Psycological Approaches Flashcards
What are the different psychological approaches?
Behaviourist, psychodynamic, humanistic and cognitivist
What is psychodynamic approach ?
Personalities containing if, ego and superego that maintain a healthy lifestyle.
What are influences on our behavior?
Psycho-dynamic theory suggests that the unconscious mind and our emotions have a powerful influence on our behavior.
conscious: Aware of our behavior. -conversation
Unconscious: Unaware and contains stored emotions,ideas and memories that are repressed.- childhood facts
precocious: Short- term memory loss.can easily be recalled- birth dates
Whats makes a healthy lifestyle in psycodynamic approach?
ID (pleasure principle) - individual basic needs and desires from birth.
EGO(reality principle)- deals with reality.ego satisfies the ID with social acceptable solutions.
SUPEREGO ( morality principle)- suppresses the unacceptable urges that the id developed. Right and wrong feeling are developed.
What are the defence mechanisms?
REPRESSION- the desire of the id are pushed back into the unconscious mind
DENIAL- the id desires are acted on but the conscious minds refuses to recognise them
PROJECTION- the ids feelings are denied, the superegos hostility is targeted towards others.
What is Behaviorist approach?
Behaviorism is a theory of learning that behavior is learnt through conditioned interactions.
What is pavlovs dog?
A study that conditions dogs to salivate at the sound of a ringing bell.
1) give the dog food and observe the dog salivating .
2)give the dog food and ring the bell and observe the dog salivate
3) only ring the bell without presenting food and observe the dog salivate
RESULTS- if you introduce a meaning stimuli you can condition the individual to perform that desired behaviour.
What is Skinner’s box ?
The aim was to operant condition rats through reinforcement or punishment of behaviour.
Method of Skinner’s box?
1)skinner made a box with a lever that when pressed gave a treat.
2)skinner made a note every time the rat pressed the lever to receive rewards
3)skinner made a alternative box with a button on it which would shock the rat if it pressed it
4) skinner made a not of every time the rats pressed the button
Result of Skinner’s box?
RESULTS- skinner discovered that if the rats was rewarded for pressing the lever, the behavior was more likely to happen . Behavior of the rat was influenced by negative reinforcement in which punishment determined behavior.
What is humanistic approach?
Suggests that people choose their actions with complete free will. People use free will of choices to achieve self-actualization.
What are the key ladder points for humanistic approach?
-Self-actualization= being the best you can be
-Esteem needs= respect,status,freedom
-Love and Belonging= Friends,family
-Safety needs= health and shelter
-Physiological needs= oxygen,food,water.
What is cognitive approach?
Learning is done through receiving,storing and retrieving information within various mental processes.
What are some examples of cognitive approach?
-problem- solving
What is schema theory
( cognitive approach theory)?
All knowledge is stored/organised in units.
We can then solve problem’s by using previous experiences.