Phrases Flashcards
Shows how things that seem unrelated or messy are actually connected.
It organizes evidence and explains how everything ties back to a simple, deeper idea.
Ontology is about what exists—the kinds of things we can study or learn about.
It’s like asking, “What’s out there that we can explore or understand?”
Epistemology is about how we can learn and understand things that Ontology studies.
It’s like asking, “How can we figure this out?
1st Great Debate
Idealism vs Realism (Interbellum)
2nd Great Debate
Traditionalism vs Behavioralism (1950-1960)
3rd Great Debate
The Inter-Paradigm Debate
Realism vs Neo-Funcionalism vs Pluralism/Liberalism vs. Structuralism/Dependency Theory (1970-1990)
4th Great Debate
Rationalism vs. Constructivism vs. Post-Structuralism. Plus: Feminism, Postcolonialism & Non-Western IR Theory (1990-present)
Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
It should be possible to conceive of an observation or an argument which proves the statement in question to be false.
A theory should open new lines of inquiry.
A social and political theory should enable one to become more aware of one’s own social and political biases.
Practical relevance
A social and political theory should be of help in generating effective and widely appreciated solutions to pressing social problems.
Scientific paradigms
universally recognized scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model problems and solutions for a community of practitioners, i.e.,
what is to be observed and scrutinized
the kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject
how these questions are to be structured
how the results of scientific investigations should be interpreted
how is an experiment to be conducted, and what equipment is available to conduct the experiment.”