Structure and Function of Urinary System Flashcards
What is the urinary system also called?
excretory system
What is the function of the urinary system?
maintains water balance, removes waste products from the blood by excreting them in urine
What are the kidneys?
bean-shaped organs, located on either side of the vertebral column
What are the primary functions of the kidneys?
form urine for excretion, retain essential substances in a process called reabsorption
How many liters of blood do kidneys filter daily?
1700 liters of blood daily
What are the 3 parts of the kidneys?
cortex, medulla, hilum
What is the kidney cortex?
outer protective portion
What is the kidney medulla?
inner soft portion
What is the kidney hilum?
a depression located in the middle where blood vessels, nerves, and ureters enter and exit the kidneys
Where does blood enter in a kidney?
renal artery to the arterioles
Where does each arteriole lead to?
a nephron then to renal corpuscle
What is the group of capillaries in a kidney called?
What is a glomerulus?
filters fluid from the blood, first place where urine is formed in the kidneys
What are the ureters?
a tube approximately 6-7 inches long attached to each kidney
What is peristalsis in the urinary system?
a rhythmic contraction of the ureter smooth muscle which helps to move urine to the bladder
What is the urinary bladder?
hollow, muscular organ that stores urine
How much urine can the urinary bladder hold?
300 to 400 milliliters of urine before emptying
What is the urethra?
carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body via meatus
What is excreting urine also called?
voiding or micturation
Name the urinary flow chart
kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra, meatus