STUDY NOTES Flashcards
True or false? A hypothesis does not have to be observable or testable.
It must be testable and observable
What is a directional hypothesis?
A hypothesis that finds correlation between 2 variables.
(The more scuzzballs you sleep with, the more likely you are the get Herpes).
What is a nondirectional hypothesis?
A hypothesis that suggests a relationship between two variables with an unknown outcome.
(Eating Bacon affects your health)
What is a Null Hypothesis?
A hypothesis that states there is no relation between two variables.
(Pursuing a degree in nursing has no relation to Research and inquiry)
What is an independent variable?
A variable that can be manipulated (X)
The more patient stays in bed (X), the longer they take to recover (Y).
What is a dependent variable?
Consequential variable that is the outcome of a situation.
The more salad you eat (X), increases your chances of being a tree hugger (Y).
What does ontology mean?
The study of “being”
Some kind of Parse Shit I guess…
What does epistemology mean?
The investigation that distinguishes a justified belief from an opinion. the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope
What does Methodology mean?
A system of methods used in a particular area of studies. (Rules, procedures, principles).
How would Ontology be understood under a post-positivism paradigm?
A/ Reality is constructed by the individual
B/ Reality is imperfectly understood
C/ Reality is constructed by those who have power at certain points throughout history
D/ Not everything can be understood, sense, or placed in cause-in-effect relationships.
- A material world exists
- Not everything can be understood, sensed, or placed in a cause-in-effect relationship
How would Ontology be understood in critical theory paradigms?
A/ Reality is constructed by the individual
B/ A material world exists
C/ Reality is constructed by those who have power at certain points throughout history
D/ Not everything can be understood, sense, or placed in cause-in-effect relationships.
- Reality is constructed by those with most power at particular points in history
- Reality is imperfectly undrstood
How would Ontology be understood under a constructive paradigm?
A/ Reality is constructed by the individual
B/ Reality is imperfectly understood
C/ Reality is constructed by those who have power at certain points throughout history
D/ Not everything can be understood, sense, or placed in cause-in-effect relationships.
Reality is constructed by the individual
THere is Ø absolute truth or validity
How would epistemology be interpreted by post-positivism?
A/ Researchers are naturally biased/objectivity is the goal
B/ Research is a transaction between participants and researcher
C/Research is a trade between researchers and participation/emphasizes meaning and ascribed to experiences
D/ It would be interpreted because its stupid.
Researchers are naturally biased
Objectivity is the goal
How would epistemology be interpreted by Critical theory?
A/ Researchers are naturally biased/objectivity is the goal
B/ Research is a transaction between participants and researcher
C/Research is a trade between researchers and participation/emphasizes meaning and ascribed to experiences
D/ It would be interpreted because its retarded
Research is a transaction between the researcher and participants
Perceptions influence knowledge generation
Contextual awareness and its relationship to participants’ understanding of reality is the focus of the research
How would epistemology be interpreted by Constructive paradigm?
A/ Researchers are naturally biased/objectivity is the goal
B/ Research is a transaction between participants and researcher
C/Research is a trade between researchers and participation/emphasizes meaning and ascribed to experiences
D/ It would be interpreted because no one likes it and it is gay.
Research is a trade between researcher and participation
Emphasizes the meaning and ascribed to human experiences
How would methodology be interpreted by Post positivism paradigm?
A/ Inquiry requires dialogue between the investigator and research participant that is transformative and elicits change
B/ Focuses on interpretation of written texts, art, pics, vids
C/ Includes a series of logical steps with experimental and nonexperimental approaches
Research is a series of logical steps
Includes experimental and nonexperiemental approaches
How would methodology be interpreted by Critical theory paradigm?
A/ Inquiry requires dialogue between the investigator and research participant that is transformative and elicits change
B/ Focuses on interpretation of written texts, art, pics, vids
C/ Includes a series of logical steps with experimental and nonexperimental approaches
Inquiry requires dialogue between the investigator and research participant
Dialogue is transformative and elicits change
How would methodology be interpreted by Constructive paradigm?
A/ Inquiry requires dialogue between the investigator and research participant that is transformative and elicits change
B/ Focuses on interpretation of written texts, art, pics, vids
C/ Includes a series of logical steps with experimental and nonexperimental approaches
Inquiry requires dialogue between the investigator and research participant
Focuses on interpretation of written texts, art, pics, videos
What is the aim of the Post-positivism paradigm?
- Explanation
- Prediction
- Control
- “There is an objective reality”
What is the aim of Critical theory paradigm?
- Critique
- Change
- Reconstruction of what we know to be true
- Emancipation (being set free)
What is the aim of the Constructive paradigm?
- Understanding is made by individual interpretation and what we each subjectively experience
- Reconstruction of what we know to be true
Define inductive reasoning.
Start with details of experience and moves towards a general picture/understanding. Begins with some data and then a conclusion is made based upon the data.
“My grandfather smells like egg salad, your grandfather smells like eggsalad… all grandfathers must smell like eggsalad.”
Define Deductive reasoning.
Works from a more general set of details to a more specific set. “Top down” approach
Starts with statements believed to be true, then works to determine what else would be true.
“Gay men listen to Lady Gaga, Simon listens to Lady Gaga, Therefore, Simon must be gay”.
The following is what kind of reasoning…
Garth is a midget and chews tobacco, Heath is a midget and chews tobacco, therefore; all midgets chew tobacco”
Inductive Reasoning
Started with specific details and moved towards a bigger picture.
The following is what kind of reasoning…
My Dentist’s hands smell like mothballs, Your dentist’s hands smell like mothballs, therefore, all dentist have mothball-smelling hands.
Inductive Reasoning
Started with specific details and moved towards a bigger picture.
The following is what kind of reasoning…
Ricardo has a french-tickler (mustache), Pedophiles have French-ticklers (Mustaches), therefore; Ricardo is a pedophile.
Deductive reasoning
Works from general knowledge to a specific conclusion
The following is what kind of reasoning…
Hector is a proctologist and likes to sniff his fingers, Reuben is a proctologist and likes to sniff his fingers, therefore; All proctologists like to sniff their fingers.
Inductive Reasoning
Specific -> big picture
The following is what kind of reasoning…
All women are overly-emotional and psychologically imbalanced, Helen is a woman. Therefore; Helen is overly-emotional and psychologically imbalanced.
Deductive reasoning
From general to specific
Differentiate between Quantitative and Qualitative research.
Qualitative - Explores a concept, develops a theory about a relationships between two variables, is more personal.
Quantitative - Organizes concepts into meaningful relationships to explain situation, used to test relationships between concepts, is Specific and CONCRETE.
What is the function of a Framework?
Clarifies a concept
Identifies and states underlying assumption of a study
Specifies relationship among and between concepts
Control is required by the researcher to ensure that any change that is measured is attributed to: A/ The Dependent Variable B/ The Independent Variable C/ The Outcome Variable D/ The Extraneous Variable
B/ Independent Variable
If X is the independent variable, what is the X in nursing care?
The Nursing intervention, and Y would be the affect of your intervention
What is the purpose of a Descriptive/Exploratory Studies?
To get more information about a phenomenon/variable… surveys, case studies, etc.
What is the purpose of a correlational study?
To examine the relationship between 2 or more variables
What does manipulation in an experimental research design mean?
To change the independent variable
What is a Quasi-Experimental design?
Control is required by the researcher to ensure that any change that is measured is attributed to:
WHat is the aim of a Non-Experimental design?
To describe the topic/phenomenon
What is the purpose of an interrelational design?
To study the relationships among variables
How is History a threat to internal validity of a study?
History encompasses events that may alter the dependant variable.
i.e. - Study on the growing population of Immigrants in Iceland, but then a famine wipes out a portion of population… not planned and skews results
How does maturation become a threat to the internal validity of a study?
Maturation refers to the developmental, biological or psychological processes that operate within a person as time goes by; thus, effecting the study.
i.e. - Study of violence 90’s teens… they get older and wiser and typically mature to a point that they are no longer as violent as they were (aging)
How does Testing affect the internal validity of a study?
Pre-testing or the introduction to topic may encourage the subject matter to research the phenomenon and change their behaviour.
i.e. - Researching correlation between Obesity and diabetes… subjects might want to understand the relation and may make lifestyles changes as a result - changing the data.
How could instrumentation affect the internal validity of a study?
Changes or slight discrepancies in the way data is collected, or the tools used to collect data could alter the results.
i.e. - Starting the survey online then moving towards a more personal and direct approach may change the results.
How would Mortality/attrition affect the internal validity of a study?
The loss of study participants from the data collected in the pre-test to the future data collection of your post test.
i.e. - Researching the coping mechanisms of patients with AIDS, but then your patients die because they have AIDS.
What is external validity?
The extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other populations or related categories.
i.e. - The life expectancy of Swedish people results… they are probably similar to the life expectancy of Norwegians and the result may be close. (both northern climates, countries share borders, similar infrastructure and health systems).
How could “Selection effects” alter the external validity of a study?
The population selected for the study could alter the results of the study all-together. (Who participated, who dropped out of the study, certain characteristics of individuals, etc.)
i.e. - studying the Driver competency of Canadians, but 90% of participants were Asian… your results will be skewered and non-representative. (Sorry Christina).
What does Dissemination of knowledge mean?
Identifying the audience of the literature and putting the information together for that target audience to understand it.
i.e. - Suicide stats and findings among adults in 3rd world countries; adapted and written for preschoolers and kindergarteners.
A study looking at the relationship between Doing Crystal Meth and Hepatitis is considered which to be which of the following: A/ Experimental Research B/ Non-Experimental Research C/ Quantitative research D/ Qualitative research
B/ Non-experimental because it is a correlational study that looks at the relationship between two variables
A case study that looks at the lives of Ladyboys in Thailand is considered to be: A/ Correlational Study B/ Quasi-experimental study C/ Experimental study D/ Descriptive/explorational study
It looks at a phenomenon
A look at the effects of Airplane traffic and the diminishing Ozone layer would be considered a: A/ Experimental study B/ Quasi-Experimental study C/ Non-experimental research study D/ Qualitative research study
There are many variables that would affect Ozone depletion and therefore, you do not have complete control over the Dependant (Y) variable.
There was a documentary on TV about Michael J Fox the evening before a survey was given a group of nurses. The survey asked nurses to answer questions on their attitudes and knowledge about Parkinson’s disease. What threat to validity might be operating? A/ Testing B/ History C/ Mortality D/ Selection bias
B/ History
a past experience has changed their perspective prior to testing