Structure Flashcards
Define organisatonal strucutre
Organisational structure defines how the various functions of an organisation are arranged
Define a successful strategy
A successful strategy required the organisation of people and decision making
State the 7 types of structures
Divisionalised (product/ brand/ division based
Divisionalised (geographical)
Explain Entrepreneurial structure
Structure is built around the owner. All key decisions made centrally by the owner
Ads -
fast decsion making
more responsive to markets
good control
close working relations
Dis -
Lack of career structure
to centralised lack ideas
can not cope with diversifciation/ growth (will need to change)
Explain Functional structure
Organisation structure is based on each function of the business
Ads - economies of scale
Empire building (decision made in the best interest of the dept not the business
Slow to adapt to change
Conflicts between functions
Can not cope with diversification
Explain Divisionalised structure
Organisation strucutred in accordance with product line/ brands or divisions
Divisions are likely to be profit centres
Ads -
enables product growth
clear responsibilty and accountability of products
training of general managers
Dis -
Loss of control each manager is given the responsibility
Lack of goal conguence
Duplication of effort eg finance team