Studies Of Obedience Flashcards
What is milgrims?(aim)
To see if the teacher(participant) would increase and administer the chock to the learner (actor) regardless of how painful and life threatening it could be.The experimenter would prompt to inform the teacher to continue no matter the outcome.
What feedback is there in Milgrims?
1) Remote feedback= They were in different rooms-65% shocked to 450 volts
2)Voice feedback= They could hear banging and shouting -62.5% still shocked
3) Proximity= All 3 (teacher,learner and experimenter ) were in the same room-40% shocked
4)Touch-proximity= Learner was able to touch the teacher -30% shocked.
What made the participants more compliant?
- can’t see the consequences of their actions=blind obedience
- There was not questioning from authoritative figure
What are the 4 stages of modelling?
What makes people less likely to comply?
-Having less/no protection from consequences= voice feedback and touch-proximity. (see the effects of their actions )
What is Holflings nurses experiment?(aim)
To investigate obedience to authority in a real-world setting.In a hospital environment.
Would nurses follow orders from an unfamiliar authoritative figure.
Whats the method for Hoflings?(1)
-Unknown “doctors” called (against hospital rules ) the hospital and ordered nurses to administer a dangerously high dose of astroten, He asked for the dose to be twice the daily amount stated on the label.(20mg instead of 10mg)
21/22 nurses obeyed.
Method for hoflings(2)
Only drugs on approved list could be administered (Astroten wasn’t on the list)
95% murses obeyed the doctors orders and were administering the medication to the patient when a hidden observer stopped them.
Why would they obey?(Hoflings)
-They could get into trouble from higher ranks
-If they obeyed they might have been rewarded (intrinsic and extrinsic)
They are less likely to obey because they knew it was morally wrong and could be punished.