Studen Questions Exam Part 2 Flashcards
What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence, Deep Neural Netwo
- Nothing, they are all the same
- Artificial Intelligence is a subset of Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
- Machnie Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Neural Networks
- Deep Neural Networks is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and Machnie Learning
Machine Learning
4 is True
True or False
A computer is said to learn, if its perfomance at a task, as measured by its performance, declines with experience.
Machine Learning
What are some applications of Machine Learning?
- Recognizing Spam-Mail
- Market Basket analysis
- Recognize handwritten characters
- Logical reasoning
- Analyse dreams
- Solve ethical problems
Machine Learning
What was achieved by using Machine Learning in astronomy?
- SKICAT can classify celestial objects with a 94% accuracy.
- AI is very useless in astronomy since it cannot find differences between stars and galaxies.
- SKICAT can classify celestial objects with a 6% accuracy.
- 16 new quasars were found.
- AI classification was even slightly more accurate than astronomers.
- AI was good at analyzing pictures of quasars but could not find anything new.
Machine Learning
What is NOT a learning methode for Machine Learning?
- Supervised Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Auto-supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
Machine Learning
How can a machine learn to play a game?
- Cheating and performing invalid moves.
- Machines cannot learn.
- Rereading the game rules.
- Playing lots of games against itself.
Machine Learning
Match the different learning scenarios in machine learning with their cor
- Unsupervised Learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Supervised learning
- Semi-Supervised Learning
a. Only a subgroup of the training data set have an additional label as target data.
b. The target value is provided for all training samples. This learning method is used for classification and regression.
c. This learning procedure relies on the feedback of the teacher and not on example values.
d. There is no further information on the training samples. This method is used for clustering and association rule discovery
Machine Learning
True or False
When were given a training data set with potential noise in it, our goal is to capture every single data point of our training samples in our hypothesis h.
Machine Learning
- … is not avoidable without a validation set
- … only occurs if the model is not adequate independently of the data
- … causes the test-set error to increase, although the training set error is not affected
- … does not affect MLPs but only Deep Neural Networks
Let’s analyze each statement about overfitting:
1. ”… is not avoidable without a validation set”
False. While a validation set helps detect and mitigate overfitting, it is not the only way to prevent it. Techniques like regularization, dropout, data augmentation, and early stopping can help reduce overfitting even without a validation set.
2. ”… only occurs if the model is not adequate independently of the data”
False. Overfitting happens when a model becomes too complex for the data (e.g., a model with too many parameters relative to the size of the dataset). It depends on the interaction between the model and the data; even an otherwise “adequate” model can overfit if the data is insufficient or noisy.
3. ”… causes the test-set error to increase, although the training set error is not affected”
True. Overfitting typically leads to excellent performance on the training set (low training error) but poor generalization to unseen data (high test set error). This is a hallmark of overfitting.
4. ”… does not affect MLPs but only Deep Neural Networks”
False. Overfitting can affect any type of model, including Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs). While it is more common in deep neural networks due to their higher complexity, MLPs with too many parameters or insufficient data can also overfit.
Correct Answer: 3
True or False
Deep Neural Networks are easily explainable by design
Machine Learning
Match the definitions correctly:
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Semi-supervised Learning
- Reinforcement learning
a. Only subset of the training examples are labeled as good or bad actions
b. There are occasional rewards (feedback) for good actions
c. correct answers are not given (there is no information except the training examples)
d. correct answers are given for each example
Machine Learning
What is the idea behind Neural Networks?
- to memorise many examples
- to find a way to implement very complex principles
- to process information like a serial computer
- to model branins and nervous systems
Machine Learning
True or False
Artificial neurons are connected to each other via synapses
Machine Learning
What is a way of avoiding overfitting?
- keeping seperate validation set to watch the performance of test and training sets
- iterating only once through all examples
- making no adjustments throughout the fitting process
- there is no solution to overfitting
Machine Learning
True or False
The terms Machine Learning, Aritificial Intelligence and Deep Neural Networks mean the same thing?
Machine Learning
The idea of neural networks is based on:
- the fibonacci number
- the human brain
- a famous computerprogram
- ants
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Which three of these Machine Learning methods do exist?
- randomized learning
- reinforcement learning
- improvised learning
- semi-supervised learning
- independent learning
- supervised learning
Machine Learning
When is machine learning suited where classical programming comes to its
- finding patterns in data
- unknown environments
- real-time computation
- highly complex situations
- playing games like sudoku
- processing a lot of data
Machine Learning
Match the components to their descriptions.
- should be minimized during training
- introduce nonliniarity
- combining multiple input links to a
single value - specifies how much the weights change
every update
a. error
b. activation function
c. learning rate
d. input function
Machine Learning
What is overfitting?
- stopping to learn when the validation loss goes up
- the ai system being biased
- the ai getting better on the training set but worse on unseen data
- using too many hidden layers
Machine Learning
3 is correct
In the scientific comunity is a difference between Artificial Intelligenc
- Which category means the same like
probability? - Which category is a subset on the one
hand and contains another subset on
the other hand? - Which categorie contains the two
other subsets? - Which categorie is a subset of the two
a. None
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Deep Neural Networks
d. Maschine Learning
Machine Learning