\_\_\_\_\_ Are the concepts or properties that are operationalized and studied. A/ Independent variable B/ Hypothesis C/ Testability D/ Variables E/ Research Question
D/ Variables
This is property of the problem that indicates it is measureable by either qualitative or quantitative methods A/ Hypothesis B/ Testability C/ Research Question D/ Variable
B/ Testability
Briefly Describe Grounded Theory and state it’s purpose.
A research method that enables the investigator to discover a theory from systematically obtained data. Data comes from observations of participants in study.
Purpose: to develop a theory
Briefly describe a Case study and its purpose.
A research method that provides and in-depth description of the phenomenon of interest to the investigator. Data can come from a variety of sources.
Purpose is to explain a poorly understood phenomenon
Briefly describe what a Phenomenological research study is and state it’s purpose.
A research method that examines natural experiences as they are lived and understood as reality by human beings.
The purpose is to understand experiences from the perspective of those having the experience.
Briefly describe what an ethnographic research study is and state its purpose.
A research method initially developed by anthropologists to study the ways human beings react within a cultural setting or how they experience it.
Purpose is to combine the insider with the outsider perspective
\_\_\_\_ Explores the lived experience of men with weiner cancer. A/ Case study B/ Ethnographic methods C/ Phenomenology D/ Grounded Theory E/ Narrative inquiry
C/ Phenomenology
\_\_\_\_ Can be on the individual, a group, or an institution. A/ Case study B/ Ethnographic methods C/ Phenomenology D/ Grounded Theory E/ Narrative inquiry
A/ Case Study
\_\_\_\_\_ May be followed by an empirical study. A/ Case study B/ Ethnographic methods C/ Phenomenology D/ Grounded Theory E/ Narrative inquiry
D/ Grounded Theory
- A research method that enables the investigator to discover a theory from systematically obtained data.
\_\_\_\_ can generate models of practice. A/ Case study B/ Ethnographic methods C/ Phenomenology D/ Grounded Theory E/ Narrative inquiry
D/ Grounded Theory
\_\_\_\_ Focuses on patterns of behaviour in culture. A/ Case study B/ Ethnographic methods C/ Phenomenology D/ Grounded Theory E/ Narrative inquiry
B/ Ethnographical Study
A research method initially developed by anthropologists to study the ways human beings react within a cultural setting or how they experience it.
\_\_\_\_ uses primary and secondary sources. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
D/ Historical
\_\_\_ Uses emic and etic views of participants' worlds. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
C/ Ethnograhic
\_\_\_\_ Research questions are oriented to action or change. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
B/ Grounded Theory
- A research method that enables the investigator to discover a theory from systematically obtained data.
Central Meanings arise from the participants' descriptions of their lived experience A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
A/ Phenomenological
-A research method that examines natural experiences as they are lived and understood as reality by human beings.
\_\_\_\_ uses theoretical sampling to analyze data. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
B/ Grounded Theory
\_\_\_\_ Studies the peculiarities and commonalities of a specific case. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
E/ Case study
-A research method that provides and in-depth description of the phenomenon of interest to the investigator. Data can come from a variety of sources.
This theory is interested in the social processes from the perspective of human interactions. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
B/ Grounded Theory
____ studies the complex cultural aspects related to a phenomenon.
A research method initially developed by anthropologists to study the ways human beings react within a cultural setting or how they experience it.
A focus on an individual, a family, a community, an organization, or some other complex phenomenon. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
E/ Case Study
Questions address basic social processes and tend to be action oriented; participants in this study would have previous experience with the focus of the study. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
B/ Grounded Theory
This questions issues that serve as a foundation to uncover complexity and pursue understanding. Perspective of researcher is is reflected in questions. A/ Phenomenological B/ Grounded Theory C/ Ethnographic D/ Historical E/ Case Study
E/ Case Study
How do the following methods typically gather data?
- Phenomenology
- Grounded Theory
- Ethnography
- Historical Research
- Case Study
- Phenomenology - Written or oral data collected
- Grounded Theory - Data collected through audio tape, transcribed interviews and skilled observations
- Ethnography - Participant observation, immersion, informant interviews
- Historical Research - Use of Primary and secondary resources
- Case Study - Use of interview, Observations, document reviews, and other methods
How do the following methods analyze data?
- Phenomenology
- Grounded Theory
- Ethnography
- Historical Research
- Case Study
- Phenomenology - Moves from participant description to researchers synthesis
- Grounded Theory - Collection and analysis occur simultaneously - constant comparative methods
- Ethnography - Collection and analysis occur simultaneously - searching for symbolic categories
- Historical Research - Analyze for importance and then validity of sources.
- Case Study - Reflecting and Revising meanings
A sample of participants who are similar to one another is known as: A/ Homogenous sampling B/ Heterogeneous Sampling C/ Control D/ Homosexual Sampling
A/ Homogenous sampling
\_\_\_\_ is a method to keep study conditions constant throughout the study. A/ Accuracy B/ Objectivity C/ Control D/ Feasibility E/ Research Design
C/ Cøntrol
This is the degree to which a study can be applied to a larger population.
External Validity
What is an assumption of Qualitative research?
*Multiple realities exist / Not one single objective reality
In qualitative research, the researcher is..... A/ Observer B/ Participant C/ Note-taker D/ Subjective E/ Tranny
B/ Participant
What are some common features of Qualitative research?
- Flexible
- Data Collection & Procedures are not standardized
- No independent/dependent variables defined
- Natural setting
- Includes self-reflection
- Bracketing
- Makes own belief explicit
How is Orientational Qualitative Research directed?
An ideology directs the inquiry and research process
Critical theory - power and justice, Feminist - focuses on sex and gender
What is the goal of a Qualitative ethnographical study?
To understand a culture
In a Qualitative ethnographical study, what do the terms Macrothenography & Microethnography mean?
Macroethnography - Community or village
Microethnography - Homeless shelter, church, community group, etc.
In a Qualitative ethnographical study, what are cultural artifacts?
What the culture uses and makes.
This form of research is designed to inductively develop a theory based on observation. A/ Grounded Theory B/ Phenomenology C/ Case Study D/ Ethnography
A/ Grounded Theory
the construction of theory through the analysis of data.
a study using grounded theory is likely to begin with a question, or even just with the collection of qualitative data.
This form of research describes patterns of behaviour of a people within a culture. A/ Grounded Theory B/ Phenomenology C/ Case Study D/ Ethnography
D/ Ethnography
the systematic study of people and cultures. It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study.
Culture is a fundamental value underlying this form of research. A/ Grounded Theory B/ Phenomenology C/ Case Study D/ Ethnography
C. Ethnography
This form of research answers questions about meaning. A/ Grounded Theory B/ Phenomenology C/ Case Study D/ Ethnography
B/ Phenomenology
This form of research can help us understand differences and similarities. A/ Grounded Theory B/ Phenomenology C/ Case Study D/ Ethnography
C/ Case study
Which distinction is characteristic of qualitative research methods?
A/ Data are in text form
B/ Data are dichotomous (either yes or no)
C/ Qualitative research does not generate data
D/ Data from qualitative studies are not appropriate for analysis
A/ Data are in text form
Which statement is consistent with only qualitative research methods?
A/ focus is on measuring one or more human characteristics
B/ methods attempt to control or eliminate variables that interfere with what is being studied
C/ The belief that humans are composite of many body systems
D/ The focus is the study of human experiences that occur in each person’s natural setting.
What would determine the need for a qualitative research study?
A/ Need to test a theory
B/ Nature of research question
C/ Age and gender of participants
D/ The availability of valid instruments to measure the phenomenon
What is the purpose of grounded theory research design?
A/ To ensure the research has appropriate philosophical underpinnings
B/ To move a concept from a perceived view to a received view.
C/ To test a theory for its specific application
D/ To generate a theory from data collected
D/ Theory from data collection
Triangulation refers to:
A/ A mathematical technique
B/ Combining different methods, theories, data sources, or investigations
C/ Information collected becoming repetitive
D/ Possible applications of the results of qualitative studies
B/ Combining methods
T or F? Qualitative research focuses on the whole of human experience in naturalistic setting.
T or F? “External criticism” in historical research refers to the authenticity of data sources.
T or F? In qualitative research studies, the number of participants is as great as that usually found in quantitative studies.
T or F?
The research is viewed as a major instrument for data collection.
T or F? Qualitative studies strive to eliminate extraneous variables.
In qualitative research, to what does the term saturation refer? A/ Data repetition B/ Participant exhaustion C/ Researcher exhaustion D/ Sample size
A/ Data repetition = Saturation
In qualitative research, data is often collected by which of the following procedures?
A/ Questionnaires sent to participants
B/ Observation of participants in natural settings
C/ Interviews
D/ All the above
E/ B and C
E/ B and C
Which type of research method, best answers this question? “What changes in nursing practice occurred after the outbreak of SARS in Canada?”
A/ Phenomenology
B/ Grounded Theory
C/ Ethnography
D/ Historical research
E/ Case STudy
F/ Community-based participatory research
D/ Historical
Which is most appropriate for studying the effect of culture on the health behaviours of urban Aboriginal youth?
A/ Phenomenology
B/ Grounded Theory
C/ Ethnography
D/ Historical research
E/ Case STudy
F/ Community-based participatory research
C/ Ethnography
Which would be the best for studying a family’s experience with cystic fibrosis?
A/ Phenomenology
B/ Grounded Theory
C/ Ethnography
D/ Historical research
E/ Case STudy
F/ Community-based participatory research
A/ Phenomonononononology
Which qualitative method would you use to study the spread of HIV/AIDS in an urban area?
A/ Phenomenology
B/ Grounded Theory
C/ Ethnography
D/ Historical research
E/ Case STudy
F/ Community-based participatory research
F/ Community based
Which data analysis is not used with grounded theory methodology? A/ Bracketing B/ Axial coding C/ Theoretical sampling D/ Open coding
A/ Bracketing