that offers high validity is important, because hiring an unqualified worker for this position would present a risk and the potential for a costly situation.
Validity indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job performance, that the test is measuring what it is intended to measure. A selection tool that offers high validity is important, because hiring an unqualified worker for this position would present a risk and the potential for a costly situation.
Strategic planning integrates the goals and activities of the major business units of an organization (finance/accounting, marketing/sales, operations, information technology, and human resources) and employees in order to achieve organizational success. Strategic planning is a process, not just a written project plan, that helps management focus on how to succeed.
Strategic planning integrates the goals and activities of the major business units of an organization (finance/accounting, marketing/sales, operations, information technology, and human resources) and employees in order to achieve organizational success. Strategic planning is a process, not just a written project plan, that helps management focus on how to succeed.
he organic approach to planning and implementing change relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization. Points of origin can be at any level. Organic change radiates unevenly but accelerates when top leadership supports local change and leaders.
he organic approach to planning and implementing change relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization. Points of origin can be at any level. Organic change radiates unevenly but accelerates when top leadership supports local change and leaders.
Relativism states that because cultures vary so greatly, there are no absolutes. Everything varies based on the situation.
Relativism states that because cultures vary so greatly, there are no absolutes. Everything varies based on the situation.
A new facility may be constructed on what was once a “green field.” A new global location, built from the ground up, is often referred to as a greenfield operation.
A new facility may be constructed on what was once a “green field.” A new global location, built from the ground up, is often referred to as a greenfield operation.
An organization that uses cost leadership or organizational excellence tends to increase efficiency and productivity.
An organization that uses cost leadership or organizational excellence tends to increase efficiency and productivity.
Organizations often utilize mergers and acquisitions as part of a growth strategy. Divestitures are part of a retraction strategy. Centers of excellence and shared services are structural alternatives rather than growth or retraction strategies.
Organizations often utilize mergers and acquisitions as part of a growth strategy. Divestitures are part of a retraction strategy. Centers of excellence and shared services are structural alternatives rather than growth or retraction strategies.
Implementation reflects the process of strategic management. This requires clear communication of objectives to teams, coordination and support of their efforts, and control of resources.
Implementation reflects the process of strategic management. This requires clear communication of objectives to teams, coordination and support of their efforts, and control of resources.
To achieve cost leadership, an organization must be the low-cost producer in its industry. Sources of cost advantage vary depending on the industry; it may originate from economies of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials, or reduced costs in advertising and research, among other factors. Successful low-cost producers utilize all sources of cost advantage.
To achieve cost leadership, an organization must be the low-cost producer in its industry. Sources of cost advantage vary depending on the industry; it may originate from economies of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials, or reduced costs in advertising and research, among other factors. Successful low-cost producers utilize all sources of cost advantage.
Differentiation strategies focus on setting a product or service apart from its competition by giving it unique characteristics that consumers value. Differentiation comes from a variety of factors, including product/service features, marketing approach, and delivery system.
Differentiation strategies focus on setting a product or service apart from its competition by giving it unique characteristics that consumers value. Differentiation comes from a variety of factors, including product/service features, marketing approach, and delivery system.
Organizations that use PESTLE analysis data are much more likely to be successful because the information facilitates the ability to adapt to environmental realities that may potentially impact employee engagement.
Organizations that use PESTLE analysis data are much more likely to be successful because the information facilitates the ability to adapt to environmental realities that may potentially impact employee engagement.
Quality issues can be solved by using Six Sigma tools. Six Sigma is a strategy that identifies and removes the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes. Other business problems that can be solved by using Six Sigma include too much variation, challenging root cause identifications, numerous technical considerations, and other complex issues. Lean Six Sigma is a strategy that eliminates waste and improves process flows.
Quality issues can be solved by using Six Sigma tools. Six Sigma is a strategy that identifies and removes the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes. Other business problems that can be solved by using Six Sigma include too much variation, challenging root cause identifications, numerous technical considerations, and other complex issues. Lean Six Sigma is a strategy that eliminates waste and improves process flows.
An environmental scan identifies and interprets data external to the organization. Competitive threats are an example of a factor in the organization’s external environment. The remaining factors affect the performance of the organization but are part of its internal environment.
An environmental scan identifies and interprets data external to the organization. Competitive threats are an example of a factor in the organization’s external environment. The remaining factors affect the performance of the organization but are part of its internal environment.
The balanced scorecard measures an organization from four perspectives. The customer perspective captures the ability of the organization to provide quality goods and services, the effectiveness of their delivery, and overall customer service and satisfaction. Designing clear long-range objectives could be an activity under the financial perspective, monitoring processes an issue that would be considered from the perspective of internal business processes, and analyzing employee abilities a factor under learning and growth.
The balanced scorecard measures an organization from four perspectives. The customer perspective captures the ability of the organization to provide quality goods and services, the effectiveness of their delivery, and overall customer service and satisfaction. Designing clear long-range objectives could be an activity under the financial perspective, monitoring processes an issue that would be considered from the perspective of internal business processes, and analyzing employee abilities a factor under learning and growth.
The balanced scorecard is designed to provide a concise picture of an organization’s performance from the perspectives of various stakeholders. The key areas assessed in a balanced scorecard are finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth.
The balanced scorecard is designed to provide a concise picture of an organization’s performance from the perspectives of various stakeholders. The key areas assessed in a balanced scorecard are finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth.
Strategic drift occurs when an organization fails to recognize and respond to changes in its environment that necessitate strategic change.
Strategic drift occurs when an organization fails to recognize and respond to changes in its environment that necessitate strategic change.
The best objective defines a specific and reasonable action (understand the problem and solicit possible solutions from employees) and sets a date by which the task will be accomplished. Developing and launching a program may be overly ambitious and misguided at this stage. The objective about e-mail surveys is not ambitious enough and contains no time frame. Improving employees’ assessments is a goal and does not describe how the goal will be accomplished.
The best objective defines a specific and reasonable action (understand the problem and solicit possible solutions from employees) and sets a date by which the task will be accomplished. Developing and launching a program may be overly ambitious and misguided at this stage. The objective about e-mail surveys is not ambitious enough and contains no time frame. Improving employees’ assessments is a goal and does not describe how the goal will be accomplished.
While all of these actions play a role in strategic planning, they do not all take place during strategy formulation, which is the first phase of the strategic planning process. This phase of the process is dedicated to the development of a mission statement, vision, and values, which guide the rest of the strategic planning process and the activities to come. The remaining activities take place in the development, implementation, and evaluation phases.
While all of these actions play a role in strategic planning, they do not all take place during strategy formulation, which is the first phase of the strategic planning process. This phase of the process is dedicated to the development of a mission statement, vision, and values, which guide the rest of the strategic planning process and the activities to come. The remaining activities take place in the development, implementation, and evaluation phases.
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is done during the strategy formulation stage to test the advisability of different potential strategies.
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is done during the strategy formulation stage to test the advisability of different potential strategies.
Turnover cost indicates how much turnover is costing and its impact on organizational profitability. The cost of turnover includes the direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are those costs that are more obvious or tangible.
Turnover cost indicates how much turnover is costing and its impact on organizational profitability. The cost of turnover includes the direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are those costs that are more obvious or tangible.
Using one or more strategies, sourcing generates a pool of qualified applicants for recruiting.
Using one or more strategies, sourcing generates a pool of qualified applicants for recruiting.
An ethnocentric approach is one in which home-country personnel manage all operations and home-country staffing policies are replicated in host countries. In this approach, internally recruited headquarters-country assignees fill key management positions. This approach tends to weaken the long-term strength of the organization, because it does not sufficiently recognize the contributions of local talent and the value of cultural differences.
An ethnocentric approach is one in which home-country personnel manage all operations and home-country staffing policies are replicated in host countries. In this approach, internally recruited headquarters-country assignees fill key management positions. This approach tends to weaken the long-term strength of the organization, because it does not sufficiently recognize the contributions of local talent and the value of cultural differences.
Although there are many benefits associated with employer branding, the primary purpose is to communicate why the organization is an employer of choice.
Although there are many benefits associated with employer branding, the primary purpose is to communicate why the organization is an employer of choice.
Defining jobs consistently and clearly, in a common language, is important in a global environment because it establishes a common understanding of the jobs that need to be filled and the skills and experience necessary for those jobs. It also facilitates communication and decision making about jobs across different cultures.
Defining jobs consistently and clearly, in a common language, is important in a global environment because it establishes a common understanding of the jobs that need to be filled and the skills and experience necessary for those jobs. It also facilitates communication and decision making about jobs across different cultures.
It is a warning sign when the applicant takes too much credit for team project. However, rather than automatically rejecting the applicant, HR should consider a screening call to clarify the red flag.
It is a warning sign when the applicant takes too much credit for team project. However, rather than automatically rejecting the applicant, HR should consider a screening call to clarify the red flag.
Clarifying performance standards is part of identifying the talent needs of a business. All of the other listed tasks follow from that step.
Clarifying performance standards is part of identifying the talent needs of a business. All of the other listed tasks follow from that step.
Employers who use the BFOQ defense must prove that all, or substantially all, local employees cannot perform the key duties and responsibilities required by the job position
Employers who use the BFOQ defense must prove that all, or substantially all, local employees cannot perform the key duties and responsibilities required by the job position
Cost of hire or cost per hire is a traditional measure of recruiting costs. It is determined by taking the total cost associated with recruiting and dividing it by the number of new employees. It is used to provide recruiting cost projections for budget planning.
Cost of hire or cost per hire is a traditional measure of recruiting costs. It is determined by taking the total cost associated with recruiting and dividing it by the number of new employees. It is used to provide recruiting cost projections for budget planning.
In polycentric organizations, headquarters-country personnel have little impact on other countries. Talent acquisition policies are unique to each country, and there is little cross-border movement of talent and skills.
In polycentric organizations, headquarters-country personnel have little impact on other countries. Talent acquisition policies are unique to each country, and there is little cross-border movement of talent and skills.
Further data gathering is called for, either through interviews or through another survey that asks employees to rank issues. Changing the analysis method can not only misrepresent results but also make it difficult to compare yearly data to identify trends. Rushing into action could result in wasting scarce organizational resources on the wrong problems. To support a positive organizational culture, the results should be shared with all employees, as well as management, as soon and as honestly as possible.
Further data gathering is called for, either through interviews or through another survey that asks employees to rank issues. Changing the analysis method can not only misrepresent results but also make it difficult to compare yearly data to identify trends. Rushing into action could result in wasting scarce organizational resources on the wrong problems. To support a positive organizational culture, the results should be shared with all employees, as well as management, as soon and as honestly as possible.
Opinion surveys seek to gain opinions on certain processes. Attitude surveys attempt to determine employee perceptions of their working environment, and engagement surveys focus on employee satisfaction, commitment, and morale.
Opinion surveys seek to gain opinions on certain processes. Attitude surveys attempt to determine employee perceptions of their working environment, and engagement surveys focus on employee satisfaction, commitment, and morale.
A decrease in revenue per employee may correlate with a decrease in employee engagement. This is especially important when evaluating the cost of a lost employee due to turnover. Although there is no single calculation for measuring engagement, HR can measure specific outcomes of engagement action plans.
A decrease in revenue per employee may correlate with a decrease in employee engagement. This is especially important when evaluating the cost of a lost employee due to turnover. Although there is no single calculation for measuring engagement, HR can measure specific outcomes of engagement action plans.
The organization must communicate what it wants employees to do, and these behaviors have to be translated into performance standards. When performance standards are communicated, they must be defined so all employees understand the expected behavior. For example, if innovation counts, it must be identified and measured, and employees must be given clear examples of what represents innovation.
The organization must communicate what it wants employees to do, and these behaviors have to be translated into performance standards. When performance standards are communicated, they must be defined so all employees understand the expected behavior. For example, if innovation counts, it must be identified and measured, and employees must be given clear examples of what represents innovation.
Employee turnover has several unquantifiable costs besides recruiting, retaining, and retraining new employees. When employees see coworkers leave, they often must either pick up the slack or lose time away from their own jobs to train replacements. Typically, the end results are poor morale and sometimes lost productivity.
Employee turnover has several unquantifiable costs besides recruiting, retaining, and retraining new employees. When employees see coworkers leave, they often must either pick up the slack or lose time away from their own jobs to train replacements. Typically, the end results are poor morale and sometimes lost productivity.
The need for confidence and trust in leadership is universal. Personal control, group feedback, and a friendly atmosphere are valued differently based on cultural preferences.
The need for confidence and trust in leadership is universal. Personal control, group feedback, and a friendly atmosphere are valued differently based on cultural preferences.
At the executive level, leaders are mostly involved in originating policy and structure to be implemented across organizational systems. They need to balance multiple roles more than managers at lower levels (e.g., mentor versus director, facilitator versus producer, innovator versus coordinator, broker versus monitor).
At the executive level, leaders are mostly involved in originating policy and structure to be implemented across organizational systems. They need to balance multiple roles more than managers at lower levels (e.g., mentor versus director, facilitator versus producer, innovator versus coordinator, broker versus monitor).
After challenging assignments, relationships designed to promote development and learning play an important role. To develop managers, it is important to engage them in three clusters of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio: challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and training (10%).
After challenging assignments, relationships designed to promote development and learning play an important role. To develop managers, it is important to engage them in three clusters of experience, using a 70-20-10 ratio: challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and training (10%).
Immediate use of knowledge increases the retention rate of that knowledge to nearly 90%. Organizations will receive the most from their investment in organizational effectiveness and development programs if they provide opportunities for employees to immediately apply what they have learned to their work. For example, an employee who attends a class on project management software should attend the class as close to a project start as possible.
Immediate use of knowledge increases the retention rate of that knowledge to nearly 90%. Organizations will receive the most from their investment in organizational effectiveness and development programs if they provide opportunities for employees to immediately apply what they have learned to their work. For example, an employee who attends a class on project management software should attend the class as close to a project start as possible.
In low-context cultures, people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the environment know how to behave.
In low-context cultures, people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the environment know how to behave.
In Eastern cultures, career decisions are likely to be strongly influenced by family and friends, not by supervisors. Career progression may be a result of family ties. Because many employees choose to stay in the class to which they were born, career development may not be valued.
In Eastern cultures, career decisions are likely to be strongly influenced by family and friends, not by supervisors. Career progression may be a result of family ties. Because many employees choose to stay in the class to which they were born, career development may not be valued.
Developmental activities have a long-term focus on preparing for future responsibilities while increasing the capacities of employees to perform their current jobs. These activities are broader in scope than training activities.
Developmental activities have a long-term focus on preparing for future responsibilities while increasing the capacities of employees to perform their current jobs. These activities are broader in scope than training activities.
The design stage is where the goals and objectives of the program are identified. The goals state the purpose and intent of the program, while the objectives are the behavioral results expected from the program.
The design stage is where the goals and objectives of the program are identified. The goals state the purpose and intent of the program, while the objectives are the behavioral results expected from the program.
A pilot allows for a test run of the program with selected members of the target audience in a controlled environment. Participants and other key stakeholders have the opportunity to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and identify specific changes that will strengthen the program. After the pilot, the program is revised and released for mass delivery.
A pilot allows for a test run of the program with selected members of the target audience in a controlled environment. Participants and other key stakeholders have the opportunity to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and identify specific changes that will strengthen the program. After the pilot, the program is revised and released for mass delivery.
Executive coaching may be the most effective means of developing talent managers at senior levels of the organization. Sessions can be tailored to the executives’ needs and time restraints, and, to make it more effective, they may also be assigned a mentor
Executive coaching may be the most effective means of developing talent managers at senior levels of the organization. Sessions can be tailored to the executives’ needs and time restraints, and, to make it more effective, they may also be assigned a mentor
In an environment focused on adult learners, the participants are resources to each other and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. The instructor should encourage debate of ideas and create a participative and collaborative environment.
In an environment focused on adult learners, the participants are resources to each other and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. The instructor should encourage debate of ideas and create a participative and collaborative environment.
When adults set aside specific time to learn, they want the knowledge they gain to directly enhance their productivity. This stems from the fact that as adults age the motivation to learn becomes increasingly intrinsic. Adults spend their time learning the things they want and need rather than what they are told to learn.
When adults set aside specific time to learn, they want the knowledge they gain to directly enhance their productivity. This stems from the fact that as adults age the motivation to learn becomes increasingly intrinsic. Adults spend their time learning the things they want and need rather than what they are told to learn.
A car, a transportation allowance, and meal vouchers are examples of market-practice benefits that are offered and adjusted to local markets to be competitive. Housing and medical insurance for self and family are some of the most desired benefits from an executive perspective on a global level.
A car, a transportation allowance, and meal vouchers are examples of market-practice benefits that are offered and adjusted to local markets to be competitive. Housing and medical insurance for self and family are some of the most desired benefits from an executive perspective on a global level.
Gap analysis compares organizational needs, employee needs, and the existing set of benefits to identify the set of benefits that best matches the needs of the organization and its employees.
Gap analysis compares organizational needs, employee needs, and the existing set of benefits to identify the set of benefits that best matches the needs of the organization and its employees.
In a polycentric approach, a subsidiary is generally treated as its own entity and local compensation and benefits policies, programs, and practices are more likely implemented.
In a polycentric approach, a subsidiary is generally treated as its own entity and local compensation and benefits policies, programs, and practices are more likely implemented.
By using differential pay, organizations are able to better control labor costs and tie performance and pay together. Pay may be differentiated by when the employee works and by where the employee works.
By using differential pay, organizations are able to better control labor costs and tie performance and pay together. Pay may be differentiated by when the employee works and by where the employee works.
Aging is the practice of adjusting outdated salary survey data and making it current. For example, assume that pay increases average 3% a year. If we use data that is a year old, we need to increase the salaries by 3%.
Aging is the practice of adjusting outdated salary survey data and making it current. For example, assume that pay increases average 3% a year. If we use data that is a year old, we need to increase the salaries by 3%.
Stock-ownership plans based on organizational performance are an example of an incentive pay plan. Plans providing employees with a means of acquiring employer stock are designed to encourage employees to invest in the organization and thus, as shareholders, to give them a financial stake in the future success of the organization. The organization’s stock may be purchased or earned.
Stock-ownership plans based on organizational performance are an example of an incentive pay plan. Plans providing employees with a means of acquiring employer stock are designed to encourage employees to invest in the organization and thus, as shareholders, to give them a financial stake in the future success of the organization. The organization’s stock may be purchased or earned.
In a geocentric organization, an international company is seen as a single global business, with management talent coming from any location in the enterprise. The strategic plan is global in orientation, while the need to balance global strategy with local culture and regulations is well understood.
In a geocentric organization, an international company is seen as a single global business, with management talent coming from any location in the enterprise. The strategic plan is global in orientation, while the need to balance global strategy with local culture and regulations is well understood.
When employees are involved with business strategy, they are not only more knowledgeable about the organizational plan but are more engaged and committed to the success of the company. Factors consistent with employees’ ideas, viewpoints, and actions bridge applicable compensation practices to impact organizational strategy.
When employees are involved with business strategy, they are not only more knowledgeable about the organizational plan but are more engaged and committed to the success of the company. Factors consistent with employees’ ideas, viewpoints, and actions bridge applicable compensation practices to impact organizational strategy.
Jobs are broken down into and assessed by different factors, and they can be compared to each other or to an outside standard.
Jobs are broken down into and assessed by different factors, and they can be compared to each other or to an outside standard.
In an ethnocentric approach, headquarters maintains tight control over international operations, subsidiaries have little autonomy, and key positions are held by headquarters personnel. A strong headquarters bias often blinds management to the subtleties of cross-cultural differences.
In an ethnocentric approach, headquarters maintains tight control over international operations, subsidiaries have little autonomy, and key positions are held by headquarters personnel. A strong headquarters bias often blinds management to the subtleties of cross-cultural differences.
With differential piece-rate systems, the employee receives one piece rate up to the standard and then a higher rate once the standard has been exceeded.
With differential piece-rate systems, the employee receives one piece rate up to the standard and then a higher rate once the standard has been exceeded.
Remuneration surveys are used to collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefit practices. This type of survey allows an organization to check its remuneration structures against global and local trends.
Remuneration surveys are used to collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefit practices. This type of survey allows an organization to check its remuneration structures against global and local trends.
A productivity-based system works best where the emphasis is on quantity of work and outputs are accurately measured. This system may sacrifice quality without careful supervision. It may also lead to inflexibility in the workforce because employees may want to stay in the job where they can earn the most rather than move to a more-challenging job.
A productivity-based system works best where the emphasis is on quantity of work and outputs are accurately measured. This system may sacrifice quality without careful supervision. It may also lead to inflexibility in the workforce because employees may want to stay in the job where they can earn the most rather than move to a more-challenging job.