Structuralism Flashcards
Politics is understood as a system shaped not by state actions but by overarching economic, social, and institutional structures
Shifts focus from
individual actors to global forces that defined the rules of the international game
International system
is an arena structured by economic and political relationships that systematically benefits certain actors while marginalizing others
Sees the world hierarchical system
where dominance of wealthy nations is sustained through the exploitation of less developed resource which countries
Views state behavior
as a product of larger economic and social structures that constrain their choices
Argues that
international system functions as a mechanism for reproducing economic exploitation on a global scale
International monetary fund and all World Trade Organization are seen
as not neutral arbiters but as instruments of the core to maintain their dominance by imposing economic policies that serve their interests
Highlights that
Highlights that dominant ideologies like neo-liberalism shape global norms and values ensuring that existing order is preserved as neutral or inevitable
Offering a lens through which…
Global politics is understood as a system shaped by overarching economic, social and institutional structures.
Shifts the focus from…
Individual actors to the broader forces that define the rules of the international game.
Argues that international system is…
An arena structured by economic and political relationships that systematically benefit only certain actors
Structuralism sees the world…
Where dominance of wealthy, industrialized nations is sustained through the use of less-developed, resource-rich countries
Views state behavior…
As product of larger economic and social structures that constrain their choices
Developing nations are often…
In exploitative economic relationships dictated by developed countries, unable to escape
Reframes international relations…
As a study of system inequality
One of structuralism’s key contributions is…
Its criticism of global capitalism. International system is a mechanism for reproducing economic misuse on a global scale
IMF and WTO are seen as…
Not neutral arbiters but as instruments of the developed countries, designed to maintain their dominance by imposing economic policies that serve their interests
Criticism -
Downplays the agency of states and individuals
World-Systems Theory
Incorporates cultural and political dynamics alongside economic analysis
Structuralism provides a…
Compelling framework for understanding the hidden forces that shape global politics.
Challenges us to look beyond state interactions and question very foundations of the international system